I have compiled almost full Fallout2 most useful NPC descriptions, which also include skilldex and stats.
NPCs described include:
Brain Bot (Skynet)
Doc format (created with Open Office and not tested with MS Word):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
Html format (its not hand written but created by exporting doc to html with OO and then correcting the most ugly parts):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
NPC descriptions at nma.
NPC descriptions by Per Jorner.
NPC descriptions from Fallout2 bible. Extracted relevant part can be downloaded from (52.2MB):
Mirror #1
DATMAN! Light was used to extract critter files (proto/critters) from master.dat;
Fallout Utility for Critter tinKering was used to open extracted critter files;
Pictures showing some critter statistics can be downloaded from (2.3MB):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
Only relevant critter files can be downloaded from (specs.txt included):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
NPCs described include:
Brain Bot (Skynet)
Doc format (created with Open Office and not tested with MS Word):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
Html format (its not hand written but created by exporting doc to html with OO and then correcting the most ugly parts):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
NPC descriptions at nma.
NPC descriptions by Per Jorner.
NPC descriptions from Fallout2 bible. Extracted relevant part can be downloaded from (52.2MB):
Mirror #1
DATMAN! Light was used to extract critter files (proto/critters) from master.dat;
Fallout Utility for Critter tinKering was used to open extracted critter files;
Pictures showing some critter statistics can be downloaded from (2.3MB):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
Only relevant critter files can be downloaded from (specs.txt included):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3