Are shots to testicles really funny?

Like Atomkilla said they can be very useful. Using that to my advantage because I expect that the bastard will fly off the screen. It's not really that fun, right? I find more fun in counting how many headshots I can make from impossible distances, or hth attacks that kill right on spot like chuck norris does.
But I think the animation when you hit someone in the groins was much better in Tactics, can't recall but I think there was a death animation too...guts spill out and all from the bottom while the enemy is sent flying away.
"You critically hit x for x damage in her groin. Her childbearing days are in trouble as she collapses in a limp heap"

I always felt so fucking bad after this. But i'd rather have killable kids and c*ntshots than those awfully lame exploding limbs.
Hm, is good to have the possibility to aim everywhere.
Even if it's not a fun, sometime it's highly satisfying. For example, there is a quest with a miner, who cut the whore in Redding. I'm kicking his balls since 1999 with great passion, never arrested him. :look:
That's what I call a roleplaying.
Groin shots was the bomb, it's a damn shame they didn't make it to New Vegas along with some funny cripple animations. Certainly made more sense than aimed eye shots.
I've always felt that the eye and groin shots added so much to the combat of fallout 1 & 2 that it would be almost entirely bland without them.

Even when compared to the spectacular energy weapon or explosives death animations, they gave me more of an emotional response while playing because I could do more than just kill someone.

In a similar way, the ability to remove someone from the fight without killing them entirely using a head or groin critical was awesome. Very few games support that kind of choice, and though the opportunities to use it in a quest were limitted a bit, I found it added smart new options for doing certain things.

Need a certain item from someone's backpack and you suck at stealing? Sneak up, kick em in the head/groin and pray for a critical.

Want to win a boxing match a lot faster without taking so many hits to the face? Nut shot KO!

Opponent needs be gone in one turn or you won't survive theirs? Nut Punch then eye shot with 95% accuracy because they are down.

with the addition of piercing strikes and such in FO2, they became some of the best spots to hit an armored opponent as an unarmed guy to drop them and at the very least, waste their AP so you aren't eating gauss/plasma rounds in your chest during their turn.
I always hated the fact that someone can shoot somre guy in the fucking eye from several metres away. :roll: Never really considered groinshots, sometimes just if I want to piss someone off. Missed them in New Vegas.
Snikers said:
Surf Solar said:
I always hated the fact that someone can shoot somre guy in the fucking eye from several metres away. :roll:

To be fair, it's not an easy shot...
Easy enough that any gunslinger worth her salt would be reliably delivering aimed 95% eyeshots by the time she reached vault city, if not sooner.
Atomkilla said:
They aren't in 3 or New Vegas. In fact, the whole targeting system from previous games isn't present.
You get that slow motion thingy, V.A.T.S. though.

Actually, they are in New Vegas...
SorgFall said:
I was furious that the groin shot was out and was one of the people who complained about this the most.
What the hell are you talking about? Out of what? New Vegas? Fallout 3? Fallout 2 mod? FOOL? Wasteland 2? Because they're in Fallout 1 and 2.

Anyway, I it's funny. Anyone who doesn't get a chuckle at it from time to time needs to loosen their upper lip.

Granted is it actively, laugh-out-loud funny? Eh. That's like asking if Tom & Jerry is funny. As a kid yeah, as an adult not so much. But I still get enjoying out of crotch shots. I just wish the were more effective for me.

Wintermind said:
I have literally no conscience in games, so yes.
Hahaha, YES. Same for me :lol:

valcik said:
Even Marcellus was aiming at balls
Huh. I always thought he'd shot Zed in the gut. Then again, I've been known to be retarded.
I would say in close combat there should be an option. Despite the "fun" its well rather common to hit that area if you can. Even with females.
Yes they are. Well, the target's reaction to it anyway.
But then again, I do love me some black OTT humor, especially if its accompanied with unhealthy doses of Schadenfreude.
So we have several people in this thread saying groin shots weren't in NV and one saying they were. Which is it?