So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

And I'm trying to mod them outGentlemen said:Yeah. I do love Fallout 1 and 2 a lot, despite the flaws. I have learned to ignore them.

And I'm trying to mod them outGentlemen said:Yeah. I do love Fallout 1 and 2 a lot, despite the flaws. I have learned to ignore them.
Brother None said:You think Fallout 3 will be a great game because you think Bethesda is a great studio that makes great games?
Ok...that's not really an argument, is it? It's an opinion.
Mane said:Precisely, but I've pointed that out twice and am evidently a flamer.
RMN said:I think this whole topic of "it sucks/it's great" is conjecture and guessing and opinions, is it not?
RMN said:and the fact that every single person who has played it says they want more, yes, I think it will be great.
Brother None said:1. I can point out the graphics are sub-par, with stiff animations, unconvincing dialogue screens, skating NPCs, I can argue the dialogue looks bad, with repetitive options, horrible voice-acting and unconvincing writing,
2. I can point out the plot is a horrible mess that includes elements that have nothing to do with Fallout's setting. I can point out Fallout as a franchise is based on pen and paper emulation and true morally ambiguous choice and consequences, and that Fallout 3 contains nothing of the former and scant little of the latter.
1. As compared to what? And based on what? A few videos and screens? And as far as writing, it looks to me like it beats the crap out of most RPGs, but many people would argue that JRPGs have good dialogue and story-I disagree. Seems like opinion to me, friend-o.
RedMenaceNow said:1. As compared to what?
And based on what? A few videos and screens?
And as far as writing, it looks to me like it beats the crap out of most RPGs, but many people would argue that JRPGs have good dialogue and story-I disagree. Seems like opinion to me, friend-o.
2. Please don't spoil the game for me. I thought that the main plot is still secret, or at least not out in the mainstream. I'll reserve judgment on it once I go through all of it, but from what I've seen, there seems to be some decent choice and morality play in there.
And as far as PnP emulation, come's sooo many years later.
A reactionary response is not really appropriate in such a dynamic and evolving field as video games. Welcome change, sirs.
And I guess not Every Single Person liked it. But the overwhelming majority did. And you can't really make something everyone will like.
So, I guess the 2 points to argue here are "Bethesda is among the most elite developers in the world,
and even though not everyone likes them, they make games that stand out in their genre"
and "While Fallout 3 is not the same as 1 and 2, it is a continuation of the franchise,
and with so many years, one should naturally expect a certain evolution, so full opinion is best reserved after full exploration".
Compared to Mass Effect and the Witcher, it's like reading a fanfic.
Ausir said:Compared to Mass Effect and the Witcher, it's like reading a fanfic.
The Witcher is like reading a Sapkowski fanfic too.
Well, I guess it's gonna suck then! Any alternative games I could play? I just got some FO 2 mods and geez...I mean...they are just terrible. You wanna talk bad writing, try those.
I guess Fallout is done as a franchise then. Que mal.
And PS, I liked Mass Effect too, but it doesn't look graphically better than FO3 to me.
That game had one bad landscape with three building stretched over a dozen planet. Well, I guess the ground was a different color in some. The enemies were pretty retarded, and it had it's share of groan-inducing dialogue. Still loved it, tho!
Apples and oranges. You can't compare such drastically different mediums.
Ausir said:Apples and oranges. You can't compare such drastically different mediums.
Eh? You were the one to compare a game to a fanfic (different mediums).
Mane - Didn't you just get a strike for this? And you continue? Tisk, tisk, sir. I feel offended.
And I think you mistake my light hearted sense of humor for childishness. But I wouldn't want to argue semantics with some one as smart and adult as you.
Also, grew up in Russia and Canada, so I have little American education in me. But you keep making these assumptions....
And please, stay on topic and recommend some alternative Fallout games, since not-Fallout 3 will suck?
Man, I read through that lengthy post and then...Mane said:snip
Mane said:But I want a lunch box.
No, I compared the writing quality in FO3 to a fanfic. Reading comprehension, translator boy.
Really is like Oblivion with guns...and insects, 'big' insects
Reminds me alot of Oblivion anyway
I guess the VAT system stops it from being a full-scale fps/rpg but thats just what I think.