[Cannibal: Eat Baby]

It's all cannibalism, I was merely stating that I don't expect uneducated heathens to know about 'survival of the fittest' type of beliefs much less how to read. You made a false equivalency.
I equated that form of thinking to be inherent in tribals, but it takes more to be a person.

I fucked up?

Maybe the legion we see in Vegas is as extreme as it is since it's a forward operating military force?
That’s exactly it. We see the frontlines, not the peacetime Legion everyone tells us is the safest place in the wasteland.
A major reason why Rome was so successful was that whenever they conquered an area they left the culture intact and made seats in the senate so the new province was a distigushed member of Rome with it's own voice so to speak.

...I'm pretty sure they didn't. The Romans would conquer a region and send Romans to serve as governors, often proconsuls who were in fact the consuls who had conquered the region in the first place. They would settle their soldiers on the land as payment for services rendered as soldiers, and then those soldiers would at times accumulate enough wealth to gain a senatorial seat.

NOT giving out equal social status was in fact the cause of many wars. Just look up "Roman Social Wars." Especially during some of Rome's most famous conflicts, like the Punic Wars, Rome did not actually control large portions of the Italian Peninsula directly. Instead they were allied states that wanted to be absorbed into Rome properly, and gain access to political influence due to their wealth and being part of Rome proper, but the Romans were adamant to not, because that would mean diluting their own political power by bringing in more fully fledged citizens.
It’s why Roman citizenship was so highly valued, as well. It opened doors that simply being a provincial didn’t.
Now, I don't want to disregard the point that, compared to... uh, most of their contemporaries the Romans WERE very tolerant of other races/ethnicities so long as they fell in line. They wrapped up other people's gods into aspects of the Roman pantheon, people who did do well later on were able to gain citizenship, serve in the legions, they allowed the Jews to keep their religion and stay monotheistic due to being ancient, etc.

I just wouldn't call them bleeding heart multiculturalism fanatics. They stole good ideas from the people they conquered and didn't much care what those people called themselves as long as they paid their taxes and became new "Romans." Whatever else they may have been, they became Romans. You become Roman because the Romans tell you to, or they'll fucking murder you.
Isn't that the joke?
The joke here is everybody's knowledge of Ancient Rome apparently. Homosexulality was not as far spread as people think. Pitching would get you odd looks, catching was a no-no and could torpedo your social standing since they literally thought of you as the bitch. this is more of a modern invention to tell people of the follies of how the pagan roman empire fell, while ignoring they were Christians for hundreds of years by the time it happened, as well as them lumping them into the Greeks who had their own views on the subject but people like to pretend they are all the The Sacred Band of Thebes.
I killed Corporal Sterling and Old Lady Gibson for their cool guns.

Defense: They were old and would die anyway.
Defense: They were old and would die anyway.
That honestly makes perfect sense to me.

And @Chromevod and @TheGM yep. Rome wasn’t exactly the gay, perfect melting pot that people wanna paint it as. You became Roman or you became a corpse, when they came knocking. The Legion is closer to Roman than most people on this site would like to believe.
So this thread is about your favorite morally ambiguous (or straight up evil) NV or TTW decisions, and your mental gymnastics for defending them (a defense is required :) )
In one of my Fallout 2 playthroughs (I was playing with the resurrection patch) I decimated the entire population of a small village (including women, children and dogs). I let Sulik take care of the children so that I wouldn't get the Childkiller reputation. I don't even remember why I did it, must've been for a quest but I don't remember which one.
And I have no defense for it. It was just pure evil. I did gain a lot of bottlecaps from it though.
I did gain a lot of bottlecaps from it though.
Reminds me of the time I did that quest in The Hub that has you wipe out that Children of the Cathedral. I just killed the last one, but somehow can't end combat. Tycho keeps walking off, finally he finds what he was looking for, that little kid who gives you flowers was hiding behind one of the pews. Dude just straight up executes the kid hiding in the corner with a rifle round to the face. Getting paid is getting paid.
I did gain a lot of bottlecaps from it though.
That’s your defense.
Reminds me of the time I did that quest in The Hub that has you wipe out that Children of the Cathedral. I just killed the last one, but somehow can't end combat. Tycho keeps walking off, finally he finds what he was looking for, that little kid who gives you flowers was hiding behind one of the pews. Dude just straight up executes the kid hiding in the corner with a rifle round to the face. Getting paid is getting paid.
Tycho is actually my favorite “killing rampage” companion. It would be Ian, but I can’t seem to keep that fucker alive long enough without him being murderdeathed by Harry’s companion with the flamer (which, ironically, is how Ian canonically dies according to the Vault Dweller’s Memoirs).

But yeah, using companions to avoid Childkiller is an acceptable strategy imho.