I can access. grabbing your 1080p folder and latest 720p folder now. Cathedral looks great. I have topaz AI too, and my results are nowhere near this good. I see the effort you put in and commend it. I tried using your 720p videos, upscaling to 1440 and then downscaling to 1080p but I just dont know how to make it look right, it so damned old. Its NEVER going to look good on my monitor but your videos make it look good enough; cheers man. Send me your money thing in dm so I can send you 10 bux please.
As you have given permission, I'll see if I can get this on an Archive site.
First thing's first..
let's make it clear.. i'm a bit paranoid when it comes for money transaction with strangers.. i'm not flashing my account details ( neither one of them actually) to randos on internet, and certainly not because of some crumbs that'd make me look like a beggar, and which would force me to explain myself to tax authorities where the fuck did i got the foreign money from.. If for some reason you're a serious company that wants me enlisted for some task and you're willing to cover all the tax expenses not to get over my head, than i'm listening.. otherwise i have pocket change to buy me a beer/ coffe if that's what's concearning you, i don't need ppl to donate me.. i could never make a living off of it..
now.. since i got that out of my chest.. let's move on further dissecting your post:
about the "it's NEVER going to look good on my monitor" thing..
If you have Topaz VideoAI as you claim.. you could literally do/ achive anything i did because you have the same tools for the job.. it just takes a bit of knowledge on what you have to do with the video, by understanding what flaws the video has on your monitor you apply the correct parameters to fix it..
It's Topaz Video AI it literally re-renders the whole video anew based on input.. it doesn't just resize the frames.. hence why when you upscale a video with Topaz Video AI, to a higher resolution than downscaling it to something lower using third party software will literally ruin all the effort made with Topaz program..
simply put Topaz Video AI renders the finished product. the only thing you need to do is to convert the video to a format readable by Fo2 engine with sfall.. and that is an Xvid .avi.. there are additional parameters when doing that for example in ffmpeg or otherwise you'll get the worst possible quality..
Out of pure bad luck I use v 2.6.3 of Video AI simply because my license that i bought when it was affordable only allows me using version up to 4.0.9. unfortuneatly i use a non AVX CPU. which causes a problem. non AVX CPUs are able to install versions prior to 2.6.4 or from 4.0.10 upwards.. since my license allows only up to 4.0.9 i'm sort of stuck with 2.6.3 due to CPU restrictions. Simply put other versions either halt with a warning during install process, or i wouldn't be able to login to topaz as 4.0.10 upwards is not supported by my license..
ofcourse if you're interested i can lay down the cards so to speak and go over the lengthly process of what i usually do to make a video look good, this is not a straightforward process and some parts of it require video editing knowledge (a.k.a you need to watch a video on a given screen and know what symptomes does it show, so that you know how to order the AI around to revert the correct symptoms, as reverting incorrect symptoms can fuck the video even further), and lastly when you start up the Video AI you need to do test samples of various parts of the video ( around 10 seconds each) to determine the nessecary strength of the symptom reverting parameters.. too low strength and symptoms won't go away.. go overboard, and weird shit starts to show up on the screen.. yet the most fundamental error ppl make is choosing the incorrect AI for the job..
i myself got educated how to work with only in one AI from VideoAI, if you master this one you'll most likely won't use others besides specific niche cases..
If You're interested in taking my seat as general "Fo2&mods: shiny ingame video guru" or just want to know how to do it for personal reasons, proclaim your interest, and knowledge shall be passed..
I'm especially looking for ppl that:
A. have Topaz Video AI
B. have a powerfull computer equipment configuration
C. are willing to learn the ins and outs on this matter
D. are willing to contribute to the fallout comunity by sacrificing time and resources ( yes i'm talking electricity bill here mostly), for the benefit of the community, and same as me do it pro bono..
regarding B. we're talking of a minimum 8 physical core CPU an RTX 4070 or equivalent and a minimum of 32GB of ram, or otherwise a minimum requirements to run RHEA AI, as I myself am not decked out equipment wise to work with RHEA.. I perfected working on one of the AIs that RHEA was based on.. and RHEA itself is just putting that knowledge onto transcendent level of hardware and final effects.. an area where i can't delve with my current hardware, and an area that renders stuff in 4k and beyond currently up to 16k i belive..
i still don't know how anyone's going to watch a 4K, 8K or 16K video in Xvid .avi ( this format does not support hardware acceleration btw), however if sfall devs are willing to implement AVC codec after it ends being prorertiary in 2027 or was it 2029, then perhaps there is hope for such large resolutions for fo2 videos..
anyways gimmie a bell if you want to learn to properly use Topaz Video AI.. i mean you've forked $$ for the license but aren't getting any benefit from it, it's like Topaz Labs didn't use vaseline and just fucked you over raw, and You'd be fine with it.. that ain't right..