Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

nobody else has read/liked Lucifer?
im dissapointed in you guys!
im dissapointed in you guys!
Malky said:The movie takes the good ideas that Millar had and turns them into something awesome. That book is very poorly written. The thing I hate about Millar (he does this in Wanted and in Kick-Ass) is that he takes stereotypical "losers" and makes them "awesome" by turning them into pieces of shit. It's ass backwards.
Dillon can if he wants to, just look at the saint of killers. The only sad thing about preacher is that the quality of the drawings or maybe it is the inking drops from book one. The little extra that was in the beginning is not there at the end.Malky said:If I can find scans of the panels I'll post it, typing the text out doesn't do it any justice at all. Steve Dillon, who I usually dislike, does a great job of conveying the emotions through the facial expressions in that scene.
Funny, since 90% of his faces look the same.
raskijan said:Doing the same with Joss Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men.
Cheech the cat said:Also preacher: for some reason god only knows I got into it and I really liked it at first. But then Cassidy's origin story ruined it for me. It was so bland and shallow that now I find it all kind of crappy.
Loxley said:I am working myself through 100 bullets atm. Absolutly wicked. Going to buy it all. The drawings are getting better and better, and the style is being kept all the way. The author also really know how to use the comic medium. Very violent yet with stories withing stories within stories.
Nexus6 said:Reading original and new Spirit makes me a bit cringy about the movie, but I suppose we'll see. It's the spirit that counts FUCKING LOL MOTHERFUCKER LOL.
TheWesDude said:nobody else has read/liked Lucifer?
im dissapointed in you guys!
Pablosdog said:Anyone read any DC?
I've tried getting into final crises, and World war hulk was superbly badass. I have an appreciation as well for all things green lantern.