CTB Vs Individual Vs Squad

Continuous Turn Based is essentially realtime with AP expenditure. Squad based is group turns. Individual is consecutive turns arranged by initiative scores.

CTB is an abomination. Squad based is asininely over powered.
Continuous Turn Based is essentially realtime with AP expenditure. Squad based is group turns. Individual is consecutive turns arranged by initiative scores.

CTB is an abomination. Squad based is asininely over powered.
so...which is easiest to learn and most fun? I'm playing the series in order and this is next.
Continuous Turn is simple enough... plays somewhat like Baldur's Gate. Squad based lets you take all of the turns for your squad, then the opponents take all of theirs. Individual turns is how Fallout 1 plays.

APs are a general abstraction of time. A faster, more agile, or more efficient character can get more done in the time that they have. Fallout staggers the combat turns by initiative score, where as Squad based can have all party members attack one target for all of each of their turns done at once, before any reprisals.

Myself I only play in individual turns mode.

The point is to allow the player time to contemplate their best possible action given the emergent situation. Each turn comes with the foreknowledge of what has already happened that round.
I'm interested in trying again, and I completed the tutorials fine, but my memory is essentially one felt super overwhelming and one felt super slow and clunky and one I don't remember.

Fallout 1 is the only classic style RPG I've ever played and my only turn based strategy game is Shattered Union