
Ok, just came back from watching this. AWESOME MOVIE! INSTANT CULT CLASSIC.

Ok, as you can tell from my username, I am a huge Snake Plissken fan. DOOMSDAY was pretty much a modified version of Escape from New York, but I was not pissed off at all. The movie really was a homage to the long gone 80's post-apocalyptic films. DOOMSDAY was in the spirit of the Escape movies with over-the-top action, humor, and for the new generation, over the top gore.

It's been a long time since I've seen the Mad Max films, but there is a chase scene that resembles the chase scenes in Mad Max.

Other than that, great fast-paced story, action, etc. Oh yeah, Rhona Mitra is smokin hot in the movie, in a heroic way.

Do not expect Mad Max or a Fallout movie when you go. Just prepare to be entertained!
If I where 12 or 13 and knew nothing to cinema it might be a movie I would enjoy. the trailer is 2:27 but felt like 2 hrs...truly excruciating, bad acting, stupid scenario & is Craig Conway playing the role of Dee snider !? All the villains looks incredibly stupid...seriously they must have gotten all the villains cast in a gwar & twisted sisters show !
Well I thought it was well done. Sure there were a few parts which I thought were a bit too fake like the cannabalism/carbus thing but its PA.

Its a bit of everything from 28 days to old classics like Escape From NY and Mad Max.

And yes when you watch the movie you could tell which parts were an homage to the classics and which parts were just their own original spin. on things.

And how can you have bad acting with the likes of Malcolm McDowell, Alexander Siddig, Bob Hoskins, etc, etc.
Going to watch it today based on your recommendation. Do not fail me. Bad things happen to people who make me waste my money.

(Just a friendly warning :wink:)
Saw it last night and loved it. There wasn't really anything original in the whole movie. They took Escape from New York and smashed it together with Road Warrior and 28 Days Later. I don't just mean stuff was inspired, almost every scene was a copy of famous scenes from those movies. But it was done surprisingly well. And having a chick as the hero was only an advantage. No man can live up to Snake Plissken or Max Rockatansky.

There are tons of plot holes and minor annoyances, but that's to be expected from something like this. Like how did they not hear the bikes and shit right ontop of them (you'll know what scene I'm talking about), or how the fuck did that car run after sitting in a box for 12 years? If you let a car sit for a year in a garage without starting it once in a while, that fucker isn't moving without changing all the fluids and you're still gonna have to deal with cracked gaskets. Besides that, the movie is a riot from start to finish.

My only major complaint is how they totally copped out on showing the "war" going on between the medieval dudes led by Malcolm Mcdowell and the crazy cannibal bikers. I wanted to see swords and maces and dudes in ancient armor vs. shotgun weilding mohawk-wearing lunatics. Overall, good stuff. There's probably gonna be a sequel.