Earthquake in DC

I live in DC and it was fun, all the downtown offices let out. Luckily I bike and don't use public transport so I won't have to worry about being clogged.

It was a pretty weak one overall but rumors are out that a building collapsed here.

Also, no super mutants in sight.
East coast was better than west coast. 5.8, bitches.

Not that it actually is anything, and fuck all happened, i'm just saying.

It was basically

nothing bad happens

oh well back to life.
Wintermind said:

nothing bad happens

oh well back to life.

Oh, does that mean they can't blame it on the gays/racial minorities/commies/liberals/scientists annoying God again?
Alphadrop said:
Wintermind said:

nothing bad happens

oh well back to life.

Oh, does that mean they can't blame it on the gays/racial minorities/commies/liberals/scientists annoying God again?

That's the southeast (home of Islamaphobes, racists, and the only place in America with good food outside of NY). The northeast is the opposite, total geeks self congratulating each other over their lack of religious beliefs and Liberal political affiliation.
In New Haven and didn't feel shit. They still evacuated all the office and government buildings. Wait for them to blame it on global warming. They did the last few times.
West coast US gets rocked fairly decently. For the east coast this is fucking crazy. All we ever get by me is rain and snow.
Also east coast and West Coast earthquakes are not the same, thus a "weak" 5.9 is felt across the entire east coast. The last time the East coast had a massive earthquake, it changed the flow of the freaking Mississippi!

For those of us whose knowledge of earthquakes is based on reports from seismically-active regions like California and recently-devastated Japan, it seems like a paradox. In those regions, a quake felt so far from its epicenter would likely have been catastrophic -- a 7- or 8-magnitude that caused massive damage and loss of life.

There is a geological explanation. The Earth's crust beneath the Eastern U.S. is "older and colder" than out West. The fault lines are more healed. As a result, the East is far less seismically active -- but when earthquakes do hit, that hard ground is far more effective and conducting the seismic waves.

"When you hit it, it rings like a bell," said Christopher Scholz a professor of geophysics at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. "Even with a 5.9 you just feel it for a long, long way. There's nothing to slow that wave down."

In the West, where the earth is newer and more faulted, it's more like hitting a brick. "When you get an earthquake it's sort of like a thud. The waves don't propagate as far," Scholz said.

As blogger Kevin Mayeda at explained last year, a magnitude-5 in San Jose, Calif. "would be moderately felt in San Francisco," 45 miles away, with little physical damage. "In contrast, a magnitude 5 in the east coast could be felt for several hundred miles." (In fact, Tuesday's quake was felt at least 500 miles away from the epicenter.)

New Jersey's geological survey reports that Eastern earthquakes affect areas 10 times larger than Western ones of the same magnitude, although some geologists estimate that figure may be as great as 100-times.
Sabirah said:
That's the southeast (home of Islamaphobes, racists, and the only place in America with good food outside of NY). The northeast is the opposite, total geeks self congratulating each other over their lack of religious beliefs and Liberal political affiliation.

In all fairness, I saw much more deeper rooted racism in Pittsburg and mass. and the like then I did even in the deep south. Also the south is much more integrated then the North. Just that the southern racists will outright tell you what they think, while in the north they will quietly tell you as your buddy that they can't stand (insert minority)

As for Islamaphobes, Sadly, they are also all ever the place, along with Mormonphobes (I am a Mormon Convert) in the South east. But the food IS good.

But I did find much of the North East a spiritual wasteland sadly.
I've spent time all over the US and the most overt racism I see on a daily basis is blacks targeting whites around the New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford areas. In Connecticut we have a huge population of poor uneducated blacks killing each other in record numbers. For the last few years the under 30 generation has been deliberately attacking white people, destroying property, and breaking into businesses. They believe all white people are the reason jobs are so scarce and they're forced to live like animals. I know I'll be called a racist for this, but I see it with my own eyes every day. I've had to deal with it too many times to count. I had to go so far as to help organize a neighborhood watch with the local police department to make my area of town even remotely tolerable. Keep in mind I'm not saying ALL black people are like this. But the majority of those in the areas I mentioned above are making this state into a warzone.

Here's a way to put things into perspective. I lived in New Haven about 15 years ago. Back then the big problem was Latin gangs like MS13. They're supposedly the most violent gang in the world. I don't even know how many fights I got into then. The only people they hated more than whites are blacks. A few years ago I moved back and found they left because black gangs are even crazier and way more numerous for them to deal with.

And right now with Obama's presidency going down the toilet they believe it's another white conspiracy. Our own politicians are feeding into this hatred. What's going on is so fucking crazy you have to see it to believe it. Nobody ever reports it because they're so damn terrified of being called a racist.
I'm starting to think Balkanization is good idea here in the US. We're starting to turn into India, a bunch of loosely united people who distrust the other guys from different points of the US. Difference being, it seems there is much more potential for violence here.
Regarding the quake:

Scientists today discovered a previously unknown fault line running right through the middle of DC, and was promptly named Bush's Fault.
Sabirah said:
That dude was cool. He was stone cold the whole time.
He was a normal person who had lived on the west coast with a reasonable reaction to the quake. He clearly wanted to wait out the minor tremor and continue with the press conference but all of the panicky locals wanted to run out of the building.
UncannyGarlic said:
Sabirah said:
That dude was cool. He was stone cold the whole time.
He was a normal person who had lived on the west coast with a reasonable reaction to the quake. He clearly wanted to wait out the minor tremor and continue with the press conference but all of the panicky locals wanted to run out of the building.
What people don't realize is that an earthquake is probably the last thing on New Yorkers' minds. Everyone's a little more panicky about shaky buildings ever since 9/11.
UncannyGarlic said:
Sabirah said:
That dude was cool. He was stone cold the whole time.
He was a normal person who had lived on the west coast with a reasonable reaction to the quake. He clearly wanted to wait out the minor tremor and continue with the press conference but all of the panicky locals wanted to run out of the building.

The buildings here aren't built for earthquakes though. Hell my house has little hair cracks in it and it only shook for like a minute