Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

Yes, it probably should have been introduced eariler, it isn't even that good but it was as sort of an afterthought.
A suggestion for rocket modification:

1. Raise rocket price a bit, and its availablity in Quarter master a bit. If you use it, it's pricey, so even if the Ash is OP, it's very expensive to use. It's like each shot is equivalent to throwing money out. If you dont use it, you can not sell it for profit, because QM got plenty of it already.

2. Raise Ash availablity quite a bit earlier. I suspect it's more of a threat in Kansas city siege.

3. Slightly make rocket lighter. if you can not carry at least 4 of each type (an Ash load), 12 in total, with some spare carryweight, it feel a bit too unprepared and unwieldy. Big Gun user is most likely candidate for heavy armor anyway.
Most weapon/ammo weights are close to the actual ones except where I had to make it up so I won't change it without a good reason, carry weight is very important if you want to use big guns comfortably so something like 4 STR with weapon handling and power armor is a bit iffy. I used a super mutant for that in my playthrough, he can comfortably carry a tornado minigun, rocket launcher and a ton of ammo.

I suppose you could get Ash sooner, right, but I've got my hands full with another mod currently so won't be doing small changes to this one. I might go back to it if the list of things I want to change grows long enough.
Tank cannon shennanigans~

Tank cannon damage is registered from tank driver instead of tank shooter. Yet when tank shooter use personal weapon instead, it properly registered.

Example, Anna drive and Wenda shoot. When Wenda shoot tank cannon and it caused damage, the message say Anna hit and cause damage. When Wenda shoot her Flamer, message report properly that Wenda shoot.

I suspect that Tank Cannon hit chance and crit and damage is calculated using Tank Driver's Big Gun skill instead of Tank shooter's BG skill. Please check the mechanism and if it is the case maybe you can add a few line of text into Cannon's description text, pretty please?
Like "due to engine quirk, tank cannon using tank driver's Big Gun (or the correct skill youfound), not tank shooter. " That should inform players a bit.

Side note: in an Equi run, there should be a total of 8 Tank Cannon Rounds, so use it where it does you the most good. Chayenne Mountain battle should be good, as it save on the ammo and thrown grenades expended on those Behemoth, thus preseve resource for the next two battles. Or the Behemoths in the open areas of Scott City. Or in a robot encounter against the swarm of robot, whatever.
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Sure, I can check it and mention that tidbit.

Guess I found a bit of time for this after all, check the opening post for readme and links.
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Sir, I would like to say a big thanks to you and your efforts, you have done the God's work for this game that's fo sure, because it really is so.
- Cool looking new sprites - an amazing part of yur job, a true pleasure for any perfectionist to see. They look like they should be there from the very beginning.
- New curve in ammo and weapons availability - double check, hell yeah! Never be lost anymore in piles of garbage. You can't abuse a poorly tuned progression if it is completely fixed.
- There is no point in thieves anymore and it's wonderfull. IMHO savescumming and thievery makes this game pointless. Hats off to you for this descision.
- Oh that sweet weapons and armour rebalance! The thing is that I actually tried at last the CTB mode for this game. And I was almost crying about how fast and furious battles are now. It's like a whole new game for me now, oh God, please, don't left me without any bullets in my squad's pockets.

Thank you one more time for doing great job! Deffinetely a must have for any player.
Oh, I wish someone make an Active Pause Mod for this game. So sad, I have no skills in such kind of things.
A friend of mine, a game-developer of his own, said that technically it would be possible to achieve, if there was a way to critically slow down the game process, so you can set orders but the action seems to be stopped. And bind it for one key.
Have you ever thought about this thing?
This game might be reborn as a phoenix, if an active pause implemented, me think.
It would be cool, the current real time mode is unwieldy as all hell but the players learned to live with it. No idea how to go about it, though, it's far outside of what I can do with this game.
Hello raics and congratulations on the success of your mod. I thought it would be a walk in the park until I started missions 3,4.5. I enjoy having to use tactics and for the first time, I tried CTB mode and it really changes the game for me. I learnt many things from your mod, such as giving unlimited ammo to enemies among other things. Thank you!
Recommended addition to all bunkers along these lines:

If (any entity with team brotherhood is dead){
brotherhood.setAllegiance(human, hostile);
human.addkarma(- a poopload);

The bunker medic sells suicide pills. I decided to use suicide pills on a random guard to obtain machine gun early (does not cause hostility or karma). Suddenly a squad of 6 guards shows up (not hostile). I also discovered the guards all carry sweet hammers (powered supersledges on paladins, nice trenching shovels on knights). I decided to use the remaining 5 suicide pills and some spare psycho to obtain more sweet hammers.

The brotherhood still thinks I'm pretty cool.

EDIT: It seems this also triggers the "you lost the game" condition. Feel free to disregard.
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Still, not a bad suggestion if I find enough things I want done to warrant an update I could do it.

@Dudu: Thanks, glad you liked it.
Still, not a bad suggestion if I find enough things I want done to warrant an update I could do it.

@Dudu: Thanks, glad you liked it.

If anything, adding the zone-wide "if type brotherhood is dead, set hostile" trigger could rapidly give the idea that the player buggered up, preventing them form potentially saving over a lot of progress.

EDIT: On a related note, how do you modify perks?

As I mentioned in the general Fo:T modding forum, I've been tailoring the mod to my own liking (hope you don't mind), and there are a few perks I'd like to adjust (for my own liking, I'm finding the AC perks are too strong too early, the random bits of critical hit chance scattered all over the place kindof invalidate slayer and sniper, and the skill requirements for perks that push stats overcap seem a bit low, to roll off what I've found so far).
Yeah, that's the situation I was thinking of too.

You have to modify the perk table in the exe file with a hex editor, what you can do with it is limited to changing the common stat bonuses and requirements, you can't do any conditional effects there or anything that would require a script.
Yeah, that's the situation I was thinking of too.

You have to modify the perk table in the exe file with a hex editor, what you can do with it is limited to changing the common stat bonuses and requirements, you can't do any conditional effects there or anything that would require a script.

I had a look at it with a hex editor, and by the looks of it I don't have the appropriate knowledge to interpret what it is I'm looking at.

Do you have documentation somewhere that gives information about where the perk tables are, and which bits affect which components / how? (I know I basically just asked you to teach me all your methods, but one can hope right :P )
I found Dogmeat's armor in Coldwater, but couldn't figure out how to equip it on him. Is there a special way your supposed to put it on him?
Yeah, guilty as charged.

I'm guessing the FT Tools entity editor overwrote something you wrote in that allows him to use his armor?
No, it's just that racial restriction didn't work for dogs so it's tuned to his major stats instead.