First time out of the vault

Killap! Thank you! What perfect timing. I had just started to play again but checked to see if you'd been able to find any fixes and here they are. Thank you.
That doesn't sound good. I have no idea what could be wrong though.Small install(Any other install causes the game to quit to desktop before the intro movies play.)
Kanhef said:Have you tried saving on the second floor of the casino, loading, and immediately trapping the safe and blowing him up? That usually works for me; if I've been on any other map since loading the game, it tends to crash.
The problem is the ap ammo mod. A quick fix to this is to open ddraw.ini in your main Fallout 2 directory and scroll down to bottom. Look for something called "DamageFormula=" Change the value (probably set at 1) to 0.P$YCH0 said:I don't know if this problem is caused by RP or even if it's a real problem. It had made me loose my nerves, scream, almost smash my keyboard and finally register here in search for help.
The problem is the final boss. No weapon does any damage to him! I'm using the gauss rifle. I hit him in the eye (smashing it), he attacks 2 moves later, I hit him in the head (damage his arm controll mechanism) he carries on attacking like nothing happens. That wouldn't be such a problem if I dealt ANY damage! Not ONE attack delt damage to himI can't believe I've made it this far and can't finish the bloody game!
If this is not a problem then please give me the name of the script file that controlls his attributes.
Thank you in advance!
Omegawolf said:Do you guys mean you can blow Bishop up with the safe while still on the second floor? This never worked for me.
Cat's Paw Issue #5 Pip Boy Medical Enhancer
Raiders Map Pip Boy Lingual Enhancer
Rangers Map Password Paper (Tchaikovsky)
Survey Map Book "The Lavender Flower"
Magic 8-Ball Mutagenic Serum
Note from Francis Trigger Activated Dynamite
Bug Spray Fallout 2 Hintbook
Plant Spray Pamphlet (EPA)
Ramirez Box Field Switch
M.B. Holodisks 1-5
Experiment Holodisk
Medical Holodisk
Evacuation Holodisk
Sierra Mission Holodisk
Broadcast Holodisk
Hubologist Holodisk
Teachings Holodisk - unused
Mutant Transmissions - Fallout 1
Regulator Transmission - Fallout 1
Brotherhood History - Fallout 1
Military Base Security Code - Fallout 1
Three items that look like holodisks but are in fact: a wooden door, a guy in a funny pajamas, a pheasant.
killap said:@Darek
Wow, awesome job here. You are indeed correct. Every item you mentioned (Cat's Paw Issue #5 I am no sure about but I could be wrong) has a script attached to it) Does leaving the map with only 1 of these crash the game? That doesn't make sense since I swear I have done that before just fine. How many does it take to start crashing?
Interesting. Perhaps the reason for the difference in items required to cause a crash depends on the number of scripts on the map...Darek said:I think it depends on the map, 9 in San Fran, and 17-18 for outside temple and temple. 9 in San Fran is only under specific circumstances though. And as I said, I don't know how other crash items still left on the map will effect things.
I was thinking something like that.killap said:Interesting. Perhaps the reason for the difference in items required to cause a crash depends on the number of scripts on the map...
I did not mean "wrong" literally. More like if they contain some code or uses some special function that "overloads the engine when it's trying to save a map. The funny thing is that it can save the map while your on it just fine (with all the items), but when you are leaving with the items it cannot.killap said:I don't believe anything is particularly wrong with those scripts to cause a crash when leaving. At least we have list of items to watch out about. This is key information in avoiding the bug.
Thankskillap said:Thanks again Darek. You're a real sleuth.
Darek said:I was thinking something like that.killap said:Interesting. Perhaps the reason for the difference in items required to cause a crash depends on the number of scripts on the map...
I did not mean "wrong" literally. More like if they contain some code or uses some special function that "overloads the engine when it's trying to save a map. The funny thing is that it can save the map while your on it just fine (with all the items), but when you are leaving with the items it cannot.killap said:I don't believe anything is particularly wrong with those scripts to cause a crash when leaving. At least we have list of items to watch out about. This is key information in avoiding the bug.
I wish we could fix this, a list is not quite the same. We all know people don't read what they should. But yeah, it's better than before i guess
Yes, many do not like him. Removing from the data/scripts directory is the only way to remove him without having any problems.soulmata said:1) Kaga puts a bad taste in my mouth. The whole thing really throws the element of the game off for me. Is there any drawback to simply deleting his file inside the SCRIPTS directory to remove him from the game altogether?
I haven't altered things like this. Many people say random encounters have gotten harder with my Restoration Project and the reason for this is because many encounters are based on player level. Because there are more quests now, people are reaching higher levels than in the original game.soulmata said:2) I've noticed once I head south of VC I tend to encounter Raiders with much more powerful weapons then they had in the past. I'm seeing them often attack me with Grease Guns, et cetera, when formerly at best they had assault rifles and desert eagles. Is this intentional? I don't dislike it - it makes it more challenging and as a hardcore player I love challenge.
This would be because of the b-team mod. I take it you are still running 1.1 of the Restoration Project?soulmata said:3) I've noticed that my NPCs are able to use more weapons than they ever did before. Is this as a result of the inclusion of the brothers in arms patch or is it part of Killapp's patch? For instance, Sulik is now happy to wield the assault rifle.
No harm in trying. Just alter the protos with the mapper.Darek said:I was just thinking, would it work to exchange the scripts for the troublesome items in the mapper with items that don't cause problems? To test if the scripts are the problem?