First time out of the vault

Well, just make a shortcut into your 'pinned' menu, whatever that is! 
EDIT: Okay, I reread, and saw that you tried that. Sort of. Your vocabulary is a bit strange there, what is the difference between removing and unpinning for you? Could you rephrase that with standard windows vocabulary?

EDIT: Okay, I reread, and saw that you tried that. Sort of. Your vocabulary is a bit strange there, what is the difference between removing and unpinning for you? Could you rephrase that with standard windows vocabulary?
The Icon I pinned from startmenu still gives me the error (even removing, unpinning, going in and Repinning to menu with the working one) So... perhaps there is simply a start menu problem all along? Going to delete/unpin it, then use a shortcut on desktop, see if it loads, etc...