EPA in combination with F2 Combat Overhaul Mod.
Did a new install without the Overhaul Mod and now have 10 AP wenn go in combat mode
Have (Had) Primitive Tribe already located on the Worldmap.
F2 Overhaul Mod really messed up alot. But still the Sequence issue is a Restoration problem, wenn use a modified proto file (read only).
I tested several weeks the new RP in combination with Weapons Redone v1.7 & F2 Combat Overhaul Mod. Modified by myself alot.
Some mods mess up some scripts too. The Ranger's map & Merks script (basement fight) not work correctly in those mods.
Why change Combat Armor & Powered armors the Sequence from party members into a lower than original, and Max HP +3, wenn use a modified proto ?
Reason why im a little angry with the Combat & Powered armors is because i play 99% with Kamikaze Trait, make other proto's for some party members (Miria & Sulik).
Same for Marcus or Dogmeat ( wenn play with them) wenn they gets the Armor. Need to modify the proto's for the (so called) Armor. Needs to be realistic wenn wear a armor.
Al least now you can shoot at your party members=good for testing armor stats.

Only use Flasche for testing levelup from party members, not make myself a HERO(no fun, take Lifegiver LvL 12) All Party members have only 1 levelup pid.
I even needed to kill Metzger & Gang to get Vic, because i didnt had enough Lockpick to get the radio.
Lol, still not seen the Enclave or used the Vertibird to go there....

Try to make a good balance is hard.
Only {37800}{}{Vic - Stage 6} is added in the new Master.dat, so...
What if... modify proto's and and extract it again in the Master.dat.
Wenn use modified proto's, somehow they changed, i dont know why.