Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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The Enclave soldiers during the Salvatore-Enclave meet-up are named soldiers. I suggest editing the name of the critter to soldier so that results like "soldiers is hit for 46 damage in the eye. the loss of an eye... blah blah blah" the plural doesn't work.
Quick question, do I install Fallout 2 then Killaps patch, then the restoration project, or does the restoration project already include the patch?


P.S: Also, well done!
HI all

Are there any problems going on with Lenny the ghoul?
He was supposed to change appearance with armor and he doesn't. All the others do.
Also, Dogmeat lost his "attack voice" after giving him the armor from Broken Hills. As in... he does not make any sound when he attacks anymore.

Any solutions?
Sound problem is a file naming issue. (Sound files are attached to critters based on their file names)

As far as I know, Lenny doesn't change clothes with armor.
Lexx said:
Sound problem is a file naming issue. (Sound files are attached to critters based on their file names)

As far as I know, Lenny doesn't change clothes with armor.

You would not happen to know which file is that?

As for Lenny, I thought it was based on the B-Team mod, where Lenny is definitely changing armor, but I could be wrong.

One more thing... is Kitsune supposed to level up?
It doesn't for me, plus all the options in her combat control screen are greyed out.
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Quick question, do I install Fallout 2 then Killaps patch, then the restoration project, or does the restoration project already include the patch?


P.S: Also, well done!

The Restoration Project includes the killap's unofficial patch, so there is no need to install it if you're going to install RP.
killap said:
You chose to install the new animations from the installer?

IIRC, yes. Can I re-install the RP (just to be sure I didn't miss it), add the patches and still play with my current save-games?
It just says "That does nothing" whenever I try to use the smokes on anything or anyone. Also, I've only found one pack in the entire wasteland so far, in Broken Hills. I hope the addicts get more. ;)
Went on a caravan from NCR to Redding, got killed in the first fight, restarted it, got a non-hostile encounter, moved on (left the map twice) and then the whole thing broke. The guards changed from the NCR policemen to random leather armor-dudes, after leaving the map I keep getting empty encounters up until Redding and when I arrive, there's nobody to pay me for the job.

PS on a sidenote, being able to by smokes at bars'd be nice
Sicblades said:
joochian said:
when is RP2.1 going to be ready to be downloaded?

I couldn't help but LOL.
Hehe. Has it started again!? :crazy:

I did say at some point that it would be about 2 weeks before everything is ready. Might even be earlier. Let's see if I can make this deadline... :roll:

Cigarettes are rare since the only existing supply is what is left from before the War. Still, you'll find packs in a few more places (especially in RP 2.1).
I seem to have a problem in Broken Hills.

When i confront Francis about the note and he decides to leave, my game crashes to desktop every time.

I found the dead people in the tunnels, used the binoculars and determined that they were shot to death, and yet I can only tell Marcus that i found "some tunnels under the city"...not sure whether a bug or there are some changes to the quest from 1.2.

And what happened to the entrance to the underground room in the general store in Broken Hills?.

xzel87 said:
When i confront Francis about the note and he decides to leave, my game crashes to desktop every time.

I found the dead people in the tunnels, used the binoculars and determined that they were shot to death, and yet I can only tell Marcus that i found "some tunnels under the city"...not sure whether a bug or there are some changes to the quest from 1.2.
Did you install the 2.0.2e patch from the first post in this thread?

xzel87 said:
And what happened to the entrance to the underground room in the general store in Broken Hills?.
It's still there, but very hidden by the rug. This has been addressed in the upcoming 2.1 release.
killap said:
xzel87 said:
When i confront Francis about the note and he decides to leave, my game crashes to desktop every time.

I found the dead people in the tunnels, used the binoculars and determined that they were shot to death, and yet I can only tell Marcus that i found "some tunnels under the city"...not sure whether a bug or there are some changes to the quest from 1.2.
Did you install the 2.0.2e patch from the first post in this thread?

I did, to be sure i copied and overwrite files again with the patch, seems to work so i dunno whats going on there. Although Marcus seems adamant about not wanting to admit i found the dead people, still blabbers on about tunnels.
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