Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Oups i ve got an "Enclave patrol Encounter" just 5 Squares above the vault 15...??? weird...

P.S. After finishing the game... :wink:
smilodom said:
Oups i ve got an "Enclave patrol Encounter" just 5 Squares above the vault 15...??? weird...

P.S. After finishing the game... :wink:
Well, not really if it counts as an area between San Francisco and NCR.
Then you have a 2% chance of getting that encounter. Though if I remember correctly that's 2% out of 300% not 100%. Either way it's rare but no bug.
smilodom said:
It never happend before so far away since i am playing Fallout 2 and that´s for a really long time... :mrgreen:

Seconded. The only times I've gotten any enclave encounters outside of hoorigan (or prodding the one guy in gecko) have been within about a 3-4 radius semicircle around navarro.
Recon Rover Rick said:
smilodom said:
It never happend before so far away since i am playing Fallout 2 and that´s for a really long time... :mrgreen:

Seconded. The only times I've gotten any enclave encounters outside of hoorigan (or prodding the one guy in gecko) have been within about a 3-4 radius semicircle around navarro.

Hmm....maybe even 5... :mrgreen:
First of all, I would like to thank Kiliap and all people responsible for making this mod. You`ve made a great job, and magnified my favorite game in lots and lots new things. Haha I can enjoy it once again :D

but, you see, I love discovering old vaults and bases, like this EPA, I`ve red threre is lot of interesting things. I have a problem with entering the lower levels of EPA

In short, I take Myron from Stables, I tell him i want to leave hime alone here, he takes me to the EPA. Ok, we kill all the plants there, I mean I, Sulik, Vic and Cassidy, Myron didn`t do a thing to help me, then I`m using a rope on a lift, I go down, kill all enemies there, and there is a problem, how to get futher down ? Is there any other way down than the vest ? I don`t know where this vest is. Please, can you help me ? I`ve even made a screen

Hi guys. Great mod, but i've run into two glitches in Broken Hills. I cannot tell Marcus that i've found the dead bodies in the tunnels (i can only tell him they *might* be in the tunnels, and he tells me to get back at it). This, even though i have found the body and have Francis' note on me. Second, i cannot tell Francis to leave and atone for what he has done without the game crashing. The error message said something about a breakpoint or something.
Radar E 33 said:
Hi guys. Great mod, but i've run into two glitches in Broken Hills. I cannot tell Marcus that i've found the dead bodies in the tunnels (i can only tell him they *might* be in the tunnels, and he tells me to get back at it). This, even though i have found the body and have Francis' note on me. Second, i cannot tell Francis to leave and atone for what he has done without the game crashing. The error message said something about a breakpoint or something.
Grab the latest patch (2.0.2e) from the first post in this thread.

[spoiler:f686911581]You need to find the metal pole from the surface level of the EPA and jam it into the fan. Look on the floor in the building to the right of the entrance to the EPA map where you started.[/spoiler:f686911581]
I've been working on this a while and I can't seem to figure it out. I've updated DirectX using one of the many links posted in this forum. I've done fresh installs of everything: fallout 2, RP 2.0, and the newest update (e). Everything works great when I start a new game, Arroyo is fine, Klamath is fine. But as soon as I step into the Den or the new Primative Tribal Village, I'm literally left in the dark. That is, the play screen is all black. I can see my red movement reticle and HUD, and if I click in just the right place, my characters will move from off screen to the initial viewing area. It seems to play as if the buildings and obstructions are present on the map, but none of it is visible. Just blackness.

Running Vista with default .ini settings but 720*480 res.

Please help, as I've said, I've been working on resolving this for more than a week now and I'm about to throw in the towel. The game works fine without the RP installed, save for the obvious million or so bugs that plague it. And actually, for my brief experience, the game ran great with only Killaps newest unofficial patch installed.
wrx_travis said:
I've been working on this a while and I can't seem to figure it out. I've updated DirectX using one of the many links posted in this forum. I've done fresh installs of everything: fallout 2, RP 2.0, and the newest update (e). Everything works great when I start a new game, Arroyo is fine, Klamath is fine. But as soon as I step into the Den or the new Primative Tribal Village, I'm literally left in the dark. That is, the play screen is all black. I can see my red movement reticle and HUD, and if I click in just the right place, my characters will move from off screen to the initial viewing area. It seems to play as if the buildings and obstructions are present on the map, but none of it is visible. Just blackness.

Running Vista with default .ini settings but 720*480 res.

Please help, as I've said, I've been working on resolving this for more than a week now and I'm about to throw in the towel. The game works fine without the RP installed, save for the obvious million or so bugs that plague it. And actually, for my brief experience, the game ran great with only Killaps newest unofficial patch installed.

Are you using the Hi res patch - you need it for the updated maps in the new rp. :)
Its installed as far as I can tell. I even updated it to the newest 2.2c version. It was checked when I instilled the RP 2.0 and I have SCRN on the main menu. I've experimented with different DX settings, different resolutions, 8bit/16bit. I'm stunned. What should I be using? How can I be certain that the 2.2c version is installed?
HarpsS1ngh said:
killap said:
No need to check back here for release until near the end of the week. Then everyone can start poking me.

Poke poke poke!

You know there's 7 days in a week, thursday is the 4th day of the week making it the absolute middle. Hardly end of the week yet.
Not Lost Hope said:
HarpsS1ngh said:
killap said:
No need to check back here for release until near the end of the week. Then everyone can start poking me.

Poke poke poke!

You know there's 7 days in a week, thursday is the 4th day of the week making it the absolute middle. Hardly end of the week yet.
Early bird catches the worm
I'm not sure if it's the RP that's doing this (probably not), but my in-game music is not working (in-game volume is up, don't worry about that). I've checked in /BlackIsle/Fallout2/Data/Sound/Music and all of the music files are there (albeit they are accessible through winamp because I have some add-on thing for it that lets me play .ACM files, dunno if that could be doing it or not).

I can't figure it out, can anyone help me out?
jmarsh07 said:
wrx_travis said:
I've been working on this a while and I can't seem to figure it out. I've updated DirectX using one of the many links posted in this forum. I've done fresh installs of everything: fallout 2, RP 2.0, and the newest update (e). Everything works great when I start a new game, Arroyo is fine, Klamath is fine. But as soon as I step into the Den or the new Primative Tribal Village, I'm literally left in the dark. That is, the play screen is all black. I can see my red movement reticle and HUD, and if I click in just the right place, my characters will move from off screen to the initial viewing area. It seems to play as if the buildings and obstructions are present on the map, but none of it is visible. Just blackness.

Running Vista with default .ini settings but 720*480 res.

Please help, as I've said, I've been working on resolving this for more than a week now and I'm about to throw in the towel. The game works fine without the RP installed, save for the obvious million or so bugs that plague it. And actually, for my brief experience, the game ran great with only Killaps newest unofficial patch installed.

Are you using the Hi res patch - you need it for the updated maps in the new rp. :)

As I said a few minutes ago, yes I had installed the Hi res patch. But get this, I just uninstalled and reinstalled without using the 2.02e update. I updated the hi-res patch. The rock at the beginning of the game says 2.02d and I was able to see the Den map just fine. No black screen. So this begs the question, what am I doing wrong when patching with the 2.02e update?
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