Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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killap said:
Faethore said:
I just got the game today (I know...I'm a bit behind the times) on steam. Steam automaticly installs the game in the program files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Fallout2. As far as I know, i can't install the game directly on C with steam.

Is there a work around so i can use the newest patch?
I believe you can just run the installer and all should be well. Let me know though.

This part is critical though: Be sure to disable file integrity in Steam for Fallout 2 or it will overwrite all the files that the RP copies over.

Hey there - I'm trying this route, and it keeps telling me to install it into the C:/games directory.. And then backs me up a step asking to re-route the install. Will not install into the programx86\steamapps\common\fallout2
Congrats, Killap!

Congratulations and thanks, Killap, for finishing F2RP v2.2 and releasing it! This totally makes my weekend, though it may be a little while before I get to start playing it again.
For those trying to install it with the steam version when it ask you to re-route it simply do it, i went to steam options and create a new library folder on C:/ then i transfered the fallout folder to it and installed the patch
does anyone have the files by bukypetr that add in F1 music to several locations? The polish hosting site he was using no longer has the file.

edit: Oh yea, fuck yea!! Way to make your deadline killap- and the first page of posts has no bug reports! haha, this must be a really nice moment for you and I want to congratulate you on all your hard work. I'm a bit surprised you didn't call this v3.0 based on the map reworks and the time between releases, any thoughts on that?

edi2: is there something like mouse smoothing or acceleration being applied? If so, any way to disable it? Sorry for being a complainer!
Zarlur said:
For those trying to install it with the steam version when it ask you to re-route it simply do it, i went to steam options and create a new library folder on C:/ then i transfered the fallout folder to it and installed the patch
Cool, good to know for future installs. But shoot, I wonder if my installer tweaks are now going to screw over Steam users who just want to click through the RP installer. Did older versions of the installer 'just work' with Steam, even though it's in the program files directory? If so, I can add an exception for Steam installs.

agris said:
I'm a bit surprised you didn't call this v3.0 based on the map reworks and the time between releases, any thoughts on that?
Well, 3 years ago this started out as just a bug fix release but it obviously became much more. I had considered changing it to 3.0 but to me these are just numbers. Heck, at work I usually do x.y.z for all my versioning and I usually remain on 1.y.z for a long time. But yeah, 2.2 is a bit misleading in terms of what is packed into it from the last release. Still, it isn't quite the jump that 1.x to 2.x was.

agris said:
is there something like mouse smoothing or acceleration being applied? If so, any way to disable it? Sorry for being a complainer!
Not that I'm aware of, but check the sfall (ddraw.ini) options to see what might be at play. I don't notice anything like this on my system though.

Sephis said:
Who did the art for the blonde female models? Any reason she is off color?
I can't remember, but the same person also did a red haired version. But yes, the model does seem a bit off compared to other critters in the game. Eh, it's an optional component, so it's up to the user to decide. :P
Thanks for the outstanding work Killap, and all who contributed. Can we get this posted on the NMA front page? Also, have you thought about bittorrent as a distribution option? I would seed this forever :)
Killap - the heads for Cassidy are different for the installer and the manual install.

Manual -

Installer -

Also the character art hasn't been updated to the new improved versions, we are still using the ugly one I drew... :oops: (the normal female critter, and male critters).


These are the super sexy versions -

Man, after hours of compiling, doing documentation, updating pages, etc there is always something. You're killing my Pixote. ;)

.Pixote. said:
Killap - the heads for Cassidy are different for the installer and the manual install.
So while the manual install apparently comes with an older Cassidy talking head (not sure how it got in there) it won't actually use it. The manual install is pretty much a minimal install of the RP and only includes base content changes (well except the player appearance mod). Anything that is an option in the installer is not included in the manual install. I guess this is why people vote down the manual install, but the installer is complicated to ensure all these files work and there is no way I'd try and setup folders for all this in a manual setup.

So there really isn't a problem here except to throw out the talking head in the manual setup. The scripts don't use it. At least they shouldn't...

.Pixote. said:
Also the character art hasn't been updated to the new improved versions, we are still using the ugly one I drew... :oops: (the nor[mal female critter, and male critters).

Uh, okay. I guess they always looked good to me. I'll add these to the installs in the next day or so.

Uaine said:
Can we get this posted on the NMA front page
Let's hold off a day or so in the event that something terrible has crept in to the release. I usually have this short waiting period with all my releases.
I first learned about RP when it was 1.0 and been keeping a eye on it ever since. Actually finished one play through when it went 2.0, and now finally 2.2. Thank You killap to you and to your teams work, this makes old Fallout fan smile once more.
Bear Dude strikes again! Congrats. I'm sure I won't be the last one to say this round here.)) :clap: :clap:

You are THE MAN. And always will be the legend of this community for sure.

Cheers and thanks for the work and dedication.
This deserves a glass of vodka... What? I'm russian. :revolution: :drunk:
Drobovik said:
This deserves a glass of vodka...
The Russian blood in me nods in approval. 8-)

But alas, I won't have time to rest for at least a week or so. I'm surprised I even got this release out amongst the chaos of work and moving to a new place. Everything always piles up when it's time to return to RP work. It's strange.
You? russian? Get outta here. You pulling my leg here.

Now, if you tell me your real name is Ivan. I'll come out to the street right now and commit act of very public suicide. :lol:

And sincere thanks to you Killap and everyone that helped you along the road!
Drobovik said:
You? russian? Get outta here. You pulling my leg here.
Only Russians are crazy enough to mod Fallout after so many years, right? ;)

My grandparents were Russian, so yeah, I'm technically half Russian. Well, maybe closer to a 1/3, but the blood still flows. Heh. But I guess that's why I'm more of a beer guy.
Congratulations, comerade! )

It was a looong Way... Many people in Russia awaiting for your Work. )

It looks to be time-proved faithfullness to your Work.

Thank You again, my Russian brother. )

I'm going to have some Vodka to. )))
Hello everybody! Greetings from Ukraine. Thank you killap for such an amazing job. I was waiting for this release for a loong time ..

I have one simple question, can someone tell me, what version of Fallout 2 do i need to install КЗ 2.2 properly ? Probably someone can post link on that version ? Or guys from friendly CIS countries could upload right version on filestock ? Anyway, congrats all, new Fallout era begins. :clap:

Yeah, looks like only the blond female frm is using the latest one from that set you linked to. The default female and dark hair one are not the new ones. However, I still really laugh at the ones we have, since it looks like the vault boy with a wig on his head. I feel like that humor fits. Also, the dark haired female's hair isn't quite right, whereas we have a proper bowel hair cut for ours, which is more inline with the description.

In terms of the male frms, it doesn't look like there is a bald dude similar to the one we have (winking with a mustache). The bald one in that set looks like a guy who underwent chemo. Just doesn't have the same appeal as the one currently used in the RP. The other new ones (default male, long hair dude) work and look more macho (chest puffed out).

Any version should work, really. If your version of F2 is missing children, the RP installer will take care of this. But I suppose if you want the best release, just get some English version (US or UK).
Amazing dedication. I will wait for the dust to settle a bit, but I cannot wait for full new playthrough.
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