Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Hi, sorry for my bad english. I've a bug when i leave arroyo going to klamath. I've a big number of empty encounters, one per square.

It happens to me everywhere and no enemy appears, just empty encounters.

I read in a place that can be kaga, but there is no way to disable it.

Are these intrusive encounters that stop your progress while traveling on the overland map? If not, if they are just empty maps wherever you choose to stop, that's entirely normal; it's the wasteland.

Are these intrusive encounters that stop your progress while traveling on the overland map? If not, if they are just empty maps wherever you choose to stop, that's entirely normal; it's the wasteland.

they are intrusive encounters, I choose to go to klamath directly without stops
I read in a place that can be kaga, but there is no way to disable it.


If the problem is Kaga, you could try editing your save file with vad's save game editor.
Edit the "GVAR_RND_KAGA_STATE" variable. One of my saves - where Kaga no longer hunted me - had the value of 66 for that global variable.

Before using the program, make a backup of your save folder.
I used to own a cd version of fallout 2 which worked great with mods here. Can't find it so I installed GOG version instead. I heard that GOG version comes with some things like sfall and stuff. Can anybody confirm that mods here like RP, Endocore's Miria mod, sentry bot Skynet etc. work with GOG version with no problem?
Hey Foxx.. don't let emotions overwhelm You... it's quite easy to become easy prey when this happens.
there's something wrong with that guy's mental abilities. Anybody could see that, dumbasses like him don't pay attention for too long, so in Your place i wouldn't drag that up out the street..

There's a saying that says: dog is allowed to bark on God. It's because it's just a dog there's like shitload of orders of magnitude differences in quality in mental abilities between a God and a mutt.

so don't take it personally...
So I was getting some occasional slowdowns when the CPU USAGE FIX option on f2_res.ini was set to 1. I set it to 0 and now my game stutters for 1 to 2 seconds seemingly at random. I've tried altering some of the options in ddraw.ini (sfall options I think, ProcessorIdle) but that didn't really help. I'm running the game at 640x480 using Directx 9.
Can anybody help me out?
After some Fallout Et Tu runs, I now install RP and do a new game again. This time with a specific build:

Luck 2 Jinxed Gifted Unarmed

Pretty strange run compared to the usual F2 experience.

Crit fails happen quite often. You know there's a disabling of crit miss in a few days after game start? Well, crit miss still happen to this build, from missing next turn to cripple self.

The karma drop after stealing three containers in Arroyo do stop me. I hate being acknowledged as the idol who steal from your tribe~

Sneak into the hunting area to rescue the dog with no fight, no kill. Later on after getting Gecko Skinning I return here for a sweep, purely roleplay~

Klamath, I delay most quest and getting Sulik in order to rescue Smiley. Sneak into that area nokill is impossible since the entrance has a high density of gecko. I tried a lot to only kill one before sneaking into the next area. Sneak the Smiley out is harder and require some reload to find correct timings.

Vic's room is harder than hell to open. I save the dynamite for rat tunnel underground door so I have to use the molotovs. Aldo got one and one of the girl child got another... super lucky because I do not succeed in the 1st throw... If I had missed both, I would have rely on lucky respawn to see if the two merchants in Klamath and the Den can stock one dynamite... It would have been quite a tedious affair.

I got lucky with a random encounter: farmers fighting homeless. We stay back and let them kill each other: Farmers spot 5 SMG which is a fine trade off for 5*10 karma each. At early game stage like this, it's acceptable risk and reward.
Note: Cant update sfall

Install RP as usual: c:\games\fallout2
extra sfall423 to another folder.
Copy content to the correct destination. Prompt for replace: replace.
Unable to load savegame from the RP session.
Try setting Enable=1 in [Debugging] section in ddraw.ini and load the save again, if it loads then re-save it. You can disable the debugging mode after this.
If there's no [Debugging] section in your ini, add one at the end of the file.

Also could you upload the save? I'd like to check what causes the issue.
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File save here.

Conditional: Even though we have 2 Pancor and 1 HKCAWS, that was due to encounter bandits and slavers fighting with moonshiners. We stand by, let them kill each other, and kill the survivors. Not using save game editor at all.

Status: It's the 2 script file highlight and party order in the Scripts folder that cause the problem. Once we delete both of them, the game save can be loaded normally.

As it is now, my game has miria better mod by endocore, and sfall.dat plus sfall mods.ini. For what help they can provide~

No 422 ini because RP doesnt like it. I am using RP ini with extra command in debug session as said above.

I notice that 3823 doesnt have any things other than the two ini and dll files. I will wait a few days to see if Novarain can rescue anything.

If not, I intend to change to 3823 dll, and copy the item highlight code to RP ini. let's see if it work.
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File save here.
Status: It's the 2 script file highlight and party order in the Scripts folder that cause the problem. Once we delete both of them, the game save can be loaded normally.
As it is now, my game has miria better mod by endocore, and sfall.dat plus sfall mods.ini. For what help they can provide~
I can load your save in pure RP (no 3rd-party mods) with sfall 4.2.3 with no problem. It might be some conflicts caused by the Miria mod.
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I can load your save in pure RP (no 3rd-party mods) with sfall 4.2.3 with no problem. It might be some conflicts caused by the Miria mod.

Can you use item highlight, specifically the highlighting containers and/or corpses?

Because I can only use the left Shift button to highlight items on the ground, not containers of any kind, which is already in RP.

Even if I replace with the 3823 dll, and add the related command lines from 3823 ini into RP ini, it doesnt work. No reporting of bug or ini overwritten, but no effect either.
Can you use item highlight, specifically the highlighting containers and/or corpses?
Because I can only use the left Shift button to highlight items on the ground, not containers of any kind, which is already in RP.
Even if I replace with the 3823 dll, and add the related command lines from 3823 ini into RP ini, it doesnt work. No reporting of bug or ini overwritten, but no effect either.
Yes, with the two scripts from sfall 4.2.3.
Be sure to add those new settings to the correct section. For example with 3.8.23, if you add HighlightContainers=1 under [Misc], it will not work.
Yes, with the two scripts from sfall 4.2.3.
Be sure to add those new settings to the correct section. For example with 3.8.23, if you add HighlightContainers=1 under [Misc], it will not work.
Correct section? Indeed a must~

I find the correct line which is ToggleItemHighlightsKey=42
Then I paste
;Set to 1 to also highlight containers
;Set to 1 to also highlight lootable corpses
;Set the color of outlines, available colors:
;1 - glowing red
;2 - red
;4 - grey
;8 - glowing green
;16 - bright yellow
;32 - dark yellow
;64 - purple
Right under it. And IT WORKS! Viola!
I wanna do the same thing laclongquan is doing but I'm too much of a wuss and I'm afraid to corrupt my save. Guess I'll beat the game with the original RP sfall and then start a new one with the new dll.
It's not like I know any games better than FO2 anyway, so...