Ravager69 said:
(...) Though an experienced FO2 player would still ignore these armors and go for the better stuff directly (...)

I'm not sure i understand what you're saying there; mkII armors are better than normal armors (at least in unmmodded, vanilla FO2, don't know how it is anywhere else...). The player would not ignore those armors if they were well placed in the game, so as to have more time to wear them until the next armor "upgrade". If, let's say, the Tesla Armor were to be placed in vault 15, on the last level, right behind the raider leader (so you would have to get past him in order to get to it), it would be usable in the game ahead not just as a metal amor but also as what it actually is: an armor for a particular damage type. Same for the Brotherhood Armor, if it could be obtain, let's say, in the NCR. The only armor that i really see as superfluos is the APA mkII obtainable at the Oil rig.
If you're refering to that game-killing cheat of going to Navarro and getting the APA at the beginning, i don't think an experienced FO2 player would do that - what would be the point? - and i think it has been prevented in some of the big mods out there.
Ravager69 said:
I was thinking about making common armor more scarce or something, like you can't go to a place A (ex. Sierra Army Depot) and find Combat Armor lying in the footlocker on the first level, without any effort on your side.
I disagree; in order to enter the Sierra Army Depot you have to get past the automated defenses, that requires the player to have gained some levels to have an appropiate amount of HP to resist the damage dealt by the turrets and/or have a respectable level of skill in some weapon type in order to cause the turrets the necessary damage, so it is not effortless. And in case there's some "cheaty" way of doing it, that would just be the same as my above comment regarding the APA.
Besides, it makes perfect sense to find the CA there (hell, it's an untouched, un-looted, army depot, in all sense there should be dozens of combat armor sets in there... it should be, as it is, to find CA there much more easily than somewhere else in the wasteland).
To increase the challenge, the "effort", of getting inside the SAD you could make the turrets much more lethal or increase the number of turrets there...
Ravager69 said:
(...) On the other hand, you can make a mod that would allow you to *create* these armors using basic model, with some skills and materials (...)
I'm not sure, as i have never played with it, but isn't that what the Mr. Fixit mod does? gives the player item crafting capabilities depending of skill levels and other requirements?