My weapon rebalance
I used some of the "Weapons redone" mod (ammo, armor, heavy weapons, lasers, grenades) and balanced it a bit more for my taste.
- only slight changes in most weapons stats, compared to vanilla FO2 (to improve balance, not twist it)
- weapons in FO2 increase effectiveness in linearity fashion (I mean it always: more price, more dmg, more armor piercing etc, never something to choose from..). I'd like to change that
- also slightly increase effectiveness of some weapons, that I thought was underpowered.
Ammo (in compare to "Weapons redone" stats):
- 12ga shells: 1.5x damage and -10% AC mod (eg. many small projectiles are more likely to hit and do much damage, but can't penetrate). This makes all shotguns more effective.
- JHP vs AP (FMJ): 1.5x dmg for JHP, less DR
bonus and no AC change; 1x dmg for AP ammo, AC&DR as it was.
- Ammo without AP/JHP variety has 1x dmg, and AP/DR mods of its calliber (eg. 14mm penetrate much more than .223)
- .223 goes in packs of 30 instead of 50 (more logical for popular "M4" caliber); 14mm in 20; .45 in 50. Cost and weight of ammo packs was changed accordingly.
- ALL pistols take 4 AP per shot (even 14mm and .223... that's what pistols really all about)
- 14mm Pistol: more dmg (14-22), no acc. bonus, less range (20 insted of 25)
- .223 Pistol: slightly less dmg (20-27), less range (25 insted of 30), has penetration bonus
- 10mm pistol&smg +2 min dmg (7-12)
- .44 Magnum vs Desert Eagle: first has more power, second is more accurate and long-ranged
- Hunting rifle do slightly more dmg (14-20)
- Sniper rifle still takes 6AP per shot, but has more power (28-38), still sucks very much to Laser rifle
- Bozar is still swaped with LSW and stats not touched (38-76)
- 2 barrel shotguns have a duplet (burst) firing mode
- Normal shotgun vs sawed-off: dmg first (15-25), second (15-30)
- Combat shotgun has same dmg as 2-barrel (still more powerfull than vanilla). ammo capacity of 9 instead of 12
- HK CAWS vs Pancor Jackhammer: first has more range (20-30), but lacks bit in damage (15-25); second has same range as combat shotgun (18-22), but much more dmg (20-32). Also NO single-fire mode, like RL prototype, only 5-shot bursts...
- Assault rifle vs FN FAL: 10 rounds per burst vs high damage (much higher than vanilla)
- GAUSS weapons: inflict much less damage then plasma, BUT 2mm ammo has -100% AC&DR penalty, should penetrate everything.
Energy&Big guns:
- Laser weapons stats preserved from "WR" mod.
- 5mm miniguns have +2 to min dmg.
- Turbo plasma-rifle, compared to normal one: (shot has
slightly more min dmg, costs 4 AP)
- M60 vs Light support weapon: first does tremendous damage, but lacks range, accuracy and single-fire mode; LSW is less deadly but light, more universal and reliable.
Melee & throwing:
- Super sledge takes 4,5 AP instead of 3,4 (same as regular sledge; no logical explaination of "faster swing")
- Throwing knife is more powerful (5-15)
- Wakizashi blade is much more powerful
(not full list of changes)
If there is an "
/interest" I can upload my work here