Propositions about places with additional rare ammo stuff for Magnus Mod:
- nothing
- 10mm AP - 48 pcs. in klamath rat's mine 1'st floor left side room after entering into the mine
Klamath Toxic Caves
- 7.62mm - 100 pcs. in the bunker
- 5mm JHP and AP - 50 pcs in the Church
- small random pcs. of any kind of typical ammo (10mm, 9mm, 5mm, 7.62mm) in the rat's smell cave (where golden watch is)
Modoc Ghost Farm
- from Slugs 100 pcs. of any kind of 5mm
- I do not know, nothing in my opinion, maybe 14mm AP 50 pcs. in the infested mine? Good against Wannamingos.
Vault City
- 5mm, 7.62mm 200 pcs in vault's stash, frag grenades - 10 pcs
- nothing new needed because there live merchants ghoul who sells any kind of typical ammo very cheap
- as is, nothing new
Broken Hills
- hmm.. from the well? 12ga? Give me your proposition.
New Reno
- Algernon will make some stuff from junk or a cash (needed script from killap)
- Westins farm: 7.62mm, 10mm - 50 pcs, 14mm - 24 pcs
Vault 15
- a stash in 3 floor - 7.62mm, 10mm, 5mm, 14mm - 100 pcs
Vault 13
- nothing
San Francisco
- all merchants have so much weapons and ammo... nothing new
Military Base
- small and fusion cells? Yes i think this is needed somewhere

about 100 pcs
- by stealing you can find any ammo in a lots pcs. (100-200 pcs)
The merchants:
I do not know, please give me your propositions.
Random encounters:
What do you think about crates in random encounters? And the stuff from raiders/highwaymens/other bandits etc? I think they have too much any kind of ammo and weapons.
sorry for my poor English