Fallout 3 Classic Music Mod [Download here]


First time out of the vault

I made this because I absolutely hate the ambient background music in Fallout 3.

A really quick and dirty mod, I'll probably improve upon it later.

Fallout 3's soundtrack is pretty easy to modify, since they're in named mp3 files.

Behold! The first music "mod" for Fallout 3! Download this if you:

1) Hate the background music in Fallout 3
2) Want to feel nostalgic
3) Want Fallout 1+2 background music in Fallout 3

Most of the music is changed, except for script-vital music.

So far, I have found no bugs.

Remember, start the game, go to options and set the MUSIC VOLUME TO MAX!

Also, the main menu is much better now. :D

This is basically Fallout 1/2's soundtrack put in the Falllout 3 music folder? 'coz y'know, we've got those soundtracks...
Brother None said:
This is basically Fallout 1/2's soundtrack put in the Falllout 3 music folder? 'coz y'know, we've got those soundtracks...

Yes, hence the quotes around "mod" :wink:

It's more of a minimod/time saver.
Begging much aporigies prease honorable sir, but -
thanks for the work, but before i download, at what bitrate have you encoded the F1/F2 tunes? Anything less than 160 means no-go, for me, you see.

goodbye you sweet little naked mole rat you :(
qi said:
Begging much aporigies prease honorable sir, but -
thanks for the work, but before i download, at what bitrate have you encoded the F1/F2 tunes? Anything less than 160 means no-go, for me, you see.

goodbye you sweet little naked mole rat you :(

Fallout 1 tracks is a CD Audio rip, but at 128kbps.

I think the Fallout 2 is also a CD rip (Was it ever released)? And it's at 192kbps. It MAY be a game rip though.
I will download your mod and replace MP3s as necessary, then. 8-)

but please, my sweet little persimmon, in the future, mind the sibilance of low bitrates. it's a killer for those of us on headphones, you know.

continue the revolution, all you otter-faced speaking-toasters, you. :crazy:
Heh, I posted the same thing before, but somehow it got overlooked. Mine is 256 kbs, though, and it includes the backup of original music


Hell, it was the first thing i did after getting the game:)

By the way, I had problems changing the levelup sound. Was anyone able to change it successfully?
Started making one for myself now. :) But I do have some problems in trying to make it feel more similar to old games.

Does anyone know if it's possible to make the game NOT change playing mp3 files to those from Battle folder when fights start without toolset? Or at all?

I find myself just replacing files in most of folders with those containing silence. Like exploring music. I don't like how music is implemented in F3, it would be great if it was possible to make some tracks settlement-specific or even better, area specific. Now it just jumps randomly to another track from specific folder, usually after a fight, cause fights are too frequent to let entire track play out. At least if it played tracks by order I could make transitions between them more fluid.
I'm looking for effect at least similar to STALKER if it isn't really possible to make it Fallouty, but it would be done with Morgan's ambient tracks anyway.
Wow, I never realized how creepy the Fallout 2 music actually is, getting jumped by ghouls just got about 100 times scarier now :shock:

Disabling combat music will be hard -- it's only recently that they've managed to get Oblivion to stop it's combat-music-interrupts-regular-music thing, and even then it's a bit fidgety.
quetzilla said:
Disabling combat music will be hard -- it's only recently that they've managed to get Oblivion to stop it's combat-music-interrupts-regular-music thing, and even then it's a bit fidgety.

Well that's unfortunate. Guess I'll have to stay with music turned off in Fallout 3 for now.

Thanks for the effort. I just want to know did you place the music acordingly? Meaning when we explore the pipboy plays desert wind or metallic monks, and when we go into a vault/cave it plays other music which fit more like for e.g. underground trouble?
thanks to everyone who put up files, I was really getting sick of the shitty oblivion music that plays when outdoors, this is way better
Can somebody post the tracklisting and what songs go in which folders (ie. combat, public, explore, etc) so that those of us who already own the soundtracks can copy them over.