Fallout 3 Full E3 Trailer


A Smooth-Skin
Gametrailers is offering the full Fallout 3 E3 trailer, the first part of which was shown as an intro to the Microsoft press showing we just posted. Here's the full thing:
<embed src="http://www.gametrailers.com/remote_wrap.php?mid=36202" swLiveConnect="true" name="gtembed" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="392"></embed>
Link: Fallout 3: Perfect Life trailer on Gametrailers.
Running ghouls. A strange betentacled cthulhu-esque "demon" (mutant, I guess). Fire and cockroaches. Lots of combat, including footage from the "live" demo we saw just a bit ago (fake much?)

On the plus side: Dogmeat!

The intro cinematics, the 50's advertisment, is done pretty well, if you ask me. The Mr Handy is pretty neat, but mostly they got the humour down pretty well for that bit.
Ok, I like this more then the thing from for a few hours.
Holy Shit,

That looked fucking awesome ....

They should have showed that rather than the demo tbh...
Oh My...

Vault Boy is terribly wrong :(
Fights suck. Animation sucks. Landscapes are still cool
I don't. It doesn't make me think FO.

Just seems like another FPS.

Notice it was nothing but action, no dialog, no decision making.
Brother None said:
Running ghouls. A strange betentacled cthulhu-esque "demon" (mutant, I guess). Fire and cockroaches. Lots of combat, including footage from the "live" demo we saw just a bit ago (fake much?)

On the plus side: Dogmeat!

Fallout 2 has aliens,

You can't exactly comment on a mutant creature when fallout had fucking sentient plants too..
Pope Viper said:
I don't. It doesn't make me think FO.

Just seems like another FPS.

Notice it was nothing but action, no dialog, no decision making.

It is hard to include dialog trees and decision making into trailers mate......

Without making it either A. Totally boring or B. Revealing major story points.
I like the liveaction intro, except for the awful cartoon artwork, but they really nailed the mood there I think.

The gameplay looks like shit still, and there were a actually a few moments where I got Oblivion flashbacks (mostly relating to character animations). With the amount of violence shown here, it's not hard to see what players it's marketed at unfortunately.

Big meh for the gameplay footage, partial thumbs up for the rest of it.
Tornadium said:
Fallout 2 has aliens,

You can't exactly comment on a mutant creature when fallout had fucking sentient plants too..

Both the aliens and talking plants are well-acknowledged mistakes, tho', including by their own creators. So that's pretty much a non-argument

An actual argument would be: Fallout had some weird creatures too, like the floaters and centaurs.

And then I'd go "yeah, pretty much, but this is seriously more Call of Cthulhu-esque"
Looks like a shooter... but in that, it looks good. And that advertisement video really was fun. I'm surprised.

That game might be very enjoyable. Just don't think about Fallout ;)
Brother None said:
Tornadium said:
Fallout 2 has aliens,

You can't exactly comment on a mutant creature when fallout had fucking sentient plants too..

Both the aliens and talking plants are well-acknowledged mistakes, tho', including by their own creators. So that's pretty much a non-argument

An actual argument would be: Fallout had some weird creatures too, like the floaters and centaurs.

And then I'd go "yeah, pretty much, but this is seriously more Call of Cthulhu-esque"

Give it time,

Im sure beth (Not likely) will appologise for fucking some of FO3 up.
To be positive: the Ad part was nice except the Vault Boy pointing at you and Bethesda's stuff on the table
Pope Viper said:


Why so much hate?

I'm a real fan of the original games just like you. Hell, even played the new mod that just launched with the guy who attacks you claiming he's the real chosen.

No hard feelings. I just got upset with how many people were bashing this game that could be a great sequel.
drakiyth said:
No hard feelings. I just got upset with how many people were bashing this game that could be a great sequel.

A word to the wise: don't insult people just because they have a different opinion. Especially not on their own turf.

If you're really curious why we're of this opinion, this thread is not the right spot. You're coming in at the tail-end of years of discussion. Read a few of the articles, like the Fallout 3 preview or look at the history of Fallout to see how and why Fallout 3 is inconsistent with its predecessors.
The ad is pretty good (though my brother says "Fuck, they ruined Vault-Tec >:( ) but the rest... landscapes are good, some of the elements are good, but... the amount of combat..


I just died inside.
if it werent for that really stupid fratboy humour (the popping babies etc), that would be a great trailer. actually, it is.

edit: there are no shadows at all oO