Fallout 3 Full E3 Trailer

wutang36 said:
If you watch the hd trailer on xbox live you can see shadows... they are faint, but there.

ah thank you.. must be my eyes then *wheezes*... back then, whe hadnt ANY shadows, you know son, we had to use black paint to trick the viewers eye
I am getting the feeling that there will be a "huge world to explore", but you'll find only some zombies/robots/mutants that chase you and force you to shoot their head off.
On the bright side:

I like how pip-boy is animated.

Familiar sounds are in (selecting in VATS).

Well violence and shooting is fun (but hey that just me)

Environment is nice (but kinda too much "shades of gray")

Radio isn't actually a bad thing (i am into 50s songs)

BUT: thats not what Fallout was!

Also Animations (see Dogmeat) are horrible. Plus if you hit stuff in VATS its like ..lagging. See sniper shot: his got hit in the head...delay....BAM his dismembered. All in all more of a shoot'em up game.

EDIT: The Ad is a honorable effort, really nice, well made.
Oh the horror.

Long time lurker first time poster. Hi everybody.

We all know that only shitty games exclusively show action in their trailers...

Just trying to keep some perspective...
The second half of this trailer has the highest rate of explosions per minute I've ever seen. And it looks like people's appendages are held on with duct tape. If I bump into someone in Megaton will their arms fall off?
watching it HD, I understood WHAT'S WRONG about dismemberment: the bodies so easily tear into pieces that there's a feeling of that they have some special 'cut here' lines at the main joints. It feels like LEGO, you know
13pm said:
watching it HD, I understood WHAT'S WRONG about dismemberment: the bodies so easily tear into pieces that there's a feeling of that they have some special 'cut here' lines at the main joints. It feels like LEGO, you know

This has always been a problem with havok powered games .. it just feels like limbs, skin, objects have no weight .. its not menacing .. its just .. a joke
It's really funny, cause they tear at the same places all the time. Stupid as hell
radnan said:

is it just me or is the creature mutant in the 3rd picture look exactly like a crabby water creature from oblivion (cant remember the name) ??

land drough?
it looks like the same skin tone but thats about it. It looks just like a mutated thing almost like master from fallout 1 with the tentacle things.
Tornadium said:
Pope Viper said:
I don't. It doesn't make me think FO.

Just seems like another FPS.

Notice it was nothing but action, no dialog, no decision making.

It is hard to include dialog trees and decision making into trailers mate......

Without making it either A. Totally boring or B. Revealing major story points.
You are very funny. Also, Oblivion E3 trailer had dialog and lots of stuff...
Sev217 said:
radnan said:

is it just me or is the creature mutant in the 3rd picture look exactly like a crabby water creature from oblivion (cant remember the name) ??

land drough?
it looks like the same skin tone but thats about it. It looks just like a mutated thing almost like master from fallout 1 with the tentacle things.

i just thought they moved the same way and are acting similarly too
Will people please stop posting pictures that break the board? Also, radnan, could you thumbnailify that 1 MB composite? I'm making it a link for now.
Regarding shadows, it's still like in the screenshots: characters have shadows, objects don't.

I don't mind the monster, it reminds me of the centaurs and floaters. I haven't the foggiest idea where it came from though. Surely it can't be remnants of the master's army, right? Right?

Running ghouls? Ehhh...
Brother None said:
But it's not supposed to be satire. It's simply supposed to approximate, which it does pretty well.

They almost edged into PoS territory with that procreation joke, but for the most part it's well done.

Well, it seems pointless to argue about it, first of all because I appreciate your voice as being that of level-headed reason and secondly because there are just so many greater flaws in this game - but, I don't think I can agree with your view that it was supposed to be an approximation. The way that the Mister Handy threatens the man behind his back, the joke-scenes for each member of the family (and their actor's reaction to them) -- I'm not saying that it makes it clearly satire INSTEAD of approximation, but I think there's at least bit of both at work, because obviously certain elements of the approximation are being exaggerated for (an intended, if not achieved) comedic effect. But surely, whichever one Beth was aiming for, it could've been done better here. It's more than I was expecting of Bethesda though, so ultimately I'm taking-away from the experience a smiley feeling.

As for the physics -
Remember Soldier of Fortune 2? Or 1, even. Bethesda's gore system offers hardly any improvements to that one. And as for Havok, I thought it rather amusing, in Oblivion, that I could lob a small plate or glass off of a mountain-top, watch it strike rock a few hundred feet below, and roll away undamaged. I think all the silliness is just due to the fact that Bethesda seems to make very little of its games itself - unless I'm mistaken, they license the core technologies, adapt and optimize them only minimally, plug in their own graphical assets, setup quests via graphical editor, and ship. As a result, lots of logical details are simply neglected, outside the scope of their development process.

I can't comprehend why anybody finds anything appealing about "ragdoll physics" - but that's a topic for another thread I guess.

Back to the video:

Almost anything can be made to look impressive when shown in quick-cut editing - I don't think this video is as useful as the "walkthru" posted earlier. It is clear though, now, at least, that all of the returning organic critters/baddies from FO1/2 are almost completely unrecognizeable, having been converted to Japanese survival-horror style. Sad.
I was under the impression that only the best and the brightest were CHOSEN to enter the vaults, am I missing some lore or something that people were able to buy there way in?
Where exactly was the Fallout game there? All I see is a god damned first person shooter.

They didn't show off one RPG element there just a bunch of explosions and gibbed heads.

If Bethesda had a neck, I'd be choking it right now.