So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

It looks pretty but that was what was to be expected. It shows sod all about how the game will play but that was to be expected. It has very much the feel of the originals intro movie, that's either very good as in they are keeping close to Fallout's design or bad as in a lack of imagination.
The power armour looks wrong. No matter if it's an earlier model, patched and repaired with whatever scrap iron they could find, a compromise to allow for clipping etc or basically a cock up of the art dept, it just looks wrong. The pauldrons are very medieval, even down to the little rosettes other the hinges.
The power armour looks wrong. No matter if it's an earlier model, patched and repaired with whatever scrap iron they could find, a compromise to allow for clipping etc or basically a cock up of the art dept, it just looks wrong. The pauldrons are very medieval, even down to the little rosettes other the hinges.