Fallout 4: A Generational Gem

The only explanation is you're a troll.
Oh, it most definitely is a troll. It's behaviour on all of its visible posts makes this evident.

Better to not waste time on it. It'll probably make new threads to bash Fallout 1, 2 and NV soon after this to bait more users.
What threads have I made to bash Fallout 1,2 and NV?

Also, do you call everyone who disagrees with you a troll? Just a question.
Can we play a reverse game and can you name one total conversion for Fallout 4 that every American plays and mods on his better hardware?
It took around 8 solid years for the first BIG new and unique conversion mod for New Vegas. You're not being entirely fair only giving Fallout 4 6 years.

Well okay, let me list a few that are in production:
- Fallout: Cascadia
- Fallout: Miami
- Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland
- Fallout 4: New Vegas
- Fallout: London
- Fallout: New York
- Project: Arroyo

Now compare that to New Vegas, which had 3 big conversion mods over a decade. Those being *shock* Tale of Two Wastelands, New California and The Frontier. The latter two were disappointing and even your own members shit on them.

I counted 7 active projects for Fallout 4 that are likely to release in the next 1-3 years. Much of their content has already been released in the way of armors, weapons, even perk overhauls and the dialogue boxes making a return. I don't remember that ever happening for New Vegas.
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It took around 8 solid years for the first BIG new and unique conversion mod for New Vegas. You're not being entirely fair only giving Fallout 4 6 years.

Well okay, let me list a few that are in production:
- Fallout: Cascadia
- Fallout: Miami
- Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland
- Fallout 4: New Vegas
- Fallout: London
- Fallout: New York
- Project: Arroyo

Now compare that to New Vegas, which had 3 big conversion mods over a decade. Those being *shock* Tale of Two Wastelands, New California and The Frontier. The latter two were disappointing and even your own members shit on them.

I counted 7 active projects for Fallout 4 that are likely to release in the next 1-3 years. Much of their content has already been released in the way of armors, weapons, even perk overhauls and the dialogue boxes making a return. I don't remember that ever happening for New Vegas.

I'll bite. Yes, the modding community is larger for Fallout 4, it is a more popular game. It had greater marketing, and it certainly doesn't hurt that it was released when gaming was a rising pastime. Do we count game quality by sales though? It may also be in part because Creation Kit is probably better than GECK for making mods.

If your hardware was any better you would be playing and modding Fallout 4.

This is a strange assumption to make, and not really relevant.
Wow, this idiot proves what Four Decent Friends have said about the Nu-Fallout fandom: "Nu-Fallout fans don't like what made Fallout Fallout."
Just look at the mods being made for Fallout 4. Can Fallout 4 modders make the game anymore generic? They just want Call of Duty in the post-apocalypse with an inventory and romances on the side. The only reason why people mod more for Fallout 4 is because the graphics are more updated and the Creation Kit is easier to make mods on and make scripts for. If New Vegas and the OG Fallout's are so terrible then why are people trying to recreate them for Fallout 4?
If your hardware was any better you would be playing and modding Fallout 4.
Nope! Played it once for 2.5 hours and demanded my money back on Steam. It was terrible. People play Fallout to role play and make whatever backstory they want for their character. With 4 I was force to play distraught lawyer widow who was looking for her crouch fruit. Sorry but I don't want to be shoe horned with a character that has a established backstory. Takes away what is fundamental in an RPG.
Wow, this idiot proves what Four Decent Friends have said about the Nu-Fallout fandom: "Nu-Fallout fans don't like what made Fallout Fallout."
Just look at the mods being made for Fallout 4. Can Fallout 4 modders make the game anymore generic? They just want Call of Duty in the post-apocalypse with an inventory and romances on the side. The only reason why people mod more for Fallout 4 is because the graphics are more updated and the Creation Kit is easier to make mods on and make scripts for. If New Vegas and the OG Fallout's are so terrible then why are people trying to recreate them for Fallout 4?

Nope! Played it once for 2.5 hours and demanded my money back on Steam. It was terrible. People play Fallout to role play and make whatever backstory they want for their character. With 4 I was force to play distraught lawyer widow who was looking for her crouch fruit. Sorry but I don't want to be shoe horned with a character that has a established backstory. Takes away what is fundamental in an RPG.

Weren't FO3 and FO4 main plotline centered around finding family members? If they make FO5 or whatever with Toad in charge I wouldn't be surprised if they go that direction again.
It's a sequel game that was developed in 8 years with the additional support of ID Software (Gun Mechanics). If they can't improve the Fallout 3/NV mechanics, then there is no reason to buy their product because this proves how incompetent they are. Seriously, Bugthestards defend their favorite game by its mechanics, not the actual content that completes the game.

Bugthesda is the company that relies on the modding community to make money. Majority of current Fallout players are playing Fallout just because of the mods, not for the actual, original intended game content. If Fallout 4 had no mod support, It wouldn't be different than any other generic COD game. And actually, old COD games had interesting, deep stories with iconic, very likable characters unlike Fallout 3 and 4.

If you really like its gun mechanics, play DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal. Shooting mindless, united Mad-Max style Raiders and 'dumbmutants' for hours is not 'fun'. At least for me, I have no desire on mass-murdering NPCs for fun.

Like many newcomers into the series, I picked up Fallout 4 in 2015 and played it for 100 hours because I wasn't interested in the story, I was playing it to murder NPCs. It was something that I could waste my precious time on instead of studying the boring exams. Then I bought New Vegas........

I spent literally a month reading the New Vegas lore. I've looked into every bit of intel about New Vegas because I was obsessed with it. This is how a videogame should be, especially a Fallout game. Not something you see in overrated but actually bad movies where the hero wins no matter what happens in the story.

It took around 8 solid years for the first BIG new and unique conversion mod for New Vegas. You're not being entirely fair only giving Fallout 4 6 years.

Well okay, let me list a few that are in production:
- Fallout: Cascadia
- Fallout: Miami
- Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland
- Fallout 4: New Vegas
- Fallout: London
- Fallout: New York
- Project: Arroyo

Now compare that to New Vegas, which had 3 big conversion mods over a decade. Those being *shock* Tale of Two Wastelands, New California and The Frontier. The latter two were disappointing and even your own members shit on them.

I counted 7 active projects for Fallout 4 that are likely to release in the next 1-3 years. Much of their content has already been released in the way of armors, weapons, even perk overhauls and the dialogue boxes making a return. I don't remember that ever happening for New Vegas.

Either you are an idiot for making a statement like this, or acting like one to get attention. Fallout New Vegas is also a Bugthesda product, it was their game engine. I know what you are trying to achieve here, you are trying to bash New Vegas. I only have one, simple answer for you; Try launching Fallout 3 on Windows 10.

There are many DLC-sized additional story mods on Nexus. If you've spent your time there instead of cluelessly bashing New Vegas, you'd see the answer to your question. Gamebryo engine is difficult to handle, sometimes it works, sometimes doesn't.
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The hilarious thing about Fallout 4 is how overshadowed it was by the Witcher 3 to the point the latter ate all the GOTY awards, sold way more, and got much better review scores. This means that their previous games only sold well and got a ton of GOTY awards because there was no competition. As soon as they get any competition from another game in the same genre that also got a ton of marketing they get fucked instantly.

The Bethesda fanboys can't even use the excuse that the game earned GOTY awards therefore is good because it barely won any. So it's hilarious to see them scrap for anything to defend this abomination of a game.
1. Gunplay
... In past Fallout games, your character would shake and perform other oddities while shooting. In Fallout 4, this never happens.
This is the problem with FO4; In an RPG they are supposed to. In Fallout 1 & 2, and as per RPGs premise, it is the character pulling the trigger, and it is their ability to aim that decides if they can hit the target.

2. Companions
...Never before has the franchise had such interesting characters to travel alongside the player.
Riiight; not counting Marcus and Sulik I suppose.

3. Mechanics
The mechanics were from the wrong games; FO3 & 4 derive their mechanics from TES:Oblivion; not from the Fallout series.

4. Sound design
... Sounds have much more texture and quality than past Fallout games.
Doubtful; even at 22000 MHz, Fallout's sounds were superb, and the gunfire & gore effects are better than anything I've heard from Bethesda.

5. Perks...
Bethesda ruined perks. Perks were uncommon rule alterations that made a character atypical, and affected the way the game played. Bethesda made so many perks and made getting them so frequent, that they had to neuter them so that perks were far less affecting, and so that having a dozen or more was not a problem for game balance. :(

It avoids the CHR 1 Speech 100 oversight from New Vegas...
Is it that 1 charisma and 100 speech is the exact same as 10 charisma and 100 speech?

Well... The latter PC and the first PC are like Tony Robbins and Tony Clifton both saying,"Don't stare at the Sun". Both are right, but one is a real jerk about it. Stats are for defining the PC—best if they have significant noticeable effects (on the mechanics), but some—or all of them could just as well be be cosmetic, so long as they accurately indicate the ability and personality of the character.

while also being much superior in the variety and importance of it's perks then say, Fallout 1 or Fallout 2. Each perk is worth taking and important to your gameplay, and no perks are superfluous or pointless.
All (working) perks give a positive rule exception in Fallout 1 & 2.

So to top this all off, if any of you haven't played Fallout 4, it's definitely worth a try. Buy it and I'm sure you will love it.
Not even for free.

It's easily one of the best games of last generation...
That is possibly true.
(But not something to brag about.:twisted:)
See that? That's a Bethestard
Some on here have very eccentric views on Fallout 4. To most, Fallout 4 is an amazing game which was only ever surpassed by Fallout 3 in quality. To others, it is the de facto game of the generation. However, I am here to praise Fallout 4 because of it's brilliant game design and also to bring light on many things it does perfectly.

1. Gunplay

Fallout 4 has without a doubt, the best gunplay in the franchise only rivalled by Fallout 76 in quality. This gives the gameplay a smooth, consistent sheen of fun and adrenaline packed moments. The animations all feel smooth and seamless with animations that feel responsive and fluid. In past Fallout games, your character would shake and perform other oddities while shooting. In Fallout 4, this never happens.

2. Companions

Not only does Fallout 4 outdo it's predecessors in gunplay, but it also manages to outdo them in companions too. Never before has the franchise had such interesting characters to travel alongside the player. We have Piper the eavesdropping, snooping, reporter, Nick the detective robot who helps the player locate his/her son, Cait the cagefighting, orphaned redhead. All of these characters make the cardboard cutouts from earlier games look like well.... cardboard cutouts. You can tell I've been spoiled by Fallout 4.

3. Mechanics

Not only did Fallout 4 bring the quality-of-life changes to the series that everyone never knew they needed (such as quick loot), but it also brought the settlement system to Fallout 4, which added much in the way of replayability and more time spent on one playthrough. Not to mention the absolutely phenomenal Power Armor mechanics, which easily beat out any other game in terms of fun.

4. Sound design

Not only does Fallout 4 beat out the other Fallout games in the other aspects though, it even goes the full mile and manages to be superior from the sound design. Every sound in Fallout 4 has impact and you can feel it. Sounds have much more texture and quality than past Fallout games.

5. Perks

Fallout 4's perk system is much more simplified than previous entries. On the surface this seems unacceptable, but once you truly admire it for it's advantages, you learn that is actually an amazingly crafted system. It avoids the CHR 1 Speech 100 oversight from New Vegas while also being much superior in the variety and importance of it's perks then say, Fallout 1 or Fallout 2. Each perk is worth taking and important to your gameplay, and no perks are superfluous or pointless.

So to top this all off, if any of you haven't played Fallout 4, it's definitely worth a try. Buy it and I'm sure you will love it. It's easily one of the best games of last generation, and truly a legendary game. A top 3 Fallout game at the very least, even a top 2 in some regards.
You guys see this? It's a Bethestard, utterly incapable of properly 'praising' the game they have 'fun' with from an objective standpoint, so since they realized they can no longer point out how these games are ((((((good))))))) because they sold millions of copies, they now tried to cite how the game has 'robust' modding community, which produced absolutely nothing of value in comparison to the, in comparison, negligible Fallout 2 modding community.

With just 2 TC mods alone, Fallout 2 modders managed to produce what easily counts as their own entirely new games. Compare that to the nu-Fallout modding scene, and yeah, that includes New Vegas's modding in regards to TC mods other than Tale of Two Wastelands, and even that I hesitated to mention because Fallout: Washington DC. At least New Vegas has plethora of mods to add to an already satisfying vanilla experience, but 3? 4? 76? Yuck.
People like the OP can't just accept that some people just don't like the Bethesda Fallouts and feel it's their duty to defend those games at all costs, trying to convince the naysayers that they are wrong. It's like they think the criticism the games get is a personal attack on them or that they have a duty to defend Bethesda no matter what.

It's makes extra hilarious and also painful when they use the fact that the games sold a lot, therefore any criticism is void. But still get butthurt regardless and respond with threads like these and make five hours videos on how the games are "better than you think".
I ended up finding out by the way that the guy was actually from /fog/ after all, he uses the Heisenberg stuff there as well. I smelled it out in one of his earlier posts and called him out but he denied it . Turns out he's a regular tripfag on there. I looked up the /fog/ archive for the day he went on his troll rampage here and surprise surprise he was going absolutely fucking nuts in the /fog/ thread about the arguments he was having here. Utter nutcase.
People like the OP can't just accept that some people just don't like the Bethesda Fallouts and feel it's their duty to defend those games at all costs, trying to convince the naysayers that they are wrong. It's like they think the criticism the games get is a personal attack on them or that they have a duty to defend Bethesda no matter what.

It's makes extra hilarious and also painful when they use the fact that the games sold a lot, therefore any criticism is void. But still get butthurt regardless and respond with threads like these and make five hours videos on how the games are "better than you think".
As long as someone comes in good faith, then I'm very happy to talk Bethesda Fallouts (especially because I still find them very fun to play through).

But most of what you get on NMA when it comes to that sort of stuff is bad faith trolls from Reddit looking to piss people off and not have an informative discussion.
I ended up finding out by the way that the guy was actually from /fog/ after all, he uses the Heisenberg stuff there as well. I smelled it out in one of his earlier posts and called him out but he denied it . Turns out he's a regular tripfag on there. I looked up the /fog/ archive for the day he went on his troll rampage here and surprise surprise he was going absolutely fucking nuts in the /fog/ thread about the arguments he was having here. Utter nutcase.

Well, I am not surprised, makes you wonder why mental asylums have access to internet, hopefully for that poor schizoid, they sent him to solitary confinement.
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At least we can safely say Fallout 4 is the best Fallout game of the generation.

On a serious note however, it's a fun open World Sandbox, but not really much outside of that.