Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland

They are still using basically everything from Oblivion from the characters, the architecture, the story, the quests and many other things that are clearly owned by Bethesda.
In that very post also mentions that the installer for that mod checks to see if you have an official legitimate copy of Oblivion, so the mod will still require the purchase of ESIV if one doesn't have it already. Also the similar assets doesn't matter, what matters is if they use the actual assets from the game. Like actually porting Oblivion assets into the Skyrim Creation Kit, which they aren't. The architecture is all being modeled from scratch, it may look exactly like it did in Oblivion, but isn't the official asset so Bethesda/Microsoft doesn't care. Modders already prove this by recreating Fallout 76 Power Armors from scratch in blender and uploading them as Fallout 4 mods. The quests are being scripted from scratch none of the scripts or AI packages are being copy/pasted from Oblivion to Skyrim, the characters being brought over also aren't illegal as seen in mods like the Fawkes companion for Fallout 4 made by the Fallout 3 remake team. Bethesda has already stated they aren't interested in remastering/remaking older games, if anything they're more interested in updating Skyrim again and breaking people's mods with Creation Club. Not to mention the Fallout 3 remake team already remade the entirety of Point Lookout in Fallout 4 from scratch and Bethesda/Microsoft didn't give a damn. Bethesda can't officially endorse it because it's not officially them remastering it, but I think this project is fine legally, whether they finish it or not due to the team disbanding is another story.

Did Skyblivion get this blessing before the sale to Microsoft?
I'm sure they reached out for assurance, but you can always ask them on their Discord or social media.

On a side note: Does the mod team offer any asset tutorials?
Most likely on their Discord. I know the New Vegas remake server does.
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what matters is if they use the actual assets from the game.
My point is that it doesn't matter if the assets are the ones in the game or made from scratch, Bethesda (and any company) can legally shut down your project as long you are using the IP. Many fan projects that were shut down that were using their own assets. So Skyblivion isn't protected from Bethesda just because the assets they are using are brand new.

And now that Microsoft owns Bethesda, it doesn't matter if Bethesda doesn't care since the Elder Scrolls IP is owned by Microsoft. I wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later Microsoft shuts the whole thing down because Microsoft is the same dumb company that wanted the Xbox One to have a bunch of anti-consumer practices like always active DRM and some crap with used games, and only changed their minds when they received massive backlash. So Microsoft really doesn't give a shit about their consumers unless it can hurt their bottom line and i don't think shutting down a fan remake would do that.
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Bethesda has always been pretty lackadaisical with these things and they don't gain anything because they have no interest in remastering these games. All these giant conversions require you to own the other game anyways. This hasn't been a problem so far and it isn't likely to now, otherwise they'd have also probably shut down projects like Beyond Skyrim : Bruma and other assorted large fan mods.
I know I've asked this question before which was actually almost a year ago now,(August 2022) and basically it's the same question which is this Mod officially cancelled!? Or is it taking time for some progress to be made?


And if it's the former, NGL that would flipping suck! Because I really wanted to see this Mod succeed in it's goal of recreating Fallout 3, and if Bethesda refused to do it, the fans will!
Really happy to see this mod is still coming out. I am way more interested in playing through 3 with 4's mechanics than I am New Vegas. Kind of wish they would just double down and finish the main game, but this will be fun regardless, especially with it being a more fleshed out worldspace. I loved The Pitt in concept but the DLC itself is criminally short.