Fallout 4 doesn't feel like New Vegas

I don't think settlement building mechanics work thematically with Fallout tbh.

Like, Fallout for me is primarily falls in to that genre of Ronin/Western story which is just about a wanderer looking for some vague thing going from town to town and getting involved in their troubles.

Being Bob the Builder doesn't fit in to that nor does having any kind of intricate home.

It feels like every single RPG nowadays has to have an open world, a faction choice, settlement building mechanics, intricate crafting, and like a dozen other things which have become industry standard, rather than trying to make the mechanics included fit with the game itself.

Normalise games having mechanics specific to that game's world and setting, rather than fitting the AAA RPG mold.
The settlement mechanic doesn't fit because one of the points in the original games and New Vegas is how humanity rebuilds itself after the nuclear bombs through a group effort or several separate large groups. A single dude going around collecting garbage to make tiny settlements goes completely against that.
Building isn't necessarily a bad thing. I would've loved to set up a campfire or a chair and some RP decor in some of New Vegas' player-home-ish locations. Hell, FO4 lends itself really well to a building system - there are a lot of little nooks and crannies in Boston, like blasted-through diners or metro stations. Building isn't a thing I look for, but it's a nice touch when it's used in small ways to solve problems.

The issue is how BGS implemented it. You can't build in those diners or metro stations, because you have to build on a predetermined (and fucking tiny) build area. Of course, there's literally no reason for this, if you get a mod you can build anywhere; the build UI literally just helps you place a world object which is added to the world via script. You can, technically, do the same thing in NV or FO3 using the console, it's just too tedious to really be worth the effort. Why did they limit it to settlements and player homes? I have no fucking idea.

The player homes are always incredibly inconvenient; the settlements are always too small and weirdly shaped. This is despite the fact that BGS forces you to build huge fuck-off settlements like a God who is somehow the only person capable of doing anything in the Wasteland, filled with about 10 cunts who literally just complain at you and let you sell them things, which turns the entire thing into tedium. And to add insult to injury, Bethesda had the great idea to leave out literally all the settlements in the game except 2, so the player can make the fucking game world for them!

By the time I was done with FO4 and moved onto NV, I was genuinely relieved that there were no settlement building mechanics. I wanna place a fucking liquor cabinet at most, not spend 50% of my time in a post-apocalyptic roleplay game playing with obligatory, incredibly badly designed Lego.

Dude, I can help!

Now you can build wherever. Me personally I can't stand all the filth, in an unnuked city, so I use Scrappable commonwealth and all those trash piles go away bit by bit

And in case anyone asks why I'm still playing this pile of garbage? Quest mods; quite enjoying Depravity thus far. Still the same asinine lore, but the characters are smarter about it.....except Harley, but I know people like Harley (Lionel Hutz shudder)
This was probably stated before, but Fallout 4 doesn't fell like "New Vegas" because it doesn't feel like Fallout, period.
Because from the look of it, from player's POV, Fallout 4 leave retrofuturism that was shown in F3 and FNV.

Retrofuturism in F3 and FNV is guns made from Prewar so they look rusty and remade. Energy weapons look really weird in the style of 50s futurism. Clothes, aside from prewar articles, are shoddily made.

But with Fallout 4 you have fashion shows and all the new weapons. Shiny. Fresh off factory lines.
Ironically that in itself is closer to the proper Fallout setting; the future that the 1950's pop culture expected, rather than a future obsessed with the 1950's.

(Didn't save the game though. The gameplay is entirely wrong for the series, just like it was with FO3.)
"the future that the 1950's pop culture expected, rather than a future obsessed with the 1950's."
Which Fallout gamers would give a flying fuck about real 50s pop culture, expectation or otherwise?
I remind you we are talking retrofuturism, which is something thought up by 50s pop culture, which itself is envisioned by the 90s think about how the 50s should think. NOT actual 50s think.
Get it very straight about that. Fallout gamers dont actually care about 50s. We care about the 50s envisioned by the 90s.
There's a critical difference in that definition.
(Why important? Because only when you judge anything base on THAT definition you would see that everything dont need to be real-world logical, just Fallout-logical. The basis itself is twisted and unlogical in the first place)