Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

Ugh? UGH?!? That's a little vague. Ugh good? Ugh bad? Ugh, you wish you'd thought of it first?

These questions are more relevant to me that anything to do with FO76 or any of the subscription crap this thread is about.

Edit: FYI, the monthly fee for Fallout 1st is $13, not $10.
Ugh? UGH?!? That's a little vague. Ugh good? Ugh bad? Ugh, you wish you'd thought of it first?

These questions are more relevant to me that anything to do with FO76 or any of the subscription crap this thread is about.

It reminds me of school yard insults like "Billy Whiner" instead of "Billy Steiner" or something. Honestly the whole gaming culture has stayed the same since I was a kid so it just makes me feel too old for this shit. Like being the 40 year old guy that is like "Bugthesda" amirite?

You're a cool dude though, so I know for sure there is not some chick locked in your basement.
If they could write their games' stories and scenarios on a more advanced level, they might deserve a more mature insult. Their writing is Junior High level, and I'm being charitable.

I don't have a basement to lock a chick in. :sad: Should I dig one? :wiggle:
If they could write their games' stories and scenarios on a more advanced level, they might deserve a more mature insult. Their writing is Junior High Level, and I'm being charitable.

I don't have a basement to lock a chick in. :sad: Should I dig one? :wiggle:
This is why I really don't have hope for ES6. ItsAGundam stated that for ES6 to be successful it needs to have writing on par with New Vegas. I would also argue that the lore needs to be on par with Morrowind if they want to win back their fans. Given how Bethesda are lazy and that Bethesda (especially ol' Petey) hates dialogue and RPG elements, as in their mind that won't give them the kind of money that the casual market will give them, I do not see this happening.
If they could write their games' stories and scenarios on a more advanced level, they might deserve a more mature insult. Their writing is Junior High level, and I'm being charitable.
I am wholly convinced that this is intentional; as in carefully made for a median audience; as opposed to dumb crap due to ineptitude.

I have mentioned before about their gameplay hitting the middle mark rather than the bullseye—on purpose, and I think this applies to their writing as well; what concepts and depth it contains. You can't hit the center mark on multiple target markets with one shot, but you can come close with targeted overlap. If you make it too simple, you lose a market segment; too complex, and you lose the others. The middle ground can be ... tolerable to all. :(

I see this as a good thing.

We're getting free entertainment from Bethesda fucking up more.
I thought 76 was getting a bit quiet...
I see this as a good thing.

We're getting free entertainment from Bethesda fucking up more.
I thought 76 was getting a bit quiet...
Same here. This game is a literal circus. You wait for the next fuck up from Bethesda and just laugh. At first it angered me seeing this absolute dumpster fire of a game getting money, but now I'm actually happy, because the shit that they keep releasing is fucking hilarious. Sad for the franchise, but at least TOW seems to be getting nice reviews, so I'll check it in christmas.
This is good:
View attachment 13914

Once again, Bethesda doesn't give a shit about the lore and goes with their "rule of cool" philosophy. I am beside myself with anticipation with how they are going to fuck up Elder Scrolls 6.

It actually does make sense(?) unfortunately because riot gear is pre-war and the armour has CPD (Charleston Police Department) written over it (the NCR armor was from LAPD).
ItsAGundam stated that for ES6 to be successful it needs to have writing on par with New Vegas. I would also argue that the lore needs to be on par with Morrowind if they want to win back their fans.

"ItsAGundam" and most youtubers don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and make revenue from clickbait opinion pieces. Neither the writing in Oblivion or Skyrim was any good and they still made an absurd amount of money. They're still selling Skyrim on every platform they can shoehorn it into. ES6 only needs to be an open world escapist fantasy with the same formula. They don't need to "win back" their fans because of Fallout 76. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are two entirely separate games. Fallout 76 isn't even a main Fallout, it's a spin-off.
"ItsAGundam" and most youtubers don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and make revenue from clickbait opinion pieces. Neither the writing in Oblivion or Skyrim was any good and they still made an absurd amount of money. They're still selling Skyrim on every platform they can shoehorn it into. ES6 only needs to be an open world escapist fantasy with the same formula. They don't need to "win back" their fans because of Fallout 76. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are two entirely separate games. Fallout 76 isn't even a main Fallout, it's a spin-off.

Yeah, itsagundam is pretty Terrible at that and I wouldn't take what he says as gospel.
They don't need to "win back" their fans because of Fallout 76. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are two entirely separate games. Fallout 76 isn't even a main Fallout, it's a spin-off.
I don't feel like the fact 76 is a spin-off is really going to matter. From what I've seen from fanbases is that if an particular installment is complete, utter shit, it'll be the black sheep amongst the franchise regardless of status. Far Cry Primal was a spin-off yet gone a ton of flack and is regarded as a very weak point in the franchise (I personally don't have an issue with the game though).
"ItsAGundam" and most youtubers don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and make revenue from clickbait opinion pieces. Neither the writing in Oblivion or Skyrim was any good and they still made an absurd amount of money. They're still selling Skyrim on every platform they can shoehorn it into. ES6 only needs to be an open world escapist fantasy with the same formula. They don't need to "win back" their fans because of Fallout 76. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are two entirely separate games. Fallout 76 isn't even a main Fallout, it's a spin-off.
I don't know. Fallout 4 is still a divisive title among the fanbase much like The Last Jedi is with Star Wars fans. I am sure that Elder Scrolls and Bethesda fans are like: "Well Fallout sucks now but the next Elder Scrolls will be good." I think they will be in for a rude awakening when Elder Scrolls 6 comes along and I will bust out laughing. Its cute that Bethesda and Elder Scrolls fans think that Elder Scrolls would be safe from Bethesda greed and laziness. If you don't think they are going to do the same shit with Elder Scrolls 6 that they are doing to Fallout 76 then I don't know what to tell you. Fallout 76 is a test bed for Bethesda to see how far they can go with predatory business practices with their fanbase.
Fallout 76 is a test bed for Bethesda to see how far they can go with predatory business practices with their fanbase.
That's giving them far too much credit, history has taught me that Bethesda does not test, they just do.
The next game will be announced with subscription plans.