Fallout 76: Wastelanders releasing soon

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The Wastelanders expansion will be released for free in April. It does appear to look more like a singleplayer Bethesda Fallout game, so this might please some hardcore fans.

In a recent interview with USGamer Pete Hines spoke about the reception of 76. You can find a snippet of that below, with the full link at the bottom.

Pete Hines said:
"Well, I mean at the end of the day, our intention was always, we're going to put this out there, see what folks think, and then cater the stuff that we do later to their reaction. So, for example, I think we were a little surprised how few people wanted to take part in PvP and how many more they were interested in PvE together. As opposed to, 'I want to test my mettle against you and let's get into a duel.' There's some folks who do, don't get me wrong, but I think it's a smaller percentage of our player base than we thought."


This should satisfy the one or two people left playing the game, but I am curious what their plans are past this release.
It's Fallout news. Enjoy coming to a website dedicated to a dead franchise. I definitely enjoy doing this.


I mean seriously how stupid are you? Like they need advertising. It's my job to let any retard here that plays this game know that the shitty DLC will be coming soon. I've barely made any threads dedicated to this shitty game, but that doesn't stop me from having to post news about Fallout 3, 4, and 76. So kindly piss off.
What part of "man I wish I could play Skyrim/Fallout 3/Fallout 4 with a friend" did they not understand? Enough to make an entire game completely ignoring it apparently. Well considering how the game turned out when the game was in full production I can't see how this isn't going to be a complete and total disaster. The main studio behind it was not wellversed with Creation Engine or its assets and this was their first go so now the post production crew is going to scramble together NPC's, dialogue, story and quests?

Man I hope it turns out just as awful as I suspect it to. I don't want the game to have a turnaround. The more it flops the worse Bethesda's reputation will be and maybe juuuuust maybe the Gamers™ will realize that the Godd Howard meme is undeserving, even ironically. And maybe juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust maybe.... Not as many will be suckered into the next hype machine.

It's ridiculous we need these colossal flops and anti-consumerist practices for the average Gamers™ to actually start to pay attention to what is going on around them but judging by how they have the memory of a goldfish in the past we need more flops. This really needs to be burned into their brains with a branding iron. So if this thing turns out well? All the disasters befalling it might have been for nothing as Gamers™ are far too willing to forgive those who rightfully deserves condemnation. Just look at TESO. All the anti consumerist microtransactions bullshit AND lootboxes? It does those and have been for the longest time yet no one bats an eye at that.

Man I remember a time when I was playing the Van Buren demo at a wee young age and I was wishing that there would be more Fallout content and at this point I want the franchise to burn.


I just hope this is a bucket of gasoline and not a bucket of sand.
The horror...
More stuff about Petey:

You can tell Bethesda is getting really pissed off at us, the Codex, Metacritic and YouTubers like YongYea, LegacyKillaHD and Internet Historian. How dare we hold Bethesda to standards and expect them to release a working product that respects the lore. We should just be gratefulf for whatever Bethesda shits out and throw money at them like the good little pay piggies that they want us to be.
I have no sympathy at all for Pete Hines. He was the one that made Bethesda have Fallout go in the direction that it did. He hated the RPG elements and dialogue of the old school Fallout games and New Vegas and demanded that Bethesda steer Fallout into being more action-adventure orientated with no RPG elements and little dialogue as he finds those two things boring and a detriment in a FUCKING RPG SERIES!
Pete Hines is to Fallout what Kathleen Kennedy is to Star War or Alex Krutzman is to Star Trek or Chris Chibnall is to Doctor Who.
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Yeah this is what he said about the dialogue system for Fallout 4:

"like what we’ve done with the dialogue system… and having played Fallout 3 again recently I keep, in Fallout 4 when I’m playing, I keep hitting the button to leave dialogue. I keep forgetting, ‘Oh, I can just walk away’. I don’t have to wait for this guy to stop talking’. And now I’m playing other stuff, where there’s dialogue and I’m thinking, ‘Oh, I wish I could just walk away’. Because I don’t have the attention span for long dialogue! . . . Unless it’s Uncharted or anything by Naughty Dog, and then I never skip any of the dialogue – ’cause theirs is awesome."
- http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/20/bethe...at-other-folks-wouldnt-do-or-dont-do-5352056/

Basically admitting to the fact that Bethesda's writing is trash. So trash in fact that he wants to skip it all together. And this man has influence within the company as to how the direction of games goes.

I genuinely wonder what would happen if Pete (who's completely unsuited for RPG's), Emil (who's writing turned dogshit long ago and at this point doesn't even seem to try) and Toddie (Who I suppose is the main guy behind the decisions that drive the games directions) left the company or got laid off.
I genuinely wonder what would happen if Pete (who's completely unsuited for RPG's), Emil (who's writing turned dogshit long ago and at this point doesn't even seem to try) and Toddie (Who I suppose is the main guy behind the decisions that drive the games directions) left the company or got laid off.
To me, Todd Howard is more or less a JJ Abrams type. Like Abrams, he is more or less a studio "Yes Man" that does whatever the higher ups at Zenimax want him to do but also, like JJ Abrams, he adds whatever he thinks is "cool" and "badass" even if it makes no sense to the story or the games world. Also, like Abrams again, Todd tries to use nostalgia and pull at the audiences heart strings to make his games seem good, memorable and thoughtful.
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I can't see anything major changing. I mean what's a difference between getting a fetch quest from robot/terminal and getting a fetch quest from human.
I don't even care at this point if they shoehorn another BoS chapter that had a Skype talk with Maxson.

I don't really have a problem with Todd (I don't think he's involved that much anymore, he just sells the product at E3) or Emil (he's a shitty lead, but he can write smaller stories and seems to be a competent designer), but Pete feels like he's personally disgusted with people that play their games and care about them (his comment about Kid in a Fridge).

Personally I'm enjoying a 3rd playthrough of Nevada and with Mutants Rising, Sonora and two possible Van Buren remakes on the horizon I'm pretty optimistic about Fallout's future (maybe not the official one).
Pete Hines coming up with utter bullshit to try to justify Bethesda's actions through the Fallout 76 debacle.

All I am expecting is more hacks, bugs, crashes, glitches etc.

I really hope we get Fallout 76 part 2 by Internet Historian, when the update releases.

At least Yongyea and others will get some free views from this 2 year old dumpster fire.
I genuinely wonder what would happen if Pete (who's completely unsuited for RPG's), Emil (who's writing turned dogshit long ago and at this point doesn't even seem to try) and Toddie (Who I suppose is the main guy behind the decisions that drive the games directions) left the company or got laid off.

I'd imagine the culture at Bethesda has staffed the entire company with designers and writers who think the same way.

Translation of Pete Hines's quote: "We had no vision for this product. We only wanted something that would sell. We made a piece of shit because we were trying to jump on a crowded bandwagon."
Incoming: Not enough of this content will be in the game. When people talk to those NPCs not in those "private areas" things will be wonky, awkward, and/or buggy. Consequences will be largely absent or pointless as there will be like choose character A or character B to die in following quest, the one that didn't die will be the same merchant either way (if that makes sense).

More stuff about Petey:

Lol at Pete saying things like, "We tried something new" and comparing that to Horizon Zero Dawn. I wasn't big on HZD but hey, robot dinosaurs made me interested. But to compare Bethesda making 76 to Guerrilla making HZD is laughable. At least Guerrilla did it mostly well. I didn't like it but it was coherent in design, not scummy in monetization despite having plenty of opportunity to do so in the way the game was made even, and otherwise well received. Making a game that can't even appeal to people that aren't hyper-critical (such as most people on this forum and other niche communities) is a pretty big fuck up.

C'mon, if they understood their fanbase, made a game that was fun and interesting, and so on, this game would have done way better. The engine with the piled on code that's never fixed enough pushed to do something completely new like multiplayer was a bad idea enough. They really minimized costs here. It's painfully obvious. If they wanted a Fallout live service that didn't get shit on, they shouldn't have used Gamebryo/Creation with all the assets and programming of Fallout 4 and the older games' code built on that engine with some new programming to make multiplayer work. ESO is far better received (I mean probably not super great but I don't give enough of a shit to check) but it wouldn't have been if it was just a Skyrim but with multiplayer it would have had so many issues like Fallout 76 does.
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We tried something new, so we made a live service game with predatory microtransactions and later added Battle Royale.

Staying on Pete subject, I wonder how much influence he has on the way Atom Shop works.

Edit: Original interview with Pete was removed because of the huge amount of dislikes and then reuploaded. Guess what, like to dislike ratio is even worse.
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We tried something new, so we made a live service game with predatory microtransactions and later added Battle Royale.

Staying on Pete subject, I wonder how much influence he has on the way Atom Shop works.

Edit: Original interview with Pete was removed because of the huge amount of dislikes and then reuploaded. Guess what, like to dislike ratio is even worse.

I have said it many times before over my years on NMA, I believe Pete has more power then he lets on at the creative department in Bethesda. I believe that he, more or less, has the power akin to that of a producer in Hollywood over at Bethesda and Zenimax. After all, many of the changes made to the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series have been due to his insistence and direction.
More likely he is the company parrot that gets marching orders from the Zenimax League of Doom.
Edit: Original interview with Pete was removed because of the huge amount of dislikes and then reuploaded. Guess what, like to dislike ratio is even worse.
I tried to find the reuploaded interview and it seems it's not up as well.

It's so good seeing Pete Hines getting trashed like he deserves, but at the same time i doubt it will have any effect. But if it ends up having a negative effect on him and Bethesda, all the better.
And here I just deleted Fallout 76 because I haven't played it in over a year and forgot I had it installed.
I genuinely wonder what would happen if Pete (who's completely unsuited for RPG's), Emil (who's writing turned dogshit long ago and at this point doesn't even seem to try) and Toddie (Who I suppose is the main guy behind the decisions that drive the games directions) left the company or got laid off.

Under the right direction, I believe Emil could do something good, and I think if Todd has the chance to, he could pull out something close to Morrowind again.

But nothing will change unless their next game does bad, which is won't. It will be a single player experience and People will love it and it'll sell well and it'll be a redemption arc for Bethesda.

But at the same time, they need to pull something wonderful out of their ass in order to keep the PC crowd pleased. Bethesda have been dicking over PC Players for a long time now, and they're basically volunteer developers at this point, fixing the broken messes that is a Bethesda game.

In fact, they need a new engine. F76 showed us that this engine is basically deformed and broken.

Saying that, I believe Pete is the one to blame here. He'll be in charge of a lot of business decisions, which limit what the rest of the company can do.
I mean, look at how F4 was developed, they remastered Skyrim and used that as a basis which is probably the worst way to go about things.
Edit: Original interview with Pete was removed because of the huge amount of dislikes and then reuploaded. Guess what, like to dislike ratio is even worse.

While I have, on record, said that Pete is probably the one responsible for the mess Bethesda is in, I can't believe that he is somehow VP of PR with the stuff he has said. And yes, the dislike ratio is even worse.
Under the right direction, I believe Emil could do something good, and I think if Todd has the chance to, he could pull out something close to Morrowind again.
Emil isn't terrible. His strength seems to be doing side quests or faction quests like the Dark Brotherhood. When he is given material and direction with these they can be pretty good but a lead writer he is not. I don't say that to be mean but when it comes to writing the main story Emil lacks the skills to pull it off. Writing a main story is a big undertaking especially when you are the one who has to come up with the material and direction.
To me Todd has quite a bit of ideas but, like with George Lucas, he needs some "No Men" to rein in his ideas, make them coherent and to tell him that some of those ideas won't make sense lore wise in the game.