The Czech Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Between Good & Evil has released a few screenshots and renderings on the project's website, displaying some of the custom graphics created by this team.

</center>Fallout: BG&E is also looking for a people to join, if you want to help on their project.
<blockquote>Now the usual recruiting – we look for:
Thanks to Karel for informing us.
<blockquote>Now the usual recruiting – we look for:
- Any programmers, with at least C or Pascal (Fallout scripting engine knowledge would be great), who are willing to work at a tedious task of scripting dialogues, or who can debug and test scripts.
- Any artists, especially those who can do 3D models or loadingscreens.
- One high-quality dialogue writer (or more). Only condition – must work a lot. Somehow, high quality and high amount of work don't go together.
- An English native speaker with perfect grammar and spelling, who will (later) check texts and dialogues for any mistakes or „strange sentences“.
Thanks to Karel for informing us.