Fallout BoS pictures

What the hell? This doesn't even remotely LOOK like Fallout! At least with tactics it kina looked like Fallout. :x

That's just Fallouty!


Village People gone bad!! The bartender looks like he's gonna be gang-raped to the tune of YMCA-singing pirates.

Look at this peice of shit, they even managed to make the conversation interface non-fallouty. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE GREEN LETTERS AGAINST A 50's STYLE MONOCOLOR MONITOR?!?!?!?!?!

Role-Player said:

And here I was thinking that at least video games were safe from advertising (Bawls "sponsered" BOS). That really makes me want to puke.
The dialogs sucks, too. (i'm french so i can say to you it's pure bullshit).
I know a bit of French, and it's more horrifying in Herve's native language as it makes jack shit for sense.

Just like Herve.
>>I think the main part reads:

"Well i imagine you're the stranger that everyone talks about. <Don't understand...>... My name is Richard, Mayor of Carbon. I appreciate what you did againt the plunderers/robbers/meanie YMCA pirates, but i think you'll cause more problems for us"

>>And the answers:

1) The Mayor, hun? What do you do, exactly?
2) The Brotherhood of Steel has sent me here. I'm looking for other soldiers like me/myself...
3) You can't let the plunderers/robbers/meanie YMCA pirate treat you like that.
4) Very well. Go get busy (not sure if this one is correct :roll:). Me, i'm leaving.
For the <Don't Understand> part, I think he's saying he expected more people, or he expected someone better.
Montez said:
And here I was thinking that at least video games were safe from advertising (Bawls "sponsered" BOS). That really makes me want to puke.

That billboard looks fantastic for an 80+ year old billboard. It also looks way out of place with the setting, too.

Chuck-a-duck tried to indoctrinate with Bawls in "Run like Hell" too.
He likes Bawls, I guess. *smirk*

On a related side-tangent...

Dare I say... EEK?
Where has my precious fallout gone. *sobs*
BTW what the hell is BAWLS? I have never actually seen it, except the ads for it in RLH, and POS.
Just wait untill you guys see that press video for Fbos, I trimming the size on it down..
lol, never noticed that. I don't think the developers of Fallout intended that, I think it's supposed to be Coka Cola, because it was such a popular drink in the 50's (Before all the other soft drinks cam along I assume)