Fallout: Capital Wasteland - Reimagining Fallout 3

What boggles the mind, is that in FO3, they included equip-able cue sticks, and a full size pool table—with physics applied to the balls, but included no option to use the cue stick with the pool tables. The only way to play pool is with the BB gun, and it works.
What you suggest in these two paragraphs are almost verbatim the exact story of Fallout 76’s Steel Dawn/Steel Reign expansions. I have to say, those expansions pissed me the absolute fuck off due to how early in the timeline they occur, however if you ignore that flagrant stupidity of the BOS walking on foot from California to West Virginia and just focus on the power struggle between the faction, then it’s without a doubt in my mind the best writing for the BOS Bethesda has done. If it weren’t for the fact that it was only 25 years after the war and they expect me to believe that not only is the BOS already a highly advanced organized military but walked ON FOOT from California to West Virginia, then I would have liked what Bethesda did with the BOS for once. This story set in Fallout 3’s timeline as your idea is makes so much more sense and would make me appreciate that kind of story so much more.

Didn't know that Bethesda decided to use this plot again in Fallout 76, but to be honest I don't care for the lore and retcons in their games such as with the Brotherhood whose importance has become way overblown.
Occasionally I go through the Fallout wiki so that my knowledge stays somewhat up to date but I care little beyond Fallout 1, 2, and FNV. Well and the documents for Van Buren.

A Brotherhood civil war could have been a very interesting plot to explore in a Fallout game. Unfortunate we will never see it in an interesting way.
Maybe in a fan game one day.

I think the discussion about when the BOS should have existed as the group we would meet in Fallout 1, or them going to the East Coast/Virginia when they would not even investigate West-Tek has been done to death.
Reilly is a man this time stressing the fact that this is a more grounded version of the capital wasteland.
This seems very random and out of no where. I don't see how a woman in power is unrealistic. I mean say what you want about real life but at the very least in the Fallout universe it's not uncommon for women to be leaders. The best example being Tandi of the NCR but there are more examples if you want.
This seems very random and out of no where. I don't see how a woman in power is unrealistic. I mean say what you want about real life but at the very least in the Fallout universe it's not uncommon for women to be leaders. The best example being Tandi of the NCR but there are more examples if you want.

I got the same critic from @Iprovidelittlepianos:

I don’t feel that changing Reilly from a woman to a man is necessary. Perhaps in our world a woman leading a military outfit might be unusual, but fallout and it’s predecessors have established that strong female leaders are semi-common. The leader of the Blades, the Khan’s right hand (wo)man, not to mention the badass chicks of the mad max franchise. I just don’t feel the change isn’t necessary.

My reason is mainly that strong female characters have been done badly and for the wrong reasons during the last five years (or more) and that makes me averse to the whole idea. I liked that in games and movies before though.

The other reason for me is that a mercenary company operating in a post-apocalyptic warzone must be the toughest guys around. You are right about Fallout 1, 2 and NV having some strong female leaders, but mainly as civil leaders. Tandi and Lynette were not military. That chick leading the Blades is the only woman who leads a gang I can remember. However as it turns out the Blades weren't the bad gang the Regulators tried to make them out as, they were just a group of people surviving together.

I will be open for the Reilly character to remain a woman but it has to be done better than this to feel real:

I liked the female leader of he Resistance in the rescent Terminator game though. She was well done. So she could be a source of inspiration I think.

Jodie Foster in Elysium comes to mind, she was good but she's not a fighter on the ground. A warrior woman leading a mercenary company must be designed very carefully to be good, but I won't discard the concept.
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I got the same critic from @Iprovidelittlepianos:

My reason is mainly that strong female characters have been done badly and for the wrong reasons during the last five years (or more) and that makes me averse to the whole idea. I liked that in games and movies before though.

If a character who is a black one legged lesbian who started his/her/life as a boy then that character will be up to date, of our time etc, etc :)
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Reilly could still be the leader of the faction and not necessarily have to be “le badass female warrior”. If we’re comparing Reilly to the likes of Tandi, then realistically why have the leader of said faction be out in the front lines where she can be killed and chop the head off the entire faction? Not every leader needs to be actively fighting, and if her Rangers faction is big enough to effectively replace the BOS in this concept, she shouldn’t be fighting imo. I could see Reilly in an Augustus/Agrippa type situation where she’s the strategic genius, but not the muscle. That could go to a field general.
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