Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

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I prefer the idea that the Vault experiments were part of the Enclave's feasibility research into a long term space program and colonization of other worlds than what Bethesda did with it such as experiments of creating super soldiers or just basically torturing Vault Dwellers for the sake of it.

For a long time I wanted to create a mod in which the player would actually discover the Enclave's experimental starship, a big massive fusion ramscoop rocket in a geo synchronous orbit around Earth.

Like in the plot of Sky Captain and the Future of Tomorrow allowing this ship to take off would actually have been a bad thing as the fusion drive would do extreme damage to Earth's atmosphere. (basically igniting a small sun in close Earth orbit)
What I dont get about the AAA-catering you mentioned is that everybody seems to agree that FO needed a 3D-sequel to be revived and in terms of sales you could say this is true. All the while games like XCOM and Jagged Alliance keep getting 2D-Sequels in recent years, Pillars of Eternity and Divinity Original Sin were getting a lot of attention as well.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if we just got a 2D-Fallout Sequel. Would it be dead by now? Or just not as overhyped and shallow as it is now?
2D / 3D was never the issue; I can't recall a single request for a 2D Fallout sequel.

The problem with the terms 2D & 3D, is that an alarming number of people believe that 3D means 'First Person'. :scratch:
The Enclave should be in Antarctica.
2D / 3D was never the issue; I can't recall a single request for a 2D Fallout sequel.

The problem with the terms 2D & 3D, is that an alarming number of people believe that 3D means 'First Person'. :scratch:

Not a sequel but it is the closest thing we got.
2D / 3D was never the issue; I can't recall a single request for a 2D Fallout sequel.

The problem with the terms 2D & 3D, is that an alarming number of people believe that 3D means 'First Person'. :scratch:
Yes, you can count me into this alarming rate as well. What I meant to say is what if F3 would have kept the isometric view style instead of going 3D FPS.Squadcar caught my drift, I guess. :)
Yeah, I did. When people say 2D or 3D Fallout they usually just mean the viewpoint. A 3D Fallout is fine, a first person one is less preferred though. Isometric/trimetric or whatever it was, is much preferred in my opinion.
I've been saying for a while now that the best 3D version of Fallout would be something similar to Dragon Age Origins. Camera can be zoomed in to see all the details and for "immersion", but can also be zoomed out for a classic isometric experience.
Wasteland 2 essentially adopted this, but I always thought DAO did it way better because the world itself looked better.
I would rephrase the title of the thread.
Not *Fallout is officially dead* but *Official Fallouts had been dead long ago*

But Fallout is far from dead. There are tons of mods in 2d and 3d already released, and some of the most ambitious were either released a couple years ago or still in development. There will come a a day Fallout will die for sure, but that day hasn't come yet. Plus, even without those new unoficial sequels, the community is still active and remembering the lost battles.

But if you want to talk about those things sold by a big company with a Fallout TM brand on it, they aren't actually Fallout games and most of the people here already know it. You are just hurting yourself with hopes that this company will make a real Fallout game one day. FoNV was an accident from their perspective. They might call their soccer events as chess tournaments, those are still soccer event. Want to play chess, seek elsewhere.
same :)

I´m a sucker for FPS and never really like all this "Sony The Game".

I don't mind the PS4 exclusives usually. At least they aren't pumped with microtransactions, lootboxes, and DLC/season passes.
HZD is a game I'm playing right now and it's nothing amazing but it's pretty midrange. They didn't even make DLC for it until after its release and it was a 10 dollar DLC. That's it. Other titles don't even go that far.
If it takes being a console selling cinematic game to get games that are well polished and never cost more than 60 bucks to get the full content, I'm down with it.
I like TLOU despite it being overrated. I can't wait for the new Spider-Man since I love Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 on PS2 was one of my favorite console games ever.
Thank you Bethesda, for introducing me to Fallout and getting me so fatigued with your BS that I’m playing through the classics and actually really enjoying them. That being said, screw you for your corporate ego BS and for ruining a universe I immediately fell in love with.