Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

There's a little thing in BCRanger line 239:
At the end of the line, Oscar says 'Chief Chatto's son'. But Chatto is not a Chief, Chatto is the son of Chief Geronimo, so it should be 'Chatto, the Chief's son'
Finished my first Sonora playthrough. For some reason, Inferno and V27 endings are disabled. At first I was wondering why I didn't get them as listed in the wiki.
Also with the help of sfall debug logging I found that Sonora (official release) is missing a single-frame death anim for power armor critters (hapowrrj.frm), so in the destroyed Puerto map there should be two scorched bodies instead of just one. You can get the missing FRM here.

Too bad there's no way to get Casa Nueva into the alliance with Rangers after destroying BOS, so taking Rangers side basically dooms the town (and Santa Ana in theory). Is there a way to get Padre and others out of the forbidden zone without helping ZAX/Tinsmith? I mean, how to get the seventh ending of Two-Sun?
If one tries to help as many locations as they can (i.e. not destroying their life sources), there's a high chance they don't get any personal ending (without Ranger/BOS/Fire cult title).
@NovaRain - thanks for those details. I am rebuilding the master.dat and critters.dat for a full English version of Fallout: Sonora currently.

Some of the ending slides are missing, or not properly made, which may be why Vault 27 and Inferno are commented out. However, Villa itself is lacking proper Fallout 1 style end-slides, as is San Brahmin (partially). I am working on those now. I will turn Vault 27 and Inferno on in the next version.

I will add the FRM into the rebuilt critter.dat as well - I wonder if that missing FRM was the source of some crashes around targetting power armor over in the main Sonora thread...?
I wonder if that missing FRM was the source of some crashes around targetting power armor over in the main Sonora thread...?
Maybe, but for 1.15 targeting a power armor critter works just fine in my game, so I'm not sure about the cause of the crash.
There you go:

Screenshot 2025-03-19 at 7.21.37.png
1.15 is out?!
Does anybody happen to know if Foxx's version has been updated.. so far in an acces link that i have to Foxx's release i can only see 1.14+
is there some new source of 1.15 or are you all talking of direct Nevada Band release?
About PCDrgdlr line 220:
The pusher calls the PC 'estupida', this is the femenine version of 'estupido' in spanish, so he'll call you this whether the PC is a woman or a guy
Perhaps add another line? Since 226 and 1226 already make this distinction with pendejo/a
@OnlyALad - I added a zReply here in the script, so we now have line 1220 as well, which uses the feminine version, and 220 uses the masculine version.
Thanks, how are you?

There is a minor thing in PCBrtrA, line 356:
"I can mount a 10x Unertle sniper scope."
Unertl was a real world brand, but it doesn't have the E at the end
And also, this would be a little inconsistency if that matters, since the Scoped Hunting Rifle description says the x10 scope is a Triveld brand
Line 221 has a typo at the end: "The main thing aa gun that won't let you down in a fight."

Also, do you know if the Liberation Party's password is referencing something? "There are no people more loyal to the emperor than a handful of peasants." It *feels* like it's referencing something, but perhaps it's just a phrase.
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The error is in the description. I opted to use Fallout 1 descriptions where possible, but the original Russian description doesn't specify the type of scope. In the code it *is* specified as an Unertl, so that's what it should be. I will adjust the description to be vague, but keep the Fallout 1 flavor, i.e. drop the 'Loophole Scope' portion (which is probably a play on Leupold Scopes)

I'm doing good, just working on making a complete, or near complete set of endgame slides at 800x500 resolution. I realize now that the end slides are somewhat incomplete, and are missing a few images, a few more than I thought (Inferno, Vault 27 etc.)

You must be nearly there with the translation? I am pretty close to a full English release, which will fork from the Nevada Band release.
I'm doing good, just working on making a complete, or near complete set of endgame slides at 800x500 resolution. I realize now that the end slides are somewhat incomplete, and are missing a few images, a few more than I thought (Inferno, Vault 27 etc.)

You must be nearly there with the translation? I am pretty close to a full English release, which will fork from the Nevada Band release.
Yeah, I did notice that when reading the thread and also when finished the game and translated the endings
How are you planning to incorporate them to be similar to the endings that use 3D? Photoshop? When reading at tue V27 ending I imagined the FO1 vault picture with the number 27 on it.
I imagine stuff like the Villa endings will be harder since the assets like the independence ending are 2D

I'm close, almost there - though lately I didn't progress because the tendons on my hands started to hurt whenever I typed, but it stopped now

Regarding the quote I asked about in the other post - it's because I was considering to change it to a historical quote by Emiliano Zapata during the mexican revolution to give it a little touch, since the other quote when translated doesn't sound too well

This also happened when songs are brought up - I want to change them to old mexican songs from around the same years that fit Fallout since it'll resonate a lot better, but I know I shouldn't as it would alter the author's intentions and why it was put there... but I want to
When reading at tue V27 ending I imagined the FO1 vault picture with the number 27 on it.
My first plan, but I couldn't find a hi-res enough version of the original vault door - I went with an alternate look that might suffice. For Villa I am pulling images from the opening video. I will let you see some, along with some other frequent posters around here, to get some critical feedback on my attempts. Currently I am using photoshop, though I was once capable with Blender. I just don't feel like getting back into blender to make the end slides, so I am trying to do them photoshop only, using various sources.

I don't know the source of that quote, but I am thinking Russian. There was some pity for the plight of the Russian serf in some of the emperors/empresses of Russia. A quote by Zapata sounds good to me, considering the setting.

This also happened when songs are brought up - I want to change them to old mexican songs from around the same years that fit Fallout since it'll resonate a lot better, but I know I shouldn't as it would alter the author's intentions and why it was put there... but I want to
I would consider making changes that suit your audience. A literal translation is not what people want. Not really. That's what machines give you.
I would consider making changes that suit your audience. A literal translation is not what people want. Not really. That's what machines give you.
Thanks - I think it'll play on the mexican aspect which I feel is underutilized, though if it's an issue for some people I can change it afterwards
I'm looking at the pictures now - I'll reply after thinking it over so the feedback is actually helpful