Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Okay, here's some stuff I found
Another great chunk of feedback. I implemented all your changes or suggestions, except those I mention below:

It's Dayglow and San Ysidro now. All instances have been corrected to these two names.

Are the Long Haulers really the 'Far Go Traders'? The literal translation never really lands on Far Go Trades. I had just assumed it was a new or previously unknown trading company from there, as the original game already had at least 3 major ones. I thought the Far Go Traders were one of the smaller, local ones. However, I'm happy to switch it, because it seems like it could very likely be the Far Go traders, but is there any evidence, or does someone know? Maybe the Russian is the same as used in Fallout 1? Maybe I can find that...

The 'ERROR! F2' message concerns me. Do you have a screenshot of this? Is that the exact message?

I am not sure how to fix the power armor in the translation, if one description is serving for two power armor states. I will have to look into this, though it may be tricky unless I am actually at the armor in game. Or I tweak a script.

"Then we play it by ear" is an appropriate expression for that dialogue.

Rutger's dialogue is really weird. The section you are referencing is built through the script, from 2 lines, and reference to a proto_data, which is doest not appear to be included in the language files. It is really odd, unlike any other handling of items/equipment etc. I can change the lines before and after the name of the item, but not the item itself (maybe). How could it be improved?
Stanley's quest needs the player to go to Balboa Park and repair a substation.
I'm also working on this issue. There was previously a bug found with this 'powering' of the monorail quest, which I fixed in code. Stanley's dialogue is: "And it looks like the only place to get it is at the Bonita hydroelectric station, which has been well guarded since the War. We need to not only start the station but also direct it to the monorail substation"

Are you saying that the actual substation is in Balboa Park, and not Bonita?
Another great chunk of feedback. I implemented all your changes or suggestions, except those I mention below:

It's Dayglow and San Ysidro now. All instances have been corrected to these two names.

Are the Long Haulers really the 'Far Go Traders'? The literal translation never really lands on Far Go Trades. I had just assumed it was a new or previously unknown trading company from there, as the original game already had at least 3 major ones. I thought the Far Go Traders were one of the smaller, local ones. However, I'm happy to switch it, because it seems like it could very likely be the Far Go traders, but is there any evidence, or does someone know? Maybe the Russian is the same as used in Fallout 1? Maybe I can find that...

The 'ERROR! F2' message concerns me. Do you have a screenshot of this? Is that the exact message?

I am not sure how to fix the power armor in the translation, if one description is serving for two power armor states. I will have to look into this, though it may be tricky unless I am actually at the armor in game. Or I tweak a script.

"Then we play it by ear" is an appropriate expression for that dialogue.

Rutger's dialogue is really weird. The section you are referencing is built through the script, from 2 lines, and reference to a proto_data, which is doest not appear to be included in the language files. It is really odd, unlike any other handling of items/equipment etc. I can change the lines before and after the name of the item, but not the item itself (maybe). How could it be improved?
I forgot to delete the "Play it by ear" part in my post, sorry, I did look it up after a minute, never heard it before

The PA isn't exactly a necessary change because being PA, a player will look at it and undoubtedly try to pick it up, it's mostly a small noté

I'm fairly sure they have to be the Far Go Traders, because that Rutger is the same Rutger you encounter in Fallout 1 (same bald guy with leather armour model from FO1) and he also mentions Butch being his boss (I should have explained this reasoning originally, now that I look at it)

If you can change the lines before and after that's fine, the item itself doesn't need to be changed even if the line is shared by all of them
Perhaps "I found the [ItemName] you asked for." Is the way to go, because it would look like "I found the Vertibird Plans/Water Chip/Fuel Controller you asked for." And so forth

About San Ysidro, in that case the guys I did list are okay, everyone else referred to it as San Isidro

I'll post a screenshot of the save screen later, because I saved over the Coronado savegames, and this happened on all of its' maps, but I have a savegame near that point so I'll just rush it

I'm also working on this issue. There was previously a bug found with this 'powering' of the monorail quest, which I fixed in code. Stanley's dialogue is: "And it looks like the only place to get it is at the Bonita hydroelectric station, which has been well guarded since the War. We need to not only start the station but also direct it to the monorail substation"

Are you saying that the actual substation is in Balboa Park, and not Bonita?
Something like that. So first you need to complete the Bonita quest and direct the power as the Dam ghoul tells you to, afterward you go to talk with Stanley and he'll talk about the substation for the monorail/Blue Line, and that substation is located in a shack in Balboa Park
I'm fairly sure they have to be the Far Go Traders, because that Rutger is the same Rutger you encounter in Fallout 1
That's clear enough for me. Long Haulers changed to Far Go Traders. I also fixed Rutger's lines as per your suggestion, sounded good.

I am looking into the save/load game error now. 'ERROR! F2' is a hard-coded message that occurs when the map doesn't show up in a reference list, so I would definitely like to fix that.

I will also look at the giving better setup for the Bonita quest. I guess some kind of hint or direct toward Balboa Park is what it needs?
That's clear enough for me. Long Haulers changed to Far Go Traders. I also fixed Rutger's lines as per your suggestion, sounded good.

I am looking into the save/load game error now. 'ERROR! F2' is a hard-coded message that occurs when the map doesn't show up in a reference list, so I would definitely like to fix that.

I will also look at the giving better setup for the Bonita quest. I guess some kind of hint or direct toward Balboa Park is what it needs?
Would it help if I uploaded my savegame instead so you can play around the bunker area? That way you can live check the area too to see if what you're doing works. I'd just have to send the savegame folder in a zip file, right?
I'm suggesting this because I can't take a screenshot for some reason...

Also, out of curiosity I saw 2 other endings and there is a small thing here: If you take the Butler ending, during the ghoul-human fight, the San Isidro ghouls will refer to it as San-Isidro, same with the Vault Dweller at the ending
I'll post a screenshot of the save screen later, because I saved over the Coronado savegames, and this happened on all of its' maps, but I have a savegame near that point so I'll just rush it
If you have savegame around this area, throw it my way, as it could help nail this little issue down.

I also caught the San-Isidro references too, they are already San Ysidro in the next version.

EDIT: Missed your post above. Yes the savegame would help for sure. Zip file attached to post will work good.
Here it is, the security system is deactivated so you can just walk around freely around the maps, there are 4 in total, surface and 3 bunker areas
Though it says the file is too large for the server, so here it is as a Drive link
Well, figured it out. Dayglow's entrances exceed the 'Entrance_List_Capacity'. So it can't be fixed without creating a custom version of Fallout CE. Which I may do eventually.

Dayglow is the only location with more than 11 entrances. The maximum is 10.


EDIT: Wait...that may just be the string name capacity...
Doesn't matter, still hard coded.
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Car _scenery description
"If the Mechanic of the Year suddenly appeared next to you, both of you could not fix this rusty heap"
Why is the Mechanic of the Year capitalized like that?

NPC Administrator, Flagstaff
Why is the mine administrator calling the tv dinner brahminfry?
After replying with "You must be under a lot of stress. It seems like no one truly understands except you." Admin responds with "That's none of my concern. Let's move on."
Changes: my->your Reason: obvious

NPC Joe, Flagstaff
It seems like Joe forgets that I took up the task of collecting debt from Davis when I ask him for another task again.

NPC Gatekeeper, Garage City
After offering to help fix his his rifle and then engtering that tree again the reply Sure, why not. remains and makes the dialouge exit.

NPC Brahmin and Scavenger in leather armor, Gatekeepers Brahmin Hunt Quest
After buying the brahmin from the savages the replies in the brahmin dialouge don't reflect that.
[Let's go, let's go, before the savages see..]
[No, don't follow me. The herders won't like it.]
Same situation with the dialouge with the scavenger leader.

NPC Smart Guy, Flagstaff
[Come on, do something useful for people as oppressed as you. This is your chance at salvation]
Changes: as oppressed as->oppressed peope like
Reason: rolls of the tongue more and makes the reply sound less stiff.
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Besides the DLC area are there any other locations or stuff that still needs some work? Also which locations would you consider near 100% done?
Well, figured it out. Dayglow's entrances exceed the 'Entrance_List_Capacity'. So it can't be fixed without creating a custom version of Fallout CE. Which I may do eventually.

Dayglow is the only location with more than 11 entrances. The maximum is 10.


EDIT: Wait...that may just be the string name capacity...
Doesn't matter, still hard coded.
I did expect an error like this to pop up considering the size of Dayglow
At first I thought "maybe it's the radiation messing with the Pip-Boy somehow"

Anyway, I'll make a separate save and try to do the rest of the quests eventually and see what I can catch, but for now I'm going back to Sonora and see the rest of the game.

Also, I saw this today, it haunts me


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The Mechanic of the Year is capitalized because it is a 'title', even if in jest. It's actually a line directly from Fallout 1, where it is also capitalized.

Fixed up the administrator, but I don't know why it is TV diner from the barman, and brahminfry when he receives it. That is from the original Russian. However, considering what the barman says, maybe he has filled the tv dinner package with brahminfry? It's just being to hold/carry/deliver it? That's my guess, but this could be changed if we consider it an error in the original Russian.

I checked the script for Joe, and he should only continue to offer the debt collecting job if you refused the job, or gave a wishy-washy answer. You have to select "Consider his debt mine now." to activate the quest. Did you select "I'll mull it over."? That would not activate it. Though maybe it should. I could change that, because it kinda feels like he shouldn't bring it up again if you are 'mulling it over'

Fixed the Gatekeeper reply

For the Brahmin quest, this was a 'bug' noted here and there, or the buying aspect of the quest was not fully developed. I added responses and paths for buying the brahmin, rather than taking it by force to Garage City. In this case, with the brahmin dialogue, it may be easiest to make the responses more generic, rather than tweak the script (which I could do)

"No, don't follow me. Shoo, shoo! You brainless brahmin..."
"C'mon, c'mon, you dumb brahmin..."

For the scavengers I can add a tree and tweak the script to make it more satisfying. I'll do that.

Smart guy dialogue fixed.

Thanks for the great feedback Fic_Mon!
Besides the DLC area are there any other locations or stuff that still needs some work? Also which locations would you consider near 100% done?
Good question.

The most solid areas are ones that have received a 'tree pass' (where I use the scripts of each dialogue to work my way through each path, which takes a loooong time). These can be considered 99.9% done, because I can still make mistakes here.

So, best areas are:

Casa Nueva
Casa Grande
Old Hotel
El Faro Pier
Garage City (partial)

Areas that have received some play-throughs, but no 'tree-pass'

Garage City
San Brahmin

All other areas have not had a play-through by me (nor been entered into), though some feedback by players. So anything outside of this list needs love.
I did expect an error like this to pop up considering the size of Dayglow
At first I thought "maybe it's the radiation messing with the Pip-Boy somehow"
Yeah, a bit of a bummer. It would be a tiny fix, and I think Fallout CE can easily have that in the next build.

As for that picture... San Isidro....!

I'm pretty sure San Ysidro is still the most accurate. That is the name of that area I believe. San Ysidro

The Mechanic of the Year is capitalized because it is a 'title', even if in jest. It's actually a line directly from Fallout 1, where it is also capitalized.

Fixed up the administrator, but I don't know why it is TV diner from the barman, and brahminfry when he receives it. That is from the original Russian. However, considering what the barman says, maybe he has filled the tv dinner package with brahminfry? It's just being to hold/carry/deliver it? That's my guess, but this could be changed if we consider it an error in the original Russian.

I checked the script for Joe, and he should only continue to offer the debt collecting job if you refused the job, or gave a wishy-washy answer. You have to select "Consider his debt mine now." to activate the quest. Did you select "I'll mull it over."? That would not activate it. Though maybe it should. I could change that, because it kinda feels like he shouldn't bring it up again if you are 'mulling it over'

Fixed the Gatekeeper reply

For the Brahmin quest, this was a 'bug' noted here and there, or the buying aspect of the quest was not fully developed. I added responses and paths for buying the brahmin, rather than taking it by force to Garage City. In this case, with the brahmin dialogue, it may be easiest to make the responses more generic, rather than tweak the script (which I could do)

"No, don't follow me. Shoo, shoo! You brainless brahmin..."
"C'mon, c'mon, you dumb brahmin..."

For the scavengers I can add a tree and tweak the script to make it more satisfying. I'll do that.

Smart guy dialogue fixed.

Thanks for the great feedback Fic_Mon!
Yeah I selected mull it over thinking i accepted the quest it should be changed because its too vague imo.

By scripting for the brahmin hunt quest what do you have in mind other than the dialouges you typed up here (which I like the idea of). And yeah the scavs should get a tree.

And for the brahminfry I'll see what I can find in the forums and maybe I'll even ask black designer himself because I distinctly remember this being a problem back in the radmurav days.
Yeah, a bit of a bummer. It would be a tiny fix, and I think Fallout CE can easily have that in the next build.

As for that picture... San Isidro....!

I'm pretty sure San Ysidro is still the most accurate. That is the name of that area I believe. San Ysidro
From my 3 minute google search I would agree. It seems like one of those cases where its just the way a place name is spelled even if its technically grammaticaly wrong or in this case an archaic spelling.

Forum discussion of the spelling
Good question.

The most solid areas are ones that have received a 'tree pass' (where I use the scripts of each dialogue to work my way through each path, which takes a loooong time). These can be considered 99.9% done, because I can still make mistakes here.

So, best areas are:

Casa Nueva
Casa Grande
Old Hotel
El Faro Pier
Garage City (partial)

Areas that have received some play-throughs, but no 'tree-pass'

Garage City
San Brahmin

All other areas have not had a play-through by me (nor been entered into), though some feedback by players. So anything outside of this list needs love.
NPC Hiram, Flagstaff
Keeps using the first time greeting when talking to him for the first time and asking to talk about something else. Upon further inspection this behavior occurs only in the Who are you, and what is this place? reply. Under that tree can you change:
[Understood. Can you elaborate?]->[Understood. Can you elaborate on something else?]
or something more fitting because it sounds more like a follow-up question than the PC wanting to ask about something else.
Also IDK if I have to complete the vandal quest but chosing the reply [I'm interested in acquiring your knowledge.] does nothing and just exits the dialouge.

Garage City town map Klek Canyon->Clacks Canyon
Reason: Klek sounds slavic and when i googled klek canyon all I got was Clacks Canyon a small town with 162 very close to the north of Kingsman Arizona.

Pig-rats rats and pigrats
Noticed the rats in the uranium mines are called just rats when you mouse over them and when inspecting they are pig-rats. They're probably all like that because they all use the same critter as a base. All those are wrong because in 1 and 2 they're refered to as
Pig rats.
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By scripting for the brahmin hunt quest what do you have in mind other than the dialouges you typed up here (which I like the idea of). And yeah the scavs should get a tree.
I fixed their lines and the script already, but made it quite simple.

You get this option if you bought the Brahmin:

{I traded with the herders for the Brahmin. It's ours now.}

Which leads to the same reply from the scavengers (whether you bought it or stole it):
{Well, we got what we came for! Imagine the feast we'll have with this meat? Thanks man.}

I think that is simple enough, but gives satisfaction to the path chosen. If not I could tweak their response with an extra node, where they praise your selfless buying of the Brahmin (or denigrate it)

However, I previously added scripting in for the Barman in Garage City that recognizes the choice to buy, rather than steal, so buying it earns you a new path there and some credit with Garage city (rep etc.)

I also fixed the 'mulling it over' line to start the quest now, as per your suggestion.
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