Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora Spanish translation [Work In Progress] [Incomplete]


First time out of the vault
Attention: This is a SPANISH translation made by the Nevada Band team, translated by me, it is an incomplete version, and has the first missions translated plus the game interface.
If the creators of the mod contact me, so that I don't continue with this, I will stop updating the publication or I will simply delete it.

Fallout: Sonora
Fallout: Sonora is the story of a simple peasant who is pushed by fate on a difficult path. An ordinary man who finds himself at a crossroads. Between two sides of the world. Between the past and the future. The Sonora Desert awaits you, peasant. What will you do with your freedom?​
It was released on March 20, 2020. The latest version 1.09 was released on April 19, 2021. We strongly recommend playing in the original resolution on a monitor 17 inches or less.
-Nonlinear story with a direct continuation of the events of Fallout 1997
-About 100 quests
-New world map: 13 large locations, 9 smaller locations, 13 special encounters
-Highly authentic locations
-2.0 MB of gameplay text (in the first Fallout was 1.7 MB)
-New music by Alexei Trofimov
-New graphics by Alexander Berezin

Link to spanish translation [Incomplete]:

Link to the mod: http://fallout-nevada.ucoz.ru/index/opisanie_fallout_sonora/0-59

I recommend the High Resolution Patch mod compatible for Fallout Sonora, it will allow you to play in widescreen and fixes a visual bug called "Rainbow Bug": https://www.mediafire.com/file/05e8x1g509at6zb/HRP_418_Sonora.zip/file

Special Thanks
-Clan DLAN for their unofficial translation of Fallout 2
-The Facebook group "Otro Grupo Hispano Sobre Fallout" for all their support​

Clan DLAN Spanish Translation for Fallout 2: http://academia.clandlan.net/?page=academia/view&id=371&title=Traduccion_Fallout_2
Nice, I happen to know Spanish well so its a great chance for me to finally understand this amazing mod! :)

I hope the patch will get regularly updated.

No pressure though. Congrats for contributing to the Fallout fandom in those diffiicult and crazy times.

Really appreciate it.

Good luck!!!
(Spanish Language)

Hola! Yo tengo traducido todos los textos de la carpeta dialog, tambien algunos de game y de cuts unos cuantos. solo les faltaria revision, podria intentar subirlo y pasarlo por aqui por o a alguien quien quiera hacerle revision.
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(Spanish Language)

Hola! Yo tengo traducido todos los textos de la carpeta dialog, tambien algunos de game y de cuts unos cuantos. solo les faltaria revision, podria intentar subirlo y pasarlo por aqui por o a alguien quien quiera hacerle revision.
Hola, podemos hablar por privado para ver que tienes, con que traductor has traducido el mod?
Hola, podemos hablar por privado para ver que tienes, con que traductor has traducido el mod?
He usado el Yandex, me sirvio bastante para traducir grandes cantidades, tengo un link en mega con la carpeta de lo que he traducido, si queres la subo aca en este hilo.
Sorry, I don't have the time to continue translating the game, I will continue with the translation when I have something to work on.
Spanish: Yo he traducido ya todos los archivos de texto ayer de los dialogos, aun falta revision de faltas de ortografia, espacios y signos solamente y pasar a traducir un par de archivos del menu como los mapas.
Sorry, I don't have the time to continue translating the game, I will continue with the translation when I have something to work on.

It would be quite a shame to stop working on the translation pretty much as soon as it began. I hope things might improve somehow as it looked quite promising. :(

Spanish: Yo he traducido ya todos los archivos de texto ayer de los dialogos, aun falta revision de faltas de ortografia, espacios y signos solamente y pasar a traducir un par de archivos del menu como los mapas.

Wow, you mean the whole game is translated saved for potential editing/translation checking? It would be great if this translation succeeded! Mucha suerte!!!

Spanish: Increible, quieres decir que ya has transladado todo el juego y que solo queda una revision final o algo similar?
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It would be quite a shame to stop working on the translation pretty much as soon as it began. I hope things might improve somehow as it looked quite promising. :(

Wow, you mean the whole game is translated saved for potential editing/translation checking? It would be great if this translation succeeded! Mucha suerte!!!

Spanish: Increible, quieres decir que ya has transladado todo el juego y que solo queda una revision final o algo similar?
Si, falta revisar textos para corregir errores gramaticales para que al menos este entendible los textos y algun detalles menores.


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Not completely on topic, but i was wondering.
Are Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics fully translated in spanish ? Which mods are translated as well ?

I am currently learning spanish as a third language and i am planning to replay Fo1-Fo2-FoNV, and possibly Tactics and some Fo2 mods in spanish once i've exhausted all the lessons i have stored.
Si, falta revisar textos para corregir errores gramaticales para que al menos este entendible los textos y algun detalles menores.

Excelente trabajo!!! Este juego es enorme asi que traducirlo tuvo que ser un verdadero desafio. Espero que Zapix no va a rendirse ahora con las cosas tan cerca de la meta final.

Muy hypeado por verlo terminado :)
Not completely on topic, but i was wondering.
Are Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics fully translated in spanish ? Which mods are translated as well ?

I am currently learning spanish as a third language and i am planning to replay Fo1-Fo2-FoNV, and possibly Tactics and some Fo2 mods in spanish once i've exhausted all the lessons i have stored.
Spanish: pues yo conoci la saga fallout hace 10 años gracias a una Web llamada Clan Dlan, ellos tradujeron Fallout 1, 2 y Tactics. en cuanto a mods de Fallout 2 lastimosamente no hay muchos traducidos al español pero estoy seguro que seria muy buena idea traducir otros mods de F2. respecto a Fallout New Vegas he encontrado varios mods de compañeros y varios mods de SomeguySeries traducidos al español junto con parches de correccion de errores como el YUPP.

Si te interesa aprender mas del español jugando algun juego te dejo el enlace a clanDlan, suelen traducir muchos juegos que estan en sus foros: http://academia.clandlan.net/