Fallout Texas "Searching bliss" - a RPG campaign

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

I would soon like to start a story that takes place in the RPG setting I made up; Fallout Texas.
I have not worked out all the locations yet and I am not sure if I ever will but I have had several messages now in which people ask when I will start a story, and I honestly don't want to disappoint those people.

So I would like to start a RPG story called “Searching bliss” in which a group of adventurers have been given the assignment to search for a new powerful drug that has recently appeared in the Texas Wasteland in order to repay their gambling debts to the Black Fist.

The story takes place several years before the Legion invasion of Texas, but perhaps around the time of the NCR Mojave campaign and the second battle of Hoover Dam.

Most if not all of the factions I have written down so far exist now in the Texas Wasteland, if I have made alterations I will post that in the appropriate topic.
I will write down a list of locations that I definitely have in mind for the setting.

Any people wanting to participate?
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As you go through your cards you realize that that streak of bad luck you have been having these last few hours has suddenly turned for the worst.
It will not take much for the house to beat you, leaving you in a state worse than just broke, in debts!

Looking at your friends you read no emotion on their faces, a sharp contrast to the previous cheery mood everyone seemed to be in. You can read in their eyes that they are in no better position.

“Flush” the Casino's dealer says as he puts down his cards for everyone to see, even if you had a straight you would still have lost.

Somewhat of a shudder goes down your spine as you lick your lips, this game has cost you pretty much all the cash you had and more.
Even your gear and that of your friends that is currently stored at the check-in desk at the entrance of the casino would not make up the money you owe the casino, even if it was in pristine condition.

“Your cards please” The dealer asks, reluctantly your fellow co-players show their cards, not even one of them was near beating the house.
The casino's dealer, an average looking man in what seems to be a casino uniform from before the great war that has been patched up to make it useful again moves over and collects all of the chips of the pot.

Dis-hearted you and your friends stand up, loosing everything in the last half hour is one thing but what is on your mind right now is what is going to happen next.

A small balding man in a patched up pre war suit approaches your table, likely having been given a cue by the house's dealer that it was time to come.
“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen” He greets you and your group “Now that the game is over the house would like for you to pay your debts”

Nervously you look at the manager type in front of you, giving him a slightly forced smile.
“The house would like to be paid in cash please ladies and gentlemen” He tells you.

As you try to respond you look past the manager, over all the other patrons of the casino still busy in their own games, to the exit of the casino hall that is guarded by a pair of largely build men. Both wear pre war expensive suits like every other casino employee.
Though the suits give them a civilized look it is clear to you that these two men and their colleagues throughout the rest of the building would act in a very uncivilized manner if you and your friends would try to make a break for it.

Even if if you had a knife or a gun on you, you would still be no match for the sub-machine guns holstered to their belt or the shotguns they have on their back which would likely be pulled out the moment you decide to try to leave the casino without paying first.

“You see...” You start to stumble to the manager type in front of you, slowly you and your friends spill that they don't have any money left and actually had to borrow to try to win back what you lost.
In the end the manager gives a small sight as he nods to a pair of casino guards to come to him as he tells you and your friends that you must accompany him to his employer.

Tightly escorted by the casino guards you group is lead out of the casino hall through a back door, no one else seems to take notice of you, to consumed in their own game. Or if they do they wisely decide not to get involved in the matter.

You are led into a hallway that runs behind the various casino halls, from behind one door you hear the sound of slot machines and roulette tables with the occasional cheer of victory.
A pair of stairs lead to the second floor of the building, no casino halls here, just a lot of small rooms that are used by the personnel as offices and for other purposes.

You hear some sounds behind a couple of doors you aren't sure of are of a struggle or something else as the occasional moan interrupts them.
Perhaps these walls and doors really should be thicker.

At the end of the hallway is a door guarded by two casino guards that could just as well be brothers or clones of the ones that are escorting you or are assigned to the casino halls on the ground floor.
The manager stops in front of the guard and tells him that that they have come to see Mr Bariston.

The guard nods and opens the door for the manager and your group to enter, your escorts also join you in the room to make sure that you all keep on your best behavior.

The office you enter is relatively simple decorated and filled in, this is a place for business and little other distractions.

Only a few chairs, a bank and a couple of tables, clearly from before the war but still in good condition are found at the entrance, opposite is a pre war desk and several pre war file cabinets also in good shape.
Only one painting and a repaired clock are hanging from the walls that have been carefully restored.

At one side of the room a number of monitors are placed on a table and put on to each other, showing various parts of the casino including the hall where you just were minutes ago. Already several other people have filled in your place at the card table, deeply involved in a game.

Behind the desk sits the main occupant and owner of the casino; Mr Bariston, deeply involved in some administrative work.
A man whom you assume is Bariston's personal guard sits on the couch, carefully observing you the moment you enter the room.
Unlike the guards and every other casino employee this guard wear more regular wasteland attire.

At first Bariston doesn't seem like such an impressive man, slightly bigger than the casino manager type in front of you who has now approached his desk while your group is kept at a respectful distance from it.
But if the stories about the Black Fist are only partial true you know that someone like Bariston who managed to rise through the organization's hierarchy to achieve a position of power must not only be very intelligent or clever person, but also absolutely ruthless.

Bariston seems to have taken little note or interest in the visitors to his office as he goes through several documents and note books in front of him, not even raising an eye once until the manager type addresses his politely.

Bariston finally looks up to look at the manager and your group and you finally have a clear look at him.
Bariston seems to be in his fifties from the lines in his face and his graying hair but other than that he shows no signs of middle age at all. A large scar runs along the left side of his face.
He like his employees also wears a pre-war style suit but one that is in far better condition, suggesting that it was either better preserved or made more recently.

While the suit is comfortable loose on his body you can see the shape of trained muscles.
No doubt, this man has been involved in fights several times during his life, and the scar on his face makes it clear he had no problem getting close and personal to his opponent.

He stares at you with disinterest as if some kind of insect has wandered into his office while the manager type informs him about your group's debts to the casino.
When the manager type has finished Bariston nods to the man and slightly raises up as if finally acknowledging your existence.

“I have been informed gentlemen by my employee that we have a bit of a situation on our hands here. You all owe quite a sum of money to the house but are not able to pay this amount, even if you sold all your gear that is currently kept at the check-in desk and the clothes you are wearing.”
You simply nod as Bariston addresses you.
“That leaves us with a bit of a dilemma wouldn't you agree?”

Bariston continues “Now our organization is not without reason and understanding, and we do offer means for our clients to repay our debts to us when they are not financial capable themselves”
“But...” And this is the part Bariston seems to have led the conversation too “I can't say that we have openings right now exactly fit for people with your kind of talents.”

At this point a tiny voice in your head starts screaming “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” as you realize that things are starting to look more bleak for you than it did back in the casino.

“I also can't exactly let you go on the promise that you find some other form of employment or means to repay us. It might start talks you know, and my organization does not accept even a form of perceived weakness”
“No I am afraid it might be better if we finished this matter as quick as possible as you might understand”

As if waiting for a non verbal command the two guards start to move towards to you and your party.
Even the man sitting on the couch is suddenly extra alert for any sudden moves on your side, ready to come into action if any of you might decide that it might be better to go out fighting.

But then suddenly the manager type comes into action and approaches Mr Bariston again, making clear that he wants his superior's attention.
Bariston raises an eyebrow as he looks at his employee and turns his ear to him. The manager type whispers several things into Bariston's ears who then makes it clear to the man to turn his back to you while both quickly exchange words at a sound level you can not hear.

When the manager type is finished Bariston turns back to you, you can see on his face that his mood has changed and there is a hint of a smile on his face.
“Perhaps I may have spoken to soon gentlemen. My priced employee Mr Fenn here has brought me to attention that I might have a task as yet suitable for a group of adventurers such as you.”
“Now I was planning to have this job assigned to some of my organization's more 'specialized' personnel, but Mr Fenn pointed out that it might be far better to employ more 'nondescript' individuals such as you to handle this, ensuring that there is less chance for our rivals, or enemies to find out about this.”

Bariston approaches you all as he continues with his story, the guards next to you seem to tense up, alert to any indication that you might undertake something against their employer.
“If you would carry out this assignment successfully, I would no only waver away your debts to the casino, but would even give you a reasonable compensation for your services, and your continued silence on this matter.”

Though you are still on edge, knowing that this situation could still go bad at any moment, you also feel a degree of relief as an opportunity to come out of this alive suddenly shows itself.

It makes itself clear that this might be the only chance you get to walk out the door without being 'persuaded' by the guards and you and your fellow adventurers are following ever word Bariston speaks.

One of you breaks the silence you were all in when you left the casino hall and have maintained ever since you entered Bariston's office and asks Bariston what task he wants you all to undertake.

“As you know” Bariston starts to explain “Some of my associates within the organization deal in the manufacture and distribution of, shall we say 'stress relievers'.”
You don't have to ask what Bariston talks about and let him continue.

“We have cornered quite a significant portion of this market and it has been profitable in general despite attempts by our rivals to enter the market with inferior products, or to shut down the market completely. There will simply always be a demand for what we offer.”

“But now it has come to my people's attention that something new has appeared on the market, a product that is called 'Bliss' by its distributors. This product is far more potent than anything we manufacture at the moment, and has a far greater addiction rate. It sets in almost the first time when a customer uses Bliss, and users seem to need far more greater doses afterwards. We have been looking into duplicating this product so that we can offer it as well, but any attempt at analyzing it has failed, my experts simply can not identify certain ingredients and how to mix these together.”

“We have attempted at tracking down the source of Bliss and acquiring its formula and means of manufacture for ourselves, but our efforts come to a halt at the borders of the Confederacy. Whoever has invented and manufactures Bliss, does it well away from the civilized world.”

It becomes clear to you what Bariston wants in return for your debt release and some compensation.
“You are to track down the source of Bliss, find out who manufactures it, swipe the formula, and either capture or destroy the equipment with which it is made. Once my organization has it we don't want any competitors.”

Some of your team are rather reluctant on the idea of aiding the Black Fist in acquiring a powerful new narcotic and helping them increase their hold over the general population, but seeing what the alternative is you don't have much of a choice.
You all agree to carry out this job for Bariston.

“Now” Bariston says as he hints at the man on the couch to stand up and approach “You understand that despite that you have given me your word that I would not completely rely on it. For that reason I am going to send a representative of mine with you.”

Bariston suggests that you all now look at his personal guard who is now standing next to you all.
“This is my enforcer 'Bullets' Munro. Munro has been quite a useful and loyal employee over the years and I consider him one of the few people I trust to carry out my instructions.”

You check out the enforcer, Munro is a rather lean well muscled man wearing regular wasteland attire. He is dark skinned and mostly bald with the exception of a small short shaved beard.
He wears a red headband around his head.
Munro barely seems to acknowledge you like Bariston did earlier, even when instructed to approach you it is clear that the man has little interest in you.

“Munro is not much of a talker” Bariston tells you all as he checks out what you and Munro think of each other.
“He is more of a man of action, a man who carries out assigned tasks as quick and efficient as possible, a role I find him rather unparalleled in.”

“Munro here will accompany you during your travel and make sure that you will keep my interest and that of my organization at heart at all times. And should you happen to break with these Munro will be dealing out the consequences.”

You don't know if you previously oversaw it or if Munro hid it from you, but now you and your team can see the desert eagle clearly holstered at his side. A sharp knife can be found holstered at the other side.

“And I warn you in advance, should you try to deal with Mr Munro or on purpose have something happen to him and be successful in this attempt, how unlikely I expect that to happen, I will instruct other enforcers my organization employs, not to mention every bounty hunter, from the most professional to the upcoming amateurs to hunt you down to each corner of the wasteland and beyond and bring me back your heads.”

Bariston's tone of voice never changes once, not a hint of emotion, but his words burn deep into your psyche.
“Have I made myself clear?” Bariston asks you though the question is basically rhetorical, only a fool or a very gutsy bastard would dare to differ.

All of you nod as the words of Bariston's threat go through you.

With that part of giving the assignment done Bariston turns to the painting and moves it aside to reveal a safe in the wall of the office. He starts turning the combination lock as he continues talking.

“Now I do understand that a journey like this has expenses that need to be dealt with in order for you to carry out your assignment successfully. For this reason I am going to give you all some spending money in advance which you can use to stock up on supplies, equipment, medicine and weapons. This will later of course be detracted from your payment when you return to my office with the recipe.”

Bariston takes out a small cloth bag from the safe which he then closes again.

He then approaches your group and hands your team leader the bag, he or she can feel the caps and their weight as he or she accepts it.

“This is about 2000 caps of spending money. I suggest you use it to stock up at the merchants and weapons dealers here in Lone Star or any settlement you pass during your journey.”
“Should you require more you must earn it yourself or find another source. My advice would be local raiders, they usually tend to have some caps or gear that can be sold and are in general not missed.”
“I don't have to point out that you better not spend this money on any goods outside what you need, that includes recreational goods or gambling. Also even if you should come across the capital that you owe me and my organization and try to pay us with that, I will not accept it. As stipulated in our agreement, only the recipe for Bliss will suffice.”

With the task now given Bariston waits for any questions you might have.
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Syphon stares into the capo's eyes, slit-eyed and angry. The overzealous slacker begins to lash sharp words with a point of the finger, only to be dropped before he could finish "...well fuck y-", by Munro's brute haymaker. Arms locked in shock, Syphon falls flamboyantly with his head whip-lashing fiercely against the hardwood. One of his shoes flips comically in the air and lands on his rolled eyes, slightly splattering the blood of his nose.

"...ohkay then", Syphon muttered as his eyes shift back into focus, brows strewn and hurt.
Bariston barely seems to take notice of the scuffle in front of him, acting neither amused nor disappointed, merely dismissing it as he barely glances at Syphon who lies in front of him.
If anything the adventurers seem to get the feeling the most the Black Fist leader is concerned about is if any of their comrade's blood is spilled over his office floor.

“I will see this little display of rebellion as a one time occurrence. Do not test my patience again”

In the meantime, the manager type, Mr Fenn has produced a map of the region which he has folded open and is now displaying towards you and your fellow adventurers.
Bariston turns towards it as he addresses all the adventurers again.

“According to my informants, the origins of Bliss are somewhere in the East, past the borders of the LSC, well into Angel territory. All I know is that the distribution channel goes through Fuel Town, so I suggest that you make that your first stop before you head further.”

You and your fellow adventurers have heard of Fuel Town, the main source of coal and some oil in this part of the Texas Wasteland.
The Lone Star Confederacy maintains a number of outposts on the way to it, having established these in the ruins of pre war small towns that were already basically abandoned before the war.
Next to the crumbling pre war road a restored railway provides transport of goods and personnel between these outposts and Lone Star.

Still there is not much in that way for people to go there.

If the threat of Angels doesn't discourage settlers it's the Hellhounds and the mutant critters.

Even traders going to Cowboy Capital would rather go through places like Divided River than follow that road.
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You and the adventurers examine the map momentarily, before Baristrom's slight nod gesturally gives the map to your group. Syphon adjusts his jaw as he wobbles to his feet, now huddling the outside of the clique.

"Well.. East it is then huh?" One of the natural leaders proclaim, obviously filling that role. A few shrugs and nods gives the group it's first sense of identity - a common goal - something even the jail bird Syphon had to accept.

As the gambling boss stands to his feet, whisking away his hustled to his hustle, laughter from Mr Fenn and his heavy handed muscle shuts the door behind the band.
After having collected your gear from the check-in kiosk at the front of the casino you all find yourselves back onto the mean streets of Lone Star's seedy section.
You all decide that it might be best to immediately start making preparations for your mission.

In order not to attract to much attention from any of the people on the street such as those entering or leaving the casino, those just passing through, and the various hobos and junkies that immediately head towards you to beg for a handout, you all decide to regroup in the alley next to the casino.
Well away from attention but close enough to the guards at the front door that make sure that no unwanted people will bother you.

Munro has taken some distance from the rest of you as he simply keeps observing your group, occasionally one of you eyes at him, and perhaps one of you asks a question once in a while as you talk amongst each other but Munro does not react.
Only when you all start talking about where to find some decent equipment and supplies he breaks his silence.

“Best place to get those would be main street, almost everything can be bought there” He tells you with a low voice after which he becomes quiet again.

In his advice all of you leave the section of town where the casino is located, heading to the main street which you first wandered into hours ago when you entered the city after being in the wasteland for what seems to have been weeks.

At the time none of your paid any particular attention to the main street which seemed to be just another shopping street as you have seen in other settlements.
Instead you all immediately headed towards the casino which one of you suggested to go to Lone Star in the first place for in order to 'win big'.

By now you most of you wished you had never listened to that advice in the first place too, either telling that person to shut up or just ignore him or her what you normally do when in case of stupid suggestions.

As your group enters the main street again you start to see what the place really is, a bustling hive of activity as traffic pours through it.
Various people from various parts of the city and the wasteland are moving through it; regular civilians, prospectors, mercenaries, and a handful of others such as cult representatives, doing all kinds of activities like loading or unloading, or talking with each other.

You see carts pulled by Brahmin moving through the middle of the road going into both directions, with the occasional Tark breaking the routine sight.
Laughing children move between this all as they chase each other through the street.

Watching over this all is the Lone Star law enforcement which guards clearly stick out by the uniforms and light armor they are wearing and the rifles they are carrying, looking out for any kind of trouble that could upset the current peace.
A couple of them are directing the traffic or talking to civilians such as wastelanders asking for directions or brahmin drivers whose cart is holding up sections of the road.

Lone Star itself is a mixture of pre war architecture inter-crossed with newly built wooden buildings with a clear western style design look as well as as the occasional adobe type buildings.
Only a few of them have more than one floor.
You notice that any pre war building that once stood here that wasn't rebuild was torn down long ago, most likely recycled for construction material.

Despite the low tech look the street is anything but as you see poles with transformers and wiring run behind the buildings, clearly providing power to such technology as the electrical lanterns that are also attached to poles or houses.
Other indications of technology are the sounds of electrical devices and engines coming from some of the buildings and a Mr Handy robot at a corner of the street that is accompanying someone dressed in a technician's uniform.

In the distance at the end of the street you see the dome of the multi-storied Lone Star Confederacy Parliament building, sticking out well over the other buildings in the city.
From what little of the layout of the city you know, Lone Star's university and hospital are located close to it.
The Vault that is the source of Lone Star's technology and original home of its Vault Dweller descended population must also be nearby.

A loud steam whistle can be heard from the edge out of the city, making clear where the station can be found.

Throughout the street are several standing advertising boards covered in adds and public messages as well as the occasional piece of graffiti.
As you and your fellow adventurers check out the board you find several weapon stores mentioned but the one that stands out the most is the one called Armament Armadillo. “Best bang for your cap in the West” the slogan on the add reads.

Another advertisement indicates that a general goods and outfitter store is close by to it.
You all decide that those two shops would be the best places to look first for weapons and supplies for your journey into the East before checking out other stores and smaller traders for anything you can't find there.

The weapons store is not far from the advertisement board, just a walk of around fifteen minutes.
You all eventually find yourself in front of a large store, another one of those replica western wooden buildings you have seen throughout the street.

A large sign surrounded by electrical lights reads 'Armament Armadillo', next to the shop's name there is a painted cartoon armadillo smiling while holding two six shooters.

As you all enter the store you only find a handful of other customers checking out the wares or talking with the store employees.
At first you notice only one armed guard, making you wonder what stops anyone from trying to rob this store for its weapons.
Only then you notice the automated machine gun turrets hanging from the ceiling, turning around on their axles as their small cameras looks for any hostility.
The beeping sounds they make tells you that they are in 'all clear' mode.

There are several display cases and shelves with an assortment of pistols, guns, shotguns and rifles such as bolt action, semi automatic, and fully automatic.
Only few shelves contain energy weapons such as laser pistols and rifles.
A sign next to the display cases reads “For heavy weapons, ask our employees”

Mannequins throughout the shop wear various types of armors and helmets, both pre war such as police and military, and newly manufactured, made from leather, tires, or metal.

The shelves behind the counter are full of boxes of ammo, energy cells, grenades, mines, and weapon mods.

Set on a display near the middle of the shop is a pre war grenade machine gun plus ammo backpack, fully restored to working condition.

“It's a beauty, isn't it?” The smiling girl behind the counter says to you as she notices you inspecting the heavy weapon. “For 1648 caps she can be yours, we'll even thrown in a hundred grenades”
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Lone Star actually built a fackin' university. Hell, I could dissertate with the best of them. If I had the caps. Or the inclination.

Stepping out of the casino one's eyes are blinded for the shortest of moments in the heat of the texan sun.

"I should've known it was a bad idea to go play cards with you fools. Gambling is simply a waste of hard earned cash."

Laughter erupts from two of her cohorts.

"And you most certainly are the expert on earning money" one of them proclaims, as the laughter recedes in their throats.

Elva gives no more than a cursory glance in response.

"For someone who talks about cash so much you look like you ain't never held a 'cap", one of the dumber ones lets out.

"That jacket just old, or d'you roll around in the dirt with it?"

"Camouflage, dear sir", she responds. In truth it both helps her hide in the unclean sprawls she usually patrols, and is a memory she holds on to.

"Now, Gentlemen, we simply must fuel ourselves up with proper food, and plenty of alcohol. Wouldn't you agree? Or does Mr. "I'm-packing-heat" object?"

It seems the 'team', if you can call it that, does. Priority is given to weaponry and other equipments. Not much a fan of costly weaponry, she dotes around behind the rest. When it comes to fights a knuckle sandwich usually does the trick. Or simply strangling them from behind, if it's called for. Elva does carry a pistol around. For intimidation purposes. The magazine is empty.

Scraggly hair encapsulates eyes that simply shout out greed, or at least a hunger for caps. Elva DeWitt has the kind of face that proclaims 'I don't like you'. One could call it juvenile, but nobody doubts a person can have resentment or hostile feelings towards others in this hellhole we now call earth. Everyone knows suffering.

Elva is standing back to examine the crew she's with. What a unique, raggedy bunch of wastelanders. .
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Syphon watches as a few of the unfortunates squabble over the kingpin's skim, reaching and plundering by the handful. Syphon's male ego was still bruised by the knock out and his legs still wobbly, somewhat unscrewed. With a cigarette purched on his fazed face, he stares outwardly. People push and pull through the crowd and leave him on the outside, beside a bad ass brunette (?), infactuated with her piano wire and obvious leather fetish. She takes one look at him and doesn't miss a beat in her own world. She looks tough, more street worthy than some of these regular, common street trash. Syphon was already uneasy about this crowd, sure a few might make it but finding a plug (connect) to some pipeline of recreationals? He has two slugs and the back of the line for fundraising.
The gang wasn't exactly short on supplies, but some purchases were made.

Now the issue becomes: Do they plan out a safe, good route, or just head in the general direction of their destination? Elva's gut says the former is the need and the latter is the reality.

Perhaps it would be best to move someplace else quickly, Elva thinks. She always manages to acquire attention wherever she goes. Her grubby hands make sure of that.

Speaking of which, Elva notices the hustle and bustle of the streets now, and her mind wanders. Separating herself from the group she walks off, not too far and not too close, looking for a target. Most people seem to travel in groups. Caravans going down the middle, the occasional guard, and obvious gang members and street thugs wander around too. She notices a middle aged fella after a moment's inspection. He's carrying a brown bag on his back, and she goes a' sniffin'. Angling her stance, coat and arm in such a way as to conceal her hand's movements, her quick-as-lightning fingers go to work. First compartment? Paper. Second compartment, one of them booze flasks. Into her inner pocket it goes. With some slight hesitation and certainly some weariness towards getting caught she opens the third and final compartment, inside lying . . . nothing. As soon as she realizes this and almost catches the gentleman's notice as he quickens his pace in a new direction, she slips back to the group, disappointed. Elva hopes a plan has been made by now, but she mentally ridicules the thought. She takes a sip from the flask.

Water. Of-fucking-course.
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As Munro inspected the little group of adventurers he was suppose to escort to wherever their leads would take them, a small part of his mind, that part that wasn't running the clear instructions his employer had given him from which he would not or could not deviate kept bringing up that he was basically 'babysitting' a bunch of Wasties.

Sure from their looks they weren't your regular run of the mill, cap by the dozen, easily stepped on wasteland drivel you come across such as most of the pampered masses that he and the adventurers were surrounded by, walking past them without taking notice, to focused on their own thoughts and ideas.

But Munro was a merc, knew mercs, how they act or walk, or just plain stand.
People you just don't walk over, or at least not without getting a punch in the face or a knife or a bullet in the back if you dared to cross them.
He had known such people since he was a kid when his parents were still alive, his dad, a strong and proud man who wouldn't take shit from anyone who taught him how to fight, shoot and maintain weapons.
His mom, equally proud and probably the only one who could stand up to his dad, who taught him how to read, write, and count, and of course how traders think.

Would have made a good story if Munro was the type who tells stories, how his mom, a water trader 'tamed' his father, an almost half feral raider after he tried to hold her up, convincing him to give it up and go work for her instead.

And after they were gone and he ran with the gangs he had seen wastelanders who could have been mercs, people with perhaps regular average jobs such as traders, couriers, even farmers, and rarely even politicians, not like that bunch that fills up the Senate, spineless little men and women that enjoyed wasting caps on whatever they felt they needed or wanted.

This bunch, well they were rather 'green', they knew some of the ropes but lacked the experience.
He just had watched one of them, the women the others called Elva rob some other Waster without him ever catching it.
Munro of course did but did not really care, as long as Elva kept her fingers of him and his gear.
It would otherwise cost her a couple of broken or cut of fingers.

The one call Syphon, he was a trouble making little twerp.
He spoke way to much to Munro's liking, more so Munro foresaw that this guy would get them into trouble by just flapping his jaws.
It could cost him his tongue if he wasn't careful, if necessary at Munro's hands.

Now at the Armament Armadillo Munro was going through the wares.
It has been a while since he last had been in the wasteland, really in the wasteland and not the little settlements that are scattered around Lone Star.
Perhaps Bariston had kept him a little to long on the the leash.

After having looked at the collection of knifes, brass knuckles, and other small hand to hand combat weapons on display under the glass store counter, he turned to the guns, smgs, rifles and other weapons and equipment throughout the store.
The grenade machine gun located on the display near the middle of the store was really an eye catching piece, well fixed up and maintained, and nicely cleaned up and oiled.

Munro had only operated heavy weapons a few times, the Black Fist in general avoided using such weapons as the tend to make their users more conspicuous.
Only a few enforcers kept and used them on a regular basis.

Though Munro wasn't as military weapons obsessed as some of the wasters he had encountered such as the LSC's veterans, he would be a liar if he wouldn't at least like to give the big gun a spin.
Not necessarily to kill people or any living thing, just to feel the firepower this thing gave its handler.

But it was way to expensive as were a lot of the other wares that could have made the group's possible journeys in the wasteland a lot easier.
The better pre war military police armor Munro was now inspecting while the smiling store clerk kept checking him out would have repaid itself easily once they would be at the LSC border, hell probably within even with the way the LSC is handling border patrols lately.

But they had already spend caps on essentials such as food, stimpaks and medicine, items that could be useful like ropes, a multi tool, and even a geiger counter, and an electrical flashlight.
All of them would still have to pick up weapons and ammunition and leave some money for when they had to stay over somewhere.

Perhaps Munro should have saved up more of the caps he had made during his many assignments for the Black Fist, investing it in some of the gear that now seemed to mock him with their costs

They could of course do some odd jobs along the journey but they had little time to stay somewhere for long to make some decent purchasing caps as Bariston and the Black Fist would expect some results soon.
Munro really would find it not a problem making extra cash by getting it out of raiders, despite having run with raiders he held no loyalty or respect to of any of them just as none of them would hold it towards him, but raider-hunters in general tend to attract more trouble than they can handle.

Having looked at his unusual travel partners again it seemed unlikely that any of them would pick up anything heavier than a SMG, unless they would surprise him at the last moment, Munro decided that he would be the designated rifle man of the team.

One of the assault rifles on the shelves was rather tempting purchase but Munro preferred one shot one kill type shooting so instead he checked out a marksman carbine with scope.
Deciding that the weapon fitted him he ordered several boxes with various types of ammunition for it.
To complete his purchase he also bought two hand grenades.
Again Munro wished he had more caps to spend as he felt that a couple more grenades would have been a wise investment.

He could have chosen instead to get cheaper dynamite at the general supply store but they weren't as reliable and useful as the grenades he now had on his belt, based on the designs from before the war but manufactured more recently by the Lone Star weapon manufacturers.

Munro waited for the others to finish their purchases.
Syphon's skimpy handout of a hundred or so of caps didn't give him many options, figured as he wasn't relying too heavily on it anyhow. He stood gripping the glass countertop, leveraging against the slight sway from his concussion. He looks over to Munro, whose standing next to him, unaware or ignoring the skinny transient, trying out different heavy machine guns. Syphon shakes his head at the masochistic merc, flamboyant and obviously alpha male material, and trades off for a dozen twelve gauge shells, six bird-shot and six slugs. The items cost more than his allowance was given but his stash from bootlegging across the borderlands helped. He trades all sorts of things, mostly recreationals and hard to find medicines. Surely Syphon wasn't going to give up his friends and connects, merely because he knew he would wind up dead if he ratted any of his long-time friends out, but kept the possibility of a meet up in mind. Though he would have to deter from the group and make a secret conveyance, which seemed unlikely, but possible.

Syphon whisks away from the superior male, spitting at the merc's poor choice of boots, nylon single quilted, and disappearing amongst the travelers to the main boulevard. He smokes the last millimetres of his cigarettes while obviously showing up his black-sawed off to the crowd, loading it in a flamboyant as to the likes of bowing his own masochism to be seen. He follows along, quiet and deery, subdued.
Harsh, unforgiving, wilderness. For days on end. This will surely be a relaxing vacation. What was it 'we' had to do? Fetch the formula for some new drug, hmm? I suppose it's like Jet all over again. The masses get fucked up, and one man gets rich.

Only Elva herself, and the guy with the silly name, Syphon, are even up to chat even the slightest bit. The company is slow, the people are slow, and we're going into most likely, certain doom. Slowly.

Ya think that boss guy just wanted us to keel over somewhere far away?

He may get his wish.
'' There goes any plans to attend the Lone Star University'' whispered William Bark to himself while leaving the casino.

William was travelling trough the wastes to reach the so famous Lone Star University to attend and met the group when he take left when he had to turn right. The trip was enjoyable it be he didn't now why he stayed with them after reaching the city, maybe it was the company or maybe he wasn't smart enough to see how everything would turn out while staying with such a gang.
William planned only to stay one day and kick the road in the next but instead he went with the gang to the casino and lost all his money, even the money he would use to get into the university.

Apart from his whisper to himself at the entrance of the casino, Arthur didn't say anything, he was still trying to understand what just happened and trying to think a way of escaping but with no money and with a ,probably, killer by his side every situation he thought would end up with him dead. Against his wishes he went with the flow.

When reaching the Armament Armadillo, William went directly to the energy weapons shelf and quickly bought some energy cells and a new laser pistol, since his old energy weapon broke in the wastes. He also bought some utensil to maintain it to prevent the same accident from happening again.

William scratched his short black hair, straightened his glasses and quickly went to his friends and said to them '' Everybody ready?''
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Elva realized that the group she was traveling with wasn't all that keen on this suicide mission. In the wasteland loyalty is a luxury, and for gamblers doubly so.

When we're trekking through the dessert, outside of any real civilization. . would it be possible to get rid of our ball and chain? We've all got weapons. All of us, against one guy? Should be simple enough.

But of course it isn't.

Freedom may taste sweet, but I'm not sure pissing off the Black Fist is worth it. Even if it doesn't necessarily marr one's reputation in most respected circles, you don't want to have to look behind you any time someone could put a bullet in your back. Or a knife. Or a plasma bolt.
Munro never noticed that Syphon had disappeared from the group until he realized he had not heard from the loner in some time.
A quick inspection made it clear that Syphon had made it off clean without leaving any kind of indication of where he had gone.

It did raise alarms in Munro's mind and his first instinctive impulse was to go look for the troublemaker, but then sense set in.
It was ridiculous to expect to watch over each and every member of this whole group the whole time as that would take to much concentration away from looking for any threats to himself and the people he was suppose to escort and shadow.

Second, even if Syphon thought he could escape from Munro, he could never evade the Black Fist for long if they had the idea that the gambler was trying to pull one of him, Syphon was told what would happen to such people.
He was probably bleeding the weasel somewhere.

Munro's thoughts turned back to the others, in particular the one called William.
Normally the idea of having this would-be-egghead on the team (where did the ancient come up with the word egghead for these kind of wasters?) would be enough for your standard merc to turn down the contract and turn the other way, escorting someone who was clearly only used to living in towns and 'civilized' towns at that was seen as dragging behind a burden whose only qualities were that he knew something about the ancients.

But Munro had learned during all those years that someone with ancient knowledge could be very useful on your side, and quite a danger against you if they had access to some of the ancients' more potent creations.
One particular encounter with a sentry bot had been enough to teach him respect for their creations.

What started with a raid in which his leader (permanently retired) laughing it up when they want to shake down some traders just outside Sweetwater who had come from the Gardens, thinking that their little tinkertoy that had such great difficulties with hills was just a dead weight, turned quickly into a laser lightshow in which half the gang was cut down into very small pieces, and a lot of the other members suddenly finding themselves lacking parts of their limbs.

Munto had been spotter and it had been his job to make sure that no LSC patrol or local militia could sneak on them while cleaning out the traders, instead he got a front row seat showing him why you should never mess with something carrying a heavy laser and missile launcher.
Thank whatever fate rules the Texas Wasteland that the Gardens have never been interested in selling the LSC any of their security robots.

But back to the subject, William would probably be the man on the team who could actually recognize the formula for Bliss as neither Munro or any of the other members on the team would know it from a pre war chemistry book.

Munro noticed the 'egghead' signalling him to gather around as he pulled out the map and started discussing with the others on how to proceed to fuel Town.
All agreed the best road would be through Fort Ranger, that would help them avoid the worst the world outside Lone Star's walls would have to offer them for now.
I am taking over temporary for Syphon to get this show on the road again and progress on the journey towards Fuel Town.

Syphon if you read this and feel this is not in character, contact me.

* * * *

Secure now in the knowledge that he had ditched the Black Fist chaperon the casino boss had provided him and the others with Syphon started to look around for the most likeliest of places where he would be able to get in contact with the people he wanted to speak too.

Problem is that the New Texas Rangers are not easy to find anymore in Lone Star since they and the Lone Star government have gone their separate ways years ago.
The LSC didn't actually try to deter the Rangers' presence in their territory and settlements but it had made it clear that it didn't approve of their presence either, and over the years they have been portrayed as a bunch of unruly vigilantes than the honorable men and women who once brought order and stability to West Texas and helped Lone Star itself start up.

But even if they are not wanted the Rangers keep eyes and ears in regions like the LSC, if just to keep informed what was going on here and to be aware of any problems such as new gangs forming that would ride out into land protected by the Rangers, the activities of the Black Fist, or anything the LSC parliament might come up with that could be trouble for the Rangers and the common people of the Texas Wasteland.

Syphon's first stop was a small dingy watering hole that passed for a saloon where he in his own ways made it as clear as possible that he wanted to speak to someone connected to the Rangers.
When it became clear that this was leading nowhere and his tab risking becoming noticeable for their Black Fist tag along Syphon decided to try his luck at another bar.

But as he left the bar and was on his way back to main street, someone emerged from an alley next to the bar and quickly pulled him before anyone could take notice, or would care to take notice that someone is being pulled from the street.

Syphon's immediate instinct was turn around and push of whoever was trying to get the best of him, but whoever was forcing him into the alley was faster but not necessarily stronger then him as he or she pushed him against a wall and gave a small kick that forced him on his knees.

Before he could speak Syphon felt something firm and made of metal against his head; the barrel of a gun.
He did not immediately hear threats of not making a move without risking the contents of his skull so that was definitely not a robbery.

Instead the person holding him down took a moment to make sure he or she had not been spotted when they pulled Syphon of the street before turning their attention to him.

Syphon was neither surprised or had expected it when he suddenly heard a young but powerful female voice ordering him why he was looking for anyone tied to the New Texas Rangers.
“Who are you and why are you looking for the New Texas Rangers here in Lone Star?”

Syphon was ready to pull out his charms to make the situation more relax but his assailant had clearly no patience for that.
“Speak fast” She ordered him.

Syphon decided to do as she asked and indentified himself before explaining why he was looking for the Rangers, starting with the events in the casino run by the Black Fist.

The woman holding him down was pretty uncaring about what happened to Syphon and his fellow adventurers when he told her that they all got into trouble when they betted more that they could have afforded in the first place.
“So you and your friends got into problems when you raised the stakes to high and afterwards couldn't afford your bluff.” No emotion or sign of sympathy could be heard in her voice.
“Only shows that you are stupid as well as arrogant, anyone with some common sense would know luck barely works out that well. As for getting in trouble with the Black Fist, I don't see why the Rangers should drag you out of the hole you dug for yourself, we may be bringing law and order to the Wasteland and try to protect the defenseless but that doesn't mean we come to the aid of every idiot who thinks they can get the better on the Black Fist.”

“We didn't know the casino was run by the Black Fist” Syphon lied as he tried to protest to the woman's attitude towards them, hoping to garner perhaps some sympathy and have the woman expose some signs of weakness.
“For a while we really had a good run when the cards suddenly turned against us.”

The woman made somewhat of a snort before reacting “I mentioned the stupid part before right? Everyone knows that the casinos are being run by the Black Fist, they don't even bother hiding that themselves. Anyone who tries to run as much as a card table in a saloon is either connected to them or at least pays dues to them. And the Black Fist make sure that the house always wins in the end.”

“Crap!” Syphon growled before he decided to go for a different turn.
“Something must have given you reason to pull me into this alley and question me for what I want instead of letting me continue a pointless search for you guys.”

A pause, Syphon had caught her interest again.
Now he had to find a way of how to use this opening for opportunity.

“We keep a constant eye on the casino and its owners for many reasons. We saw you and your friends being taken behind after your fiasco at the tables, an hour later you all emerge with Bariston's own personal enforcer as your new friend, rather than some nameless grunts escorting you to main street and into the desert. That first caught my interest” The woman answered.
“Then you suddenly start asking in your unsubtle ways for anyone tied to us.”

“That Black Fist fuck is not my friend” Syphon responds.
He instintively tried to turn his head around but the barrel on the back of his head pushed again, making him break of the action.
“He is Bariston's insurance that we behave and carry out our mission as part of repaying our debt to the Black Fist.”

“So you work for the Black Fist now?”

“Not willingly! If we fuck up our assignment they are going to carry out that execution you reminded me off, our escort being the first in line to take a shot at us.”

“That assignment being?”

“That is what I wanted to talk to you Rangers about, Bariston wants to find out where Bliss comes from.”

Another pauze, Bliss apparently being the magic word.
Syphon felt the barrel's pressure against his skull diminishing, he was perhaps not earning any trust but the woman definitely wanted to know more about what he had to tell.

After several milliseconds she asked him for more information.
“What do you know about Bliss?”

Syphon partly relaxed though he made sure not to make any expected moves, the gun was not directly on him anymore but it was clear that the woman was ready to correct that in case Syphon was setting her up to be ambushed by his friends and the Black Fist enforcer.
“Powerful drug that appeared on the market all of a sudden a couple of months ago, the stuff is highly addictive after only one use and users have to use larger dosages to experience the same chemical induced happiness it gives the first time. No one knows who makes it and where, only that it comes from the East. Its dealers are cutting in on the Black Fist's market and pulling customers. The Fist wants the recipe for themselves and their would be competitors out of business, but for that they need to know its origins, that is where me and my friends come in.”

“Seems you only have part of the story” The woman said “Bliss does something 'else' with its users, something perhaps even scarier than just simple drug induced euphoria and all of the messiness that comes with it. Something that makes it a lot more appealing to people than any other street drug.”

“I got that from what Bariston told me, something more than just addiction. So I take it you and your friends are now willing to talk to me?”

The gun was now pulled completely off him, Syphon had made his case.
“We'll talk with you” The woman told him.
“But not here” She throws a rag in front of Syphon, “And if you are coming with me I don't want you to be able to identify our safehouse.”

Syphon understood the order that was not said and picked up the rag and bound it around his head to cover his eyes.
He then felt one of the woman's hands of his shoulders as she guided him into the network of alleys that ran behind the streets of Lone Star

* * * *

More on Syphon's encounter with the Rangers coming up later.
This is probably very long winded, full of grammar and sentence errors, and not the most smoothest written text, but it should put the RPG into motion again.

English is still a learning experience for me

* * * * *

The Ranger, informant, sympathiser, whatever she was seemed to take Syphon on an entire tour through the smaller streets and alleys running behind the larger main street.
They seemed to have walked around entire blocks, counting the many times they have turned left or right and Syphon started to get the feeling they had gone through some part before from the sounds, smells, and state of the ground.
Most likely the woman wanted to be sure that Syphon would not be able to find his way back to the safehouse, should he decide to turn on the Rangers for some reason later.

'Not a bad tactic' Syphon thought, it is what he would have done himself had he been in their position, and it showed that the Rangers and their allies were well prepared for unforeseen situations across their path.

At some point Syphon was guided into a place that has a distinct smell you would find in a metal works.
Clearly the safe house they were going for was in Lone Star's industrial area.
People might work here but only the most financial strained would stay here for more than a couple of hours because of the vapors of various chemicals that were used for metal manufacturing.

At first Syphon thought that this was a mistake on the Rangers' side as it would give their safe house's position away, but then he started to consider that what he was being led too was probably just a location the Rangers had set aside for situations like these when they wanted to talk to people without giving away any more crucial information about themselves.
Syphon doubted that even the Rangers would be stupid enough to actually stay for a long time in a place that could give you lung cancer by just taking a deep breath.

Suddenly the hand guiding Syphon's pulled firmly on his shoulder and he was given the order to stand still.
Syphon and the woman were finally 'here' wherever that may be.

He heard a knock on a steel door, 'Definitely a warehouse' Syphon thought as he heard someone on the other side slid open an eye hole.”

“It's me” The woman told the unknown person on the other side of the door.
“As for this varmint, I picked him up near main street when I found him looking for anyone connected to the Rangers, only a few hours after he and some others got out of the casino.”

“What makes him so interesting” The voice, clearly belonging to a man asked her.
“Apparently he and the people he is with got into some financial problems with the house after their bluff at the tables was pulled. But rather than sending them on a dirt nap like anyone else that can not pay their debts and has nothing to offer to the Fist personal-wise, the load got recruited for some mission, and Bariston even send Munro along to keep an eye on them.”

“Oh?” Was the curious response.

The woman continued “Apparently the Fist wants this lot to find out where Bliss is coming from.”

“I see. Okay, bring him in. After you have been debriefed fully we will have a chat with our drug tracker.”

Syphon had wanted to jump into the conversation now but instead he got a push from behind, it was moving time again, and from the slight change in temperature he was experiencing it was clear he was entering the building they had stopped in front of minutes earlier.

Like before he was forced to move while being guided, a few times scraping a wall or bumping into objects that were piled up, but never so much as an apology for any of the discomforts he felt.

Then they reached the end point and he was told to sit down.
Syphon was never told if there was actually a chair behind him and it felt like a leap of feat before his ass felt the comfort of a chair seat, be it somewhat rickety.
He wanted to raise his arms and take of the blindfold but instead the woman (or the man) grabbed both his arms and tied him up firmly.

“Hey not cool man, remember I actually wanted to talk to you people in the first place about all this Bliss crap the Fist wants us to track down.” Syphon said as he pulled at the rope holding his arms down.

“Just a little precaution” The man which Syphon now decided to identify as a ranger said with with fake friendliness. “Just want to make sure you are not going to anything that might result in us doing something we all will regret. Now you just sit still like a good boy, we will be back for you soon.”

'Prick' Syphon thought as he heard the male Ranger walking away and closing a door behind him. “Perhaps I should not have looked for these people in the first place.”

As Syphon sat in isolation and darkness several thoughts started to go through his head, the biggest being his concern regarding the Black Fist merc.
Disappearing for an hour or so would not arouse suspicion so quickly, being gone for several, if not half a day would be much harder to explain.

Syphon was about to start thinking on how to escape this mess he was in if the Rangers took to much of their sweet time catching up amongst themselves before they would finally talk to him, when he heard the sound of the door opening again and several pairs of booted feet enter and move towards him.

The next voice Syphon heard was from a different man that the one he had met earlier at the front door of his place and who had put them here.
“Sorry about all these precautions stranger.” The clearly older man said to him “My younger colleagues may have been a little to cautious with how they treated you, but we have to be careful these days, us Rangers aren't as welcome in this city as we used to be.” There was honesty in the older man's voice.

“Yeah sure, you are forgiven. Now get this rope loose, will you?”

“Unfortunate I can't do that yet. My fellow Rangers here insist on keep you like this until we are sure you are on the level and not some Black Fist mark sent to us to set us up.”

“Jesus! I thought we were beyond the initial 'sniffing each other out' part by now.” Syphon responded somewhat angry, he was getting tired of this cloak and dagger crap.

“You have a big mouth you know” Said the man Syphon had decided to give the title of Prick Ranger. “That will get you into trouble one of these days.”

“Yeah yeah, it already got me decked by Bariston's dog once.” A chuckle from the Prick Ranger followed on hearing that quickly got muffled.
“Now can we get on with it? If I stay away to long from the others, our babysitter might decide to start looking around for me. Then we are really in trouble and all of this is for nothing.”

Some quick whispering followed before the older Ranger took lead of the conversation again.
“You have a point, and if what you want to tell us is true the last thing either of us wants is to be caught in each other's company.”

Syphon felt hands moving on his back as his arms were set free. The woman Ranger Syphon concluded as it felt quite different from earlier when the Prick Ranger tied him up.

“I do advice you to keep up that blind fold though.” The old Ranger said, “It maybe in the best interest for us both if me and my fellow Rangers remain anonymous to you.”

“Sure, whatever” This game had become old a while ago and he was definitely not interested in prolonging it any longer by doing something like pulling of the blind fold, having a good look at the Rangers, and then have the two younger trigger happy Ranger getting a fit.
“Shall we talk business now?”

“Go on, tell us what the Black Fist wants you to do and what you propose” Old Ranger asked.
Syphon continued with summarizing what had happened in the Black Fist casino, how he and his friends were originally intended to take that final journey into the desert when Fenn intervened, Bariston giving them the assignment and the details on it, and what little he knew about Bliss and why the Black Fist wants it.
When he was finally done with that he gave the three Rangers in front of him a few seconds to process all this information.

“Now the way I see it, you Rangers are pretty much against the Black Fist for what they have pulled in the past and what they are doing now.
Putting an end to this expedition would certainly mess up the Black Fist's plans for Bliss, delaying it for who knows how long. And all you would have to do is help me and my friends out.” Syphon suggested in a suggestive tone.

“I get what you are hinting at.” Prick Ranger responded, Syphon could already hear the mocking tone as he continued.
“Let me guess, you want to suggest we set up a little ambush outside Lone Star in advance, you, your pals, and your new friend-until-you-have-paid come along. We jump you all, take out big, armed, and mean attitude, putting an end to this effort by the Fist to get their hands on Bliss and setting you all free.”

“Basically bailing you and your friends out the deal you made with the Black Fist, let you go happily along, having screwed the Fist out of some caps for equipment, and then the Rangers saving your combined asses.”
Prick Ranger's voice turned very serious now “No dice.”

“It is one thing to protect people from being abused by the Black Fist such as black mail, being forced into indentured service, or being robbed through any kind of way of your own belongings. But getting people out of bad deals they made after they pissed the Fist off themselves is another.” The woman Ranger added.

“Truth of the matter is” Old Ranger decided now that he should take over from the others now “We are kind of curious ourselves where Bliss is coming from and who is making it, and your little expedition into the East would be a good starting point. Having our own agent within the ranks who was already there from the start would be quite useful.”

Suddenly this deal Syphon had in mind was taking a turn for the worst.
The goal had been to inform the New Texas Rangers of the Black Fist's latest efforts to track down the source of Bliss and shut it down before it got anywhere far, freeing him and the others of their unwanted employment.
Instead now the Rangers want to use him as well to find the origins of Bliss so they can shut production down at its heart.

“Now wait just a fucki...” Syphon wanted to complain before the Old Ranger shut him off.

“How about if you consider this your part of contributing to the cause of bringing law, order, and peace to the Texas Wastelands.” The Old Ranger said gently to Syphon, but there was a hint of hidden force in his words.

“And if I am not interested?”

“We would have to make you interested in carrying out this task for us.”

“You would sell me out?”

“Of course not. We are the Rangers, that star on our jacket wouldn't mean a thing if it didn't stand for something better than all this backstabbing, murdering, stealing, and manipulating that is so common in the Texas Wasteland. But if we have to make you to cooperate in order to save lives, we will do so if you force us.”

“So what is your interest then in finding out where Bliss comes from and put a stop to it permanently? Last I checked the New Texas Rangers are not an anti narcotics brigade.”

The response of the Old Ranger was filled with concern “We are not dictating what people can and can not put in their own body, all we do is give people an honest and fair chance to make a living for themselves, how they use that opportunity is their own choice. But Bliss, Bliss is something else than just an escape for the desperate, I am not even sure if you would call it a drug in the conventional sense.”

“Huh, what does it do then?” Syphon asked

“It makes you stop caring about all the shittiness in the world.” The woman Ranger answered, there was somewhat of a shudder of her voice when she told Syphon.
“But not by making you forget it, oh you remember all details that could make you curse heaven and earth, but it doesn't affect you anymore.”

“So far like most other drugs.”

“Oh definitely not, Bliss doesn't send you off way high. You can still function like you do now when you are on it, run a business, handle a gun, get into trouble with your big mouth in your case. But all that stuff that is suppose to get on your mind and haunt you, perhaps even throw of your aim or senses, it doesn't happen.”

“You mean, like all that crap you made me go through for the last fifteen minutes, it wouldn't get to me despite that it now pisses me off enough to want to put a boot up someone's ass?”

“Yeah, you would still know that it stinks but what should make you feel pissed doesn't get to you. All that anger, stress, rage, or shock, it never comes up.”

“The ultimate I-don't-feel-a-thing” Syphon whistled as the idea went through his mind and presented him with scenarios.

Syphon could see it; not loads of creepy smiley people that are drugged out of their gourd and completely into their own world, almost senseless to any stimuli from reality like most of the druggies found in anything resembling a town.
Instead Bliss takes the piss out of anything life can throw at you that could drive anyone to drinking.
You still know what makes you feel angry or unhappy but it doesn't have the bitter sting anymore instead of a drug that sends you up high while improving your personal drooling record.

He could imagine what a big market Bliss would have if it was available in greater supplies.
Plenty of sods who want fucking every day life to get off their back without it meaning getting more friendlier with a bottle or getting a dealer as a new best friend.

“But like every regular drug Bliss starts to loose its effectiveness after a while, giving back weight to all that nastiness you feel or remember.”

“And once you get rid of that load you don't want to pick it up again.” Syphon added as a conclusion. “Why have unwanted distractions on your mind when a pill or a syringe can make it all go away.”

“Even if people don't use it out of their choice, think what this would mean to LSC's richest employers and politicians. Plenty of anger amongst the common folk on how the upper class are distributing the wealth and the power, every day the elite is risking a shut down of the economy or a political uprising because how they have tightened their grip. Bliss may not make it all go away but it can certainly take out the fire of any opposition, it is a bit hard to get people passionate for a protest when they can't feel how wrong they are treated now.”

“The LSC would be foolish not to go into business with the Black Fist for a steady supply of Bliss. And should the rare thing happening of the LSC not being interested, I am sure the System's Chairman would be very interested.”

Truth be told, Syphon in general did not really care much about politics or what governments would be doing to screw their own people.
As long as he had his freedom and ability to use it he would just move on to the next place.
If people tolerated their own leaders' rule and did not move up against it when it goes sour, it is their own fault on what happens.

But this was rather disgusting, slavery... no, mind control through drugs even if it doesn't give you full control of the subject.
The result was still that they are much pliable, much easier to control and accept what you tell them.

“Now you know why we want your help, and that of your friends if you can convince them without alerting your escort.” The woman Ranger said to Syphon as if sensing his inner turmoil.
There was no indication of pleading in her voice, but there was still something in it, something that was trying to appeal to any honor Syphon might have.

“Perhaps asking a man such as you to undertake such an effort for the sake of decency alone is a fool's request. But you seem to me the type that can't stand the idea of loosing their own personal freedom, be it even temporary because of a big mercenary with a big gun watching over you.
Now think that on a more permanent basis because some faceless bureaucrat manipulates your thoughts and feelings through the drug dosed food and water that is being put on the market.”
The Old Ranger almost sounded fatherly which Syphon found rather annoying, the whole 'You can't escape the truth when you are confronted with it' spiel.

'Bloody wasteland what a mess' That inner voice that was Syphon's instinct for self preservation was telling him now. 'If we are looking for a sure way to get ourselves killed horribly this is it.'
And yet, to walk away now, look for a way to escape into the wasteland far enough that even the best bounty hunters and enforcers of the Black Fist would give up on ever finding him (meaning he would have to abandon the rest of the group) felt more and more like a coward's way out.
Normally he would not have cared about that if he was honest.
But somehow, whatever the thing was that had made the New Texas Rangers to take up arms and ride into the wasteland to protect the innocent and defenceless, even going undercover into those places where they are not wanted, risking their own lives if they are caught.
Whatever it was, it had started to rub off on him in that short while that he had been with the Rangers.

This 'spirit' for a lack of better words was now towering over Syphon's sense of self preservation, staring directly into his soul with fierce eyes while saying “Walk away from this you cretin and I will make your existence a miserable experience for the rest of your pathetic life.”

It seemed to take ages before Syphon gulped down and finally gave his answer “Okay I will do it. Just tell me that you guys come through for us when the time comes.”

“You have the word of the New Texas Rangers that we will be with you along the way, how long that may take. You might not see us in the field but one of us will be watching twenty four hours a day. Should a problem or situation arise you and your party can not resolve yourself and death is imminent we will intervene, but you must try to carry out the assignment the Black Fist gave you as long as possible. We need to find out where Bliss comes from and put an end to it permanently.”

Afterwards the Old Ranger gave Syphon the details of the operation; a Ranger squad would be trailing Syphon's group a day behind them, always staying out of visual range but keeping a close eye on them.
Should the expedition enter any settlement the Rangers would also stay outside its limits for a day before entering it undercover to see if Syphon and the others are still alive and alright.
If they are the Rangers would maintain their cover and wait a day again after the expedition had left before pursuing them again.

If Syphon would have the idea that the expedition's trail would become to difficult to follow he would have to plant signs to give indications in which direction had gone next, but in such a way that it would not arouse the suspicion of the Black Fist enforcer.

Now fully instructed the woman Ranger took him by the shoulder again and escorted him out.
“For what it is worth Syphon, you are a brave man” The Old Ranger told him before he was led out of the warehouse/whatever building the Rangers had been using.

“Hurrah for me” Syphon said with little enthusiasm in his voice.
This was so not him, doing something like playing hero, coming up for the innocent, downtrodden, justice, and all that jazz.
“I am so going to get myself killed” He told himself.

The journey back to where the woman Ranger had found him actually took less time than the journey to whatever place the Rangers had used as a rendezvous point.
Syphon had made his case clear to the Rangers, especially that he had to go back to the group as soon as possible before the enforcer started to get wise on what was going on.

When he was back in the alley he took his blind fold off, expecting the woman Ranger to be there.
It was really surprising that when he looked around himself she was nowhere to be found, she probably had led him back into the alley and then quickly had taken off.

Syphon grunted “You best be there when I really need you.”

Quickly he made his way back to the area he had left the group earlier when he went off to get into contact with the Rangers.
Elva, William, and the others acknowledged his return when he saw them.
The enforcer like usual barely seemed to acknowledge his existence like he normally did, but Syphon could feel the enforcer's gaze on him, inspecting him thoroughly like back in the casino, checking for any potential trouble.

'He suspects something is out of order' Syphon's instinct warned him, 'Best not give him more reason to find out what that is'

Next; on the road to Fort Ranger
Several days have passed since your expedition has left Lone Star and has been following the old I-20 that leads to Fuel Town with your first stop being Fort Ranger on the frontier of the LSC.

As you move further away from the Confederacy's capital and the communities that surround it you start to notice the impact the nuclear war and the almost year long dust bowl it caused really has had on the Texas Wasteland.
Outside the most resilient of plant species there is barely any vegetation, and a wasteland consisting of sand, dried mud, and rocks goes on for miles around you.

Only sporadically you have come across other life such as animals and LSC patrol that passed you all by without as saying as much as a word.
Some of you start to wonder if you will ever come across another human being until you see something in the distance; a Brahmin pulled card that is laying half on the ground as one of the wheels is broken.

The person who it seems to belong too, an average middle aged looking man dressed in regular wastelander clothing seems to be trying to fix the wheel but has not had much success at doing so.

When he spots your group approaching he stands up.
You expect him to go for his gun but instead he seems to try to attract your group's attention by waving with his hat and free arm.

He seems to have quite some cargo on his cart including huge plastic barrels which purpose can only be to contain water.

What will you do?
The wasteland never felt so harsh till now, William expected that the journey to Fort Ranger would be short or at least more pleasantly than it is. The sun was high up in the sky and it was more than happy to show it's power.

William was still angry at himself, he should have separated from the group when they reached town but now it was too late, he was stuck with these folk who probably couldn't even read their names and much less write them. "I am the brahmin that walks with bighorners, I have the intellect of two heads but I'm surrounded by close minded animals" William thought to himself, you could tell by afar that he was annoyed, his clothes were wet due to his sweat, his hair looked like a bird's nest and he had an itch in his arms. He looked like that type of guy that you shouldn't talk and not even look.

They were walking down the road when he saw the cart with the barrels, the man who was next to the cart waved at them. William, by instinct, started to raise his hand but remembered that he was not alone and he was much less in charge. He looked to Munro and asked him "Are we going to stop or keep going?" William started to scratch his arm "We could use some rest and maybe get some water from that fellow or whatever there is in those barrels" He started to scratch his arm even harder "We all could use some rest and I could use some water on my arm."