Fallout Texas "Searching bliss" - a RPG campaign

Munro did not respond to William's question immediately.
Instead he seemed to be fully alert, like a guard dog who suddenly caught the scent of an intruder.

From the way he was looking around Munro was giving the impression that he was aware of something.
But whatever it was, he was not going to tell on his own.

All he did was give a move that seemed like a cross between a nod and a shrug to William that apparently had to serve as a response. (translation; you decide)

Munro did seem to hold his rifle more firmly, his fingers gripping the handguard.
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Dr. Trask only stepped foot in that establishment to make just a few more caps, in order to hire a prostitute, not for sex, for experimentation. He had it all worked out, a room was booked in the less than reputable side of town all he needed was a girl, or guy, the doctor wasn't that bothered. Now he is stuck with this buch of outcasts he has silently watched. The biggest annoyance was the one with the big mouth, he hated talkative types, they always broke his concentration. As for the woman and gang type, they both tried to paint an aura of toughness, but even the toughest of people cry in agony when on his table. As for the other interlectual, he could make a good assistant, as long as he didn't object to the doctors unorthodox method. As for the current situation, the answer was simple.
He finally breaks the days long silence, "He has water, we need water. We have guns, he doses not. The solution to this problem is very simple." He utters as his first words to the group.
As you all agree that you need fresh water to continue forwards you decide to approach the trader and his broken cart

When you get close to the man he approaches you with rejoice on his face. “Oh man am I glad to meet you folks here in the middle of nowhere” He says with a bit of an accent in his voice as he raises his right hand to shake any of yours.
When none of you seems to be in any rush to do so he recomposes himself “Name's 'Dusty' Jim Hartford, I am a trader from Sweetwater.”.

“There I was, on my way to Fort Ranger when I had to cross this rough section of the road and one of my cart's wheels broke when it went over a rock. I am sadly not much of a repairman but I could not leave my cargo behind either, seeing as I am transporting valuable water for the people there.”

A believable story as water is always a commodity in demand, even at places with their own source.
Still the more experienced amongst you with travel in the wasteland find parts of this situation somewhat curious and questionable. For one, where are the escorts?
The doctor extendeds his hand coldly, his fake, fanged smile, creeping up his cheeks. "Nice to meet you Dusty, I am Dr. Almand-Trask. We will need to lift the cart to fix the wheel ."
He turns to the group, "Could you help the man with taking the water off the cart, please?"
William watched while Trask greeted Dusty. Trask didn't say a word when the journey began and now he is taking the initiave. William looked to Munro but he was lost in his own thoughts, seeing that no one was going to do anything William stepped forward, scratching his arm, his needles spots were irritated and his arm was red.

"Well, I guess we could help the poor man huh?" He looked to his companions and to Dusty, he patted the cart " C'mon Munro, Syphon, Elva and " He looked to Trask "Dr. Trask, let's help Dusty shall we?"

William started scrathing the cart " Or we could ask a simple question to old Dusty can't we?" He gave a short smile to the old man " Where are your escorts Dusty? This is no place to be alone and with water" William's smile quickly faded when finished talking
Dusty retains his smile after William asked him about any escorts but those of you with people skill sense a degree of nervousness as he tries to answer the question.

Eh you see, I had some bad runs lately. The money I made wasn't sufficient to cover all the expenses I had made between Sweetwater and places like Fort Ranger. I had to let my escorts go and do this one solo to make even.”
It all sounds rather improvisational even though Dusty never stumbles over any of the words.

As those of you who have a degree of knowledge and understanding about carts, wheels, and wood, inspect the broken wheel of Dusty's cart, you realize that the damage does not match anything that could be caused by a sharp rock.
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The doctor stared at William, ice in his gaze. He then turned on Dusty, he new he was lying from the start, Trask didn't care, he just wanted to spring his trap. But then that William took notice as well. He may as well go along with it. He approached Dusty as if a Deathclaw hunting it's prey, removing his glasses as he went. Trask lunged his arm, grasping Dusty by the shoulders, stroking them softly. He gave him the same deathly smile he gives all of his victims. "Now, now Dusty, don't lie to my face. There is no such thing as a bad run for water merchants. People always need it, and will always pay high prices. The only thing that sells as well are drugs, when was the last time you saw a poor drug dealer?" His fingers tighten, digging deeply into his arm. His tone changes to an integration.
"DON'T Lie! I know your wealthy enough to hire guards, if you truly are a water merchant. Some mercenarys would even except water as payment, yes they wouldn't be very good fighters, but marching out here without any is a death sentence.So, tell me the truth!"
William reached for his gun but did not draw, when Trask start shouting at the water merchant. They clearly walked into a trap and soon it will spring. He looked around them, trying to see any movement. His gaze fell into Munro, he looked to see any reaction or command from him, whatever they should do, they will need to be fast or something would happen.

Lastly, an idea reached William's head, he put one of his hand on the cart and looked underneath, hoping not to see a trap or something. They are too close to the cart for their own good.
As one of you inspects the cart closer you take notice of the type of damage the wheel suffered from. The wheel which resembles a wooden shield type design did not suffer damage on its round surface, making it unable to roll. But rather got hit by something from the side that punched through with severe or almost explosive force, splintering most of the wood at that corner and making the metal strip around it bend outwards at different sharp angles.

Munro casts a quick glance on the damage and then gives his opinion to William "Looks like the results of an explosive round, those one uses against armored targets."
As he grasps hold of Dusty, he starts to chuckle softly, he could scenes a fear in Dusty. Releasing his grip his smile grows wider, deathclaw teeth gleming in the Texas sun. Trousers growing tighter.He starts to stroke Dusty's cheek, reaching for his blade with the other hand. As his cracked lips grow wet. "I don't mean to scare, but I must know: what is it you hide from us?" He softly spoke.
Willima leaves Trask to handle Dusty, he faces Munro and say:

"An explosive round? On a wooden cart? What madness is this!?" He points to the cart

William finally draw his weapon "This is a trap, we should get out here soon."
Dusty shifts uncomfortably "I'm not hiding.... anything ", he stutters, uncertainty gritting teeth, while hiding a trembling tounge.
"Okay, I believe you."
Dusty sighs with relief, "Now if we..."
A steel blade interupts Dusty, held by the Doctor it cuts precisely through the heart. The two lock eyes for a moment. Eyes filling with dreed and horror. Gasping for air, as blood dripples down his killers hand, and dying eyes fill with crimson tears.

Dusty drifts foward, vomiting a new layer of blood onto the Doctors coat. As he cradles him in his arms, he lulls him to his death "SHHHHHHH...shhhh... it's all okay, it's going to be fine!"

A wet splodge grows on the Doctor's trousers, as he embraces the newly formed corps.
"Jesus" Syphon yells when he watches this scene taking place, "Did you have to kill him Trask? He probably would have loosened his trap if you just kept the knife on his throat. Now we still don't know who set this up."

Munro barely batted an eye when Trask killed Dusty and pretty much ignored Syphon's complaining as he himself already had a rough idea what was going on.
"We wasted enough time here." He interrupted "The trader had to keep us busy while we are being surrounded."

"Raiders?" One of you asks. Munro nods, "Trader probably couldn't even tell us a thing if he wanted too, because we are being watched."
Munro continues to look around as if he has not found the ambushing party yet but through body motions makes it clear in which direction the observer is located.
From the corners of your eyes you can barely make out a rocky hill while you all try to maintain a pose suggesting that you are still confused about the situation.

It is an ideal hiding place as the sun is hanging directly above it, making it even difficult to look at the hill without being blinded.
Most likely the spotter is also a sniper or accompanied by one.
William looks to the hill, while maintains his pose

"Snipers heh? Wonder why they didn't open fire yet."
Trask snaps him self back to reality, he notices a small bag on his victims person, taking a snoop inside he notices the unmistakable red skin of dynamit. He checks his coat pocket, pulling out a metal lighter, he smiles.He calls to the group "When I get to three duck and cover."
Lighting the end.
He flings the stick of tnt, landing not to far in front of his companions, lying there it prepares to kick up a tone of dust, that will block the snipers view.
The sun is constantly blinding me, it is hot as texas hellfire out here, more dehydrated than my mother's snatch at this point, my legs hurt and I'm fuckin' sweaty all over. And now who's this merchant prick, wasting our time? I'll hang back. Could be an ambush anyway. That would be nice actually, if it ment an escape for me.

While the rest of the gang was busy interrogating the merchant, and then manhandling him, and then stabbing his heart out, Elva had circled around to his cart. Nobody noticed her snooping around in there. She made sure not to touch that box obviously filled with jangling caps, that's for on the way out. Well, it's a water merchant after all. Some containers, a few bottles, couple of brahmin skin water sacks. . .

And then there's the emergency kit. She opened it up, expecting to find a gun maybe, or some ammo. Instead, inside was merely a stick of dynamite strangely missing a fuse and some empty shells and other doohickies. You can still tell it's dynamite because it's got "TNT" printed on the side.


Thankfully the explosion was incapable of hitting Elva directly, or sending any shrapnel her way.

The merchant's brahmin cart had given it's life for her, and then rolled around on it's axis a couple of times, dumping her ass on to the rough desert terrain.

"You incompetent bunch of mantis-brained brahmin fuckers!" she shouted, face still planted half in the dirt.
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As the explosion rips through the air dust and sand mix with the air, creating a shrouded vale. The doctor scrambles to the cover of a near by rock.Gunshots fire blindly into the dust, as the snipers on the ridge try to hit their mark. He loads his revolver carefully, bullet by bullet. He inhales dust laden air, as he readies himself.
OFF: Only today that I saw the previous post! Posting mine to continue :smile:

The explosion sent William to the ground and the bang made him deaf for a short time. When the bullets started flying, William dragged himself to the nearest cover, where Trask was. He tried to get up and ready his laser pistol but he was too dizzy and any effort he tried to make resulted him falling down again,worsening his dizzines. Eventually William stayed on the ground until he was better.
As William dragged his beaten body to Trask's cover, and fell to the dusty sand; the doctor reluctantly holstered the gun, before tending to the wounded man. As he examined William, he noticed a bloody gash on the forehead, continuing to the top of the head. "It seems you have head wound, nothing too serious. Very shallow." He pulled a rag from his bag, wrapping it tightly around the wound. Blood seeps through the fabric making a crimson imprint.
The explosions and the subsequent chaos it creates such as the dust clouds and the brahmin cart that was thrown around does not go unnoticed by the snipers on the rocky hill who were watching the small group of adventurers while their fellow raiders were getting in position to ambush these.
With their visual range suddenly impaired and their targets dropping to the ground or disappearing into the dust clouds the surprised snipers instinctively started to open fire on their targets' last position in the hope of hitting anyone.

Closer by to the adventurers the raider leader also reacts to the sudden disorder that is taking place and the possibility of the targets escaping.
"Everyone! Move in before they get away!" He orders loudly, making no attempt at hiding his own presence and that of the other raiders. The raider leader has a loud and unpleasant voice that almost sounds like the barking of an angry dog snapping at other dogs.

Suddenly the raider leader stops yelling when a bullet shoots past him, immediately getting down to ground to hide amongst the small hills and rocks.
It takes a few moments before he realizes that its not the adventurers shooting at him but his own snipers on the ridge, mistaking him and possibly the other raiders for targets.

Immediately the raider leader turns to one of the raiders next to him that was following him when he lead them towards the adventurers. "Get to the ridge and make those fucking idiots stop shooting until the dust settles, they are more likely to shoot us than those wastelanders we are trying to grab."
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