Fallout: The Frontier - Released!


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

Fallout: The Frontier is a total conversion mod for Fallout: New Vegas set in Portland. It puts NCR exiles up against the Caesar’s Legion. There's also a faction called the Crusaders of Steel. Noticeable is also drivable cars.

You can find the mod on Steam (soon) and I will quote some from the games Steam page below:

The Frontier said:
The Frontier features 3 distinct main quest lines, each totaling up to 15+ hours of gameplay each, with the NCR being the longest at 35+. The New California Republic questline will take you on a linear, action packed adventure with in-game cutscenes and state of the art scripting, the Northern Legion is a dialogue heavy adventure with an expanded view of the Legion, and the Crusaders of Steel are a wonderful blend of the two, with state of the art scripting and complex dialogue and topics.
Included is also a huge variety of side content, from side quests, to characters and unmarked quests. There’s an infinite variety of stuff to do!

Let us know your thoughts!
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I feel like I'll end up doing a rewrite of this much like my New California one just because it's such a shameful waste of good manpower and legitimate gameplay effort for a story that wouldn't even be worth a DeviantArt post.

Actual car mechanics in Gamebryo is a fucking miracle and definitely the diamond in the rough on this inevitable mess.
I doubt it's going to be worse than New California lore wise.

I will play it myself, see how it holds up.
I don't have much hope for this, the vehicle mechanics could be interesting but a lot of what I'm hearing is a lot of action and weird stuff.

It's inspired by Kojima, Modern Warfare 2 and has Scalies in it. That's all you need to know.

Personally I think a campaign in the frosted cannibal forests of Oregon with a stranded platoon of NCR soldiers gone Colonel Kurtz entrenched in battle with post-war religious fundamentalists could be pretty choice, but that's a story for another day.
I feel like I'll end up doing a rewrite of this much like my New California one just because it's such a shameful waste of good manpower and legitimate gameplay effort for a story that wouldn't even be worth a DeviantArt post.

Actual car mechanics in Gamebryo is a fucking miracle and definitely the diamond in the rough on this inevitable mess.

What do you mean "rewrite"? Do you mod or are you a story writer?
Anyways, looking foward to It aswell. The NCR questline is basically Fallout of Duty.
What I have seen of it so far is just constant pew-pew. Meh.
So if I got it straight this mod is like a DLC for New Vegas for level 20+ characters. You are recommended to go to Portland, Oregon after you have reached level 20. And once there you can play through the mod.

In that regard I understand why they wanted to keep the factions of NV. If you have aligned yourself with NCR in the Mojave then you would probably like to help them out in Portland as well. And vice versa if you have aligned yourself with the Legion.

Edit: On the RPGCodex they are already discussing all of the decline that the mod brings. Like this for example:
If play NCR or Legion in Vanilla NV then you're a trump supporter. Also they didn't add in the enclave because it was a "fascist power fantasy" for trump supporters. This pissed a lot of people on discord off so they deleted the stream. Also this mod was inspired by Call of duty and Kojima. Smells like a turd already.

That gives some serious red flags. If you are so up in your own liberal politics and morals that you're hesitant to allow certain role-playing then you should probably not be developing RPG:s and certainly not Fallout. But I guess that explains why the NCR campaign is so linear.
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What do you mean "rewrite"? Do you mod or are you a story writer?
Anyways, looking foward to It aswell. The NCR questline is basically Fallout of Duty.

Nah I just shitpost on these forums. I did a really big New California rewrite post because I was frustrated with the mod's potential (and due to COVID not DMing my Fallout campaign and bursting to write fallout nerd fiction) and I had a lot of fun doing it, and I was just saying I might end up doing the same thing since this mod looks like fantastic manpower with a misplaced story.

That gives some serious red flags. If you are so up in your own liberal politics and morals that you're hesitant to allow certain role-playing then you should probably not be developing RPG:s and certainly not Fallout. But I guess that explains why the NCR campaign is so linear.

That attitude they have massively misses the point of one of the design philosophy backbones of New Vegas. Avellone, Gonzalez and Sawyer weren't centrist fence-sitters when writing NV and yet getting them to voice personal moralistic opinions from them about the factions is like pulling blood from a stone unlesss they're talking about their percieved mistakes with developing the Legion.
>inspired by Call of Duty

And in the trash bin it goes. Leave CoD out of Fallout, official release or mod by fans regardless.


Trigger warnings, it has unironic trigger warnings like in Bloodlines 2. Jesus.

Welp, another crappy mod that misses entirely the point of New Vegas and just Fallout in general.
I watched a stream and the first 40 minutes involves flashbacks to playing a corridor shooter sequence of some rando (In an RPG?) and then a bunch of cinematic cutscenes of gamebryo NPCs talking at eachother with CoD tier exposition.

This seriously is Fallout's version of Hunt Down The Freeman. The parallels are uncanny.
Because putting over-emphasis on arguably the worst part of New Vegas, the combat, was a good idea.
New Vegas deserves a Nevada/Sonora tier fan campaign, I don't know why the Ruskies get it so right and NV modders miss the mark.

Maybe Fallout Miami will be good.
Yeah, this is a really weird one. Nobody sane ever said "hey, the combat in Fo3 and FNV is super awesome, I wish I had more of that!" ... and now some folks made a huge mod around combat ... it's like they were playing a different game than we did.

Like, just look at the mess that is the final battle at Hoover Dam or heck, that shit that went on in Fo3. It's simply not good, because the game cannot into huge battles.

Bit funny how arrogant(?) modders can be with thinking they know better than the original game devs. :D
Yeah, this is a really weird one. Nobody sane ever said "hey, the combat in Fo3 and FNV is super awesome, I wish I had more of that!" ... and now some folks made a huge mod around combat ... it's like they were playing a different game than we did.

Like, just look at the mess that is the final battle at Hoover Dam or heck, that shit that went on in Fo3. It's simply not good, because the game cannot into huge battles.

Bit funny how arrogant(?) modders can be with thinking they know better than the original game devs. :D

It honestly is pretty weird. At least with New California you can see the driving motivation being telling more stories in the Fallout world, but The Frontier seems combat focused at the core which...yeah. Why?
From the trailers and from some of the commentaries I have seem about this mod, it seems actually extremely impressive and interesting. I will absolutely play it thoroughly and share my thoughts about it later. They definitely seem to have achieved things the gamebryo engine was never even supposed to be capable of.

Also. Can't believe you guys are really going to trash this mod with criticism before you even got to play it yourselves. FFS it's a passion project by modders who are hardcore fans of the franchise and have been working on this thing in their spare time for the past 7 years, all just so they can release it for free for everyone to play.
From the trailers and from some of the commentaries I have seem about this mod, it seems actually extremely impressive and interesting. I will absolutely play it thoroughly and share my thoughts about it later. They definitely seem to have achieved things the gamebryo engine was never even supposed to be capable of.

Also. Can't believe you guys are really going to trash this mod with criticism before you even got to play it yourselves. FFS it's a passion project by modders who are hardcore fans of the franchise and have been working on this thing in their spare time for the past 7 years, all just so they can release it for free for everyone to play.

I don't think anyone is trashing the technical achievements of the mod.