Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

I have to say, one of the things, besides the fetishes, that really bother me with this mod is how hypocritical both Blackthrone and Valerius are. Blackthrone we are told cares about his soldiers, which was why he exiled himself from the NCR, and doesn't want them to die needless deaths yet according to his own men he kills deserters if they try to go back home and wastes a ton of men and resources in order to rescue a mailman.
Then you have Valerius who we are told wants to make the Legion more progressive and forward thinking yet has a kinky sex dungeon filled with female sex slaves. Like, I know that there were multiple writers but did none of them go over each others notes and just went with the rough drafts that they had? I mean, they unintentionally made Blackthrone and Valerius two of the biggest hypocrites in fiction.
The writers could have done something really interesting if their intention was to make the two be hypocrites and have the player call them out on it but you can't do even that.
I never pictured towering skyscrapers there, I pictured a concrete and asphalt cemetary. You could maybe excuse some places that got air-blasted.

You were saying?

I kid, but still. I think that Mad Max game did a pretty good job of what such a city would look like.

There is this thing.

Um, I probably have not played as many games as some others have - but to me this feels like a rip off the Restoration Project ending.
I mean, concepts as a whole are unplagiarizable - one movie containing violence doesnt copy another movie, just for containing violence, and so on...
I just feel like an idea like this comes a little too close.
The RP's interactions are also a lot more endearing imo...
I have to say, one of the things, besides the fetishes, that really bother me with this mod is how hypocritical both Blackthrone and Valerius are. Blackthrone we are told cares about his soldiers, which was why he exiled himself from the NCR, and doesn't want them to die needless deaths yet according to his own men he kills deserters if they try to go back home and wastes a ton of men and resources in order to rescue a mailman.
The devs say this is on purpose, that they are supposed to be hypocritical to underline the futility of thier efforts in the Frontier. Now, that's a sensible answer, but it fucking sucks. Everything in this mod's main story is just hypocritical characters, the Player Character getting knocked out, futile causes that fall apart, and guilt being laid on the player character for shit they don't control. And that really sucks.
Oh no, terrible TERRIBLE news :sad:

Wolf7000 was a dear colleague, he was super enthusiastic about my Arizona Slave Army and Knightmare Fiends mods and took lots of good pictures to post on my mods' pages. I loved it when he did that.


We even chatted a bit via Steam chat and Nexus private messages. The guy was a real New Vegas lover.

Rest in peace buddy.
Those are your mods? Great shit dude, those are some of my favorite armor mods. Also I'm very sorry for your loss brother.
Another thing I find funny are the trigger warnings and how disjointed they are. I am so glad that they added trigger warnings for arachnophobia and blood and gore. Now everyone can experience inclusive and non horrifying content like bestiality, child sex slavery, mental and emotional abuse, rape and genocide. Like, goddamn it, I have no words or quips for this. And the worst part is that all the stuff I listed are the writers fetishes.
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I find it odd that the mod page says don't bring companions because they will interfere with cutscenes But even if you use the Frontier's companions they just ruin the Crusaders's cutscenes. If you do the NCR path, it just leaves your companions behind.

it does not help that i learned that the legion route was written by NazotheDark. a guy that made a whole video essay about how much the someguyseries is trash and it's humor has no place in new vegas because he hates fallout 2 and is gate keeping.

he got backlash for that video and of course he deleted the video like the coward he is.

then you go play his mods and you find out he can't mod for shit as all three of his mods are average at best. and he goes on and on about how someguy broke lore but then you remember he was involved in the progressive legion in the frontier.
Heard that many on the Frontier team hated Someguy's mods as they were "triggering" and "offensive". At least with Someguy's mods he was inspired by western movies made by Sergio Leone, Sergio Corbucci and Sam Peckinpah and books written by Cormac McCarthy (NVB1 and Russell was inspired a lot by Blood Meridian), Larry McMurtry (The character of Red Bear was inspired by Blue Duck in Lonesome Dove), Louis L'Amour, Elmore Leonard and Elmer Kelton. Since New Vegas is at it's core a western many of those themes fit well with New Vegas and can be considered lore friendly.

With the Frontier there was nothing lore friendly about this mod. The progressive Legion was, perhaps, one of the most insulting lore breaks I saw. The fact that they tried to make the Legion "progressive" and conform to current year gender politics shows that not only did they not understand New Vegas but also couldn't separate art from the artist. Also, the devs political views and logic are quite strange to me. The Enclave are evil, racist, fascist, Trump supporters but the Legion are fine as they have strong women in their ranks now so that makes them progressive. Just because you have women now engaging in the horrible war crimes that the Legion commits doesn't make them progressive. True progress would be the Legion not doing things like slavery or crucifixion anymore. This is the type of political outlook and logic I would except from a Twitter gremlin.
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The Frontier has SPIDERS! OH GOD!

I am so glad that they added trigger warnings for arachnophobia and blood and gore. Now everyone can experience inclusive and non horrifying content like bestiality, child sex slavery, mental and emotional abuse, rape and genocide

Oh, well nevermind.

Some interesting take aways

  • They don't know why they chose Portland
  • Nazothedark wrote the Trochilli
  • Nazothedark thinks the plagiarism is more of poorly done reference then outright plagiarism
  • Everyone thought that Rancor was too obvious of being the Legion mole
  • Ostia is not based off a real world place. One of the team members made the tileset and the team wanted to use it.
  • Nazothedark wrote the Charlene shock scene
  • There was no collaboration about character backstories. That's why Rancor and Valerius are different depending on what path you take.
  • Everyone considers the NCRMQ a trainwreck
  • Nazothedark wants to put this on his resume
  • The Mojave C finder uses different satellites then the Portland one.
  • Anderw (Maybenexttime?) just picked modders if they did something cool to work on the project.
  • NCRMQ took around 5 years. Crusaders 2 1/2 years and Legion half a year.
  • Wrench's Love a Leash perk is named after the B movie of the same name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_on_a_Leash
  • Nazothedark and Odin wrote the companions

Some interesting take aways

  • They don't know why they chose Portland
  • Nazothedark wrote the Trochilli
  • Nazothedark thinks the plagiarism is more of poorly done reference then outright plagiarism
  • Everyone thought that Rancor was too obvious of being the Legion mole
  • Ostia is not based off a real world place. One of the team members made the tileset and the team wanted to use it.
  • Nazothedark wrote the Charlene shock scene
  • There was no collaboration about character backstories. That's why Rancor and Valerius are different depending on what path you take.
  • Everyone considers the NCRMQ a trainwreck
  • Nazothedark wants to put this on his resume
  • The Mojave C finder uses different satellites then the Portland one.
  • Anderw (Maybenexttime?) just picked modders if they did something cool to work on the project.
  • NCRMQ took around 5 years. Crusaders 2 1/2 years and Legion half a year.
  • Wrench's Love a Leash perk is named after the B movie of the same name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_on_a_Leash
  • Nazothedark and Odin wrote the companions

Always knew that there was something odd about Nazo. He comes across as a typical male feminist (the last kind of person who should of wrote for the Legion) such as filling his mods full of "strong" female characters like female legionaries or female Kings but is actually a disgusting degenerate that sees women as sex objects as we see with characters like America and Charlene. The fact that there was two degenerates with an Asian slave fetish, Odin being the other one, really creeps me the hell out.

Ostia doesn't surprise me. I live in the Pacific Northwest and never have I seen buildings that look like Ostia. Even during the 50's, many of our buildings for museums usually were pretty modern for the time. As the guys in the Four Decent Friends playthrough said, there doesn't seem to be any exhibits and such in this place. It looks like a medieval fortress. It would have been more lore friendly if they just had the Legion build a fortress. Just don't make it as fancy.

If I was Nazo I would not want to put this shitshow on my resume. Mainly because if he does do it his employers will discover that he is a creepy sex pest and not let him anywhere near his female co-workers or let alone give him a job.
he is also a hypocrite. goes on this tirade about how fallout 2 is the worst game in the series and it's humor has no place in new vegas. almost everything he wrote in frontier is fallout 2 levels of dumb but with out the irony.