Fallout Widescreen


First time out of the vault
Hello everyone,

I've recently decided to replay Fallout 2, but since I last played it I've upgraded to a 1440x900 resolution widescreen LCD monitor. Is there any way I can increase the resolution of Fallout so it is compatible with my monitor?

I already thought about the Fallout 2 patcher, but sadly, it only supports standard ratio resolutions. So, am I out of luck? Or is there light at the end of this tunnel?

Thanks in advance.
The patcher is the only resolution changer I've heard of, I'm afraid. Well, that and IanOut/FIFE, but those are not an option really.
It seems I posted in the wrong area. My apologies.

Anyway, I've been thinking, the Fallout resolution changer basically works like a hex editor, right? Would it perhaps be possible for me to change the addresses manually?

Also, why won't IanOut/FIFE work? I've not heard about them before I'm afraid.
Thier fanmade engines emulating the fallout 2 engine. Search google if you want to find out more/ try out one.
Argonnot said:
Thier fanmade engines emulating the fallout 2 engine. Search google if you want to find out more/ try out one.

Well, that would certainly explain why they won't help in this case. Hmm. I suppose that means my only option is to manually hex edit the resolution settings, which I'm not exactly sure how to do.

If only the resolution changer supported widescreen resolutions...
Firov said:
I suppose that means my only option is to manually hex edit the resolution settings, which I'm not exactly sure how to do.

Since the patcher required quite a lot of work, I very much doubt that you can get similar results through a simple hexedit.
Per said:
Since the patcher required quite a lot of work, I very much doubt that you can get similar results through a simple hexedit.

Yes, you are probably right. I've been looking over the available information and I'm starting to agree with you. Well, then that leaves me with no options then. Great. So much for going through Fallout again then I guess.
Firov said:
So much for going through Fallout again then I guess.

The monitor won't let you play games with ordinary resolutions? Or you just wouldn't think it was worth it? I didn't gather from your first post that the replay was conditional on changing the resolution.
Technically I can run it, yes. However, it looks absolutely terrible running on a widescreen monitor. I can't help but feel that I am controlling short little fat dwarves when I try to play it. Furthermore, its very pixilated on this monitor, although I guess it was pixilated on my other monitor too.

Perhaps the radiation has mutated them so they are short and wide? :?
mvBarracuda said:
Some examples of FIFE in action (click to enlarge):

That looks very much like Fallout 2, and I mean with the map layout. Has someone converted Fallout 2 to the FIFE engine? If so, then that would make a fine substitute for the real thing.
Firov said:
That looks very much like Fallout 2, and I mean with the map layout. Has someone converted Fallout 2 to the FIFE engine? If so, then that would make a fine substitute for the real thing.
These are actually Fallout 1 & 2 maps loaded into our engine.

Unfortunately our engine is far from finished. This means you can't play the Fallout 2 campaign with FIFE yet. At least there is one good news for you: if we ever reach the stage where it is possible, you can choose whatever resolution you like :-)
mvBarracuda said:
if we ever reach the stage where it is possible, you can choose whatever resolution you like :-)

This looks like an incredible idea, you gotta finish it. I didn't notice a "donation" button on your website. ;)
mx_ said:
This looks like an incredible idea, you gotta finish it. I didn't notice a "donation" button on your website. ;)
There is no donation button because we don't accept donations. If anyone wants to support us: contribute to the development. Join the team and help us making a great engine. The most guys will say: "but I can't code!" but that's no problem as we're searching for gfx artists, news poster and all other kind of people.

The most imporant issue with donations is that it pressures the team. If we stop working on FIFE because the team fell apart nobody will be angry but if we accepted donations the donators will say: "I've paid them money and now they simply screw the project."
mvBarracuda said:
The most imporant issue with donations is that it pressures the team.

I thought it was more like an advantage; depending on how much you want to finish it of course. If you consider it important, then donations are a motivator. If you aren't very enthusiastic about the project yourself, well, that's a different story. I wouldn't think donations oblige. Besides, if you say something like "we can't guarantee the success of this project, but your donations significantly boost our chances." - you'll be off the hook. But I understand your point.

I can code, but unfortunately I have very little time (what a surprise! :) ). Also, I've never dug into fallout game scripts, and not very eager to (for I have other priorities of things I need to learn asap). I would, however, like to participate in a part-time do-everything-random type of way. My main inclination is web development and dealing with public. I like writing (articles?) and helping out as much as I can with things I appreciate. You might consider keeping me in mind.

(My info's in profile)