Fallout World map travel to fast! Help!


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Ok so heres my problem. I went and played Fallout 2 today, I prepared to make my journey to Klamath and wow was the world map travel fast. Faster then I remember and Faster then Fallout 1.

Now it took about 1-3 seconds to get from Aroyo to Klamath. The thing is I dont remember it being like this before. Maybe I just didnt pay much attention to it. I tried Fallout 1 and it worked fine and normal on the world map. This is just happening in Fallout 2. Both the clock and sun and mood dials move fast and seem to match up with the fast world map movement.

I Have version 1.02 with the official patches for all the bugs. I mean the interplay patch. It came patched out of the jewel case. I heard this version has faster map travel. Im skeptical of this explanation.

Can any of you point me in the direction of a patch to fix this please, if one exist? With the world map travel being screwed up it kind of kills some of the game IMO. For me anyways.

Is it odd that I didn't notice this before? Is this a problem that could have just popped up one day? Is it a problem with my laptop? Or even my game? I could have sworn the map travel was normal weeks ago, if not months ago.

Also the rest of the game is not effected. The rest of Fallout 2 plays as it should, animations, movies and all play smoothly and well. Also like I said this isnt effecting Fallout 1 just Fallout 2. I wonder why since they appear to be the same game tech wise. Also Im looking for a patch that will slow the world map down some. The little red x that represents your character on the map doesn't even struggle to cross the mountianous terrain either. It just zooms across the map. God its annoying. It really blows the whole "your struggling to survive feel". lol
Map travel in FallOut2 is directly linked to your processor speed. So on modern computers you are going to fly at ridiculous speeds. As the above poster said, KillAp's unofficial patch can be found in the download section and will fix this up - though I remember some commenting during its initial release that it made overworld travel *too* brutal and there was talk of adjusting the encounter rates accordingly.
I tried a patch that was a encounter booster. It was in the downloads section here. It was 23k I believe. Its just a TXT file. I installed it thinking it would slow down the world map travel but it didnt, all it did was give me an insane amount of random encounters. If I clicked on a spot on the map just a inch from where I was and tried to move I got into a encounter. It sucked. I got rid of it.

I will try kilaps it sounds more along the lines of what Im looking for.

Also why doesn't this effect Fallout 1? I tried it and the map travel is normal. I was thinking maybe some of the guys who work on the game patches and know how to could look into it and maybe get what keeps Fallout 1 from being effected and possibly they could apply it to Fallout 2 possibly.
fallout_fan said:
Also why doesn't this effect Fallout 1? I tried it and the map travel is normal. I was thinking maybe some of the guys who work on the game patches and know how to could look into it and maybe get what keeps Fallout 1 from being effected and possibly they could apply it to Fallout 2 possibly.
It is the way the map travel was implemented for Fallout 2 - it is different than F1. Also, modders have already taken the F1 code and brought it over to F2.

Though my unofficial patch is quite useful and fixes an insane amount of bugs, it won't be compatible with your current save games. That is until my latest unofficial patch is released. Until such time though, I suggest you grab the latest version of sfall, copy it over to your main Fallout 2 directory (where fallout2.exe is) and then edit ddraw.ini and change WorldMapFPSPatch to 1
killap said:
fallout_fan said:
Also why doesn't this effect Fallout 1? I tried it and the map travel is normal. I was thinking maybe some of the guys who work on the game patches and know how to could look into it and maybe get what keeps Fallout 1 from being effected and possibly they could apply it to Fallout 2 possibly.
It is the way the map travel was implemented for Fallout 2 - it is different than F1. Also, modders have already taken the F1 code and brought it over to F2.

Though my unofficial patch is quite useful and fixes an insane amount of bugs, it won't be compatible with your current save games. That is until my latest unofficial patch is released. Until such time though, I suggest you grab the latest version of sfall, copy it over to your main Fallout 2 directory (where fallout2.exe is) and then edit ddraw.ini and change WorldMapFPSPatch to 1

About the save games. When I noticed the insane map speed I stopped playing the game. I was only in klamath anyways. I figured I would need to download a patch to fix this, and from trying the Fallout 2 high res patch I knew the save would be useless. So saved games are definitely not an issue. I just hope I can get the map speed back to normal.

Whats better your patch or sfall? If you dont mind me asking? Also what the easiest to use and install? Im looking to fix the speed with minimal difficulty in implementing a patch. Or would recommend both?
It's not really a question about what is best as they do different things. Sfall tweaks the game engine while the patch mainly deals with bugs in the scripts and maps. It's more that they complement each other. In fact, the patch needs sfall for some of it's fixes.

So, if you don't mind starting over then definitely go with killap's patch.
It fixes some 800 bugs (or maybe that number is even higher now) and has sfall included in it (though a pretty old version).
It you get the installer version it's very easy to install.

But if you only care about the speed fix and none of the others, then sfall is the way to go.
I will download both then. Is there a way I can get the newest sfall patch? Is it in the downloads section?

Also thanks you all for the help and answers.
So far I have downloaded killaps patch from his site killap.net. It works great, the map speed looks normal again, at least more normal then the insane speed it was before. I noticed some people say killaps patch made the world map travel to brutal, to me it looks about normal. Also it seems to slow down when crossing mountains, which happens in both Fallout 1 and 2. So that lends to it looking correct.

If I download sfall will it mess up killaps patch which I have already installed? I will try it out. Im hoping editing the map travel speed is easy. I saw a pic on these forums where it looked like a slider of some sort with a windows skin on the tool. That looked simple. Im going to go look for sfall.

Ok. I have sfall now can someone tell me how Im supposed to install it? Once again thanks for any help.


Killap has a link posted. I got it. I mean sfall.


Killap posted how to install it.
I installed both killaps patch and sfall. But now I seem to get a random encounter each square. Theres about 4-5 maybe between Arroyo and Klamath. Before I installed sfall it seemed pretty normal. But after I installed sfall the random encounters became an annoyance. I know some people like them. But not that much.

Can I change this?

Also is there supposed to be a WORLD MAP.TXT File in with any of these two patches that has something like this?

; This sets up the default values for data that is used by the worldmap
; Encounter frequency percentages:
Forced=100% ; This shouldn't change
Frequent=65% ; Was 9/3d6
Common=55% ; Was 8/3d6
Uncommon=50% ; Was 6/3d6
Rare=45% ; Was 5/3d6
None=0% ; This shouldn't change
You might have to make some changes to the new ddraw.ini file based on what already comes in the one with my patch. Compare them both and make the necessary changes. The world map speed is one such change, but there are probably others. I can't remember off the top of my head.
I found the part of the ddraw.ini file that controls the random encounter frequency. I have edited it. I think I set it from 30 to 50.

Also when I set Map worldmapFPS to 1 it became to slow. I could barely move the mouse. It was very very jerky. I set it back to 30.