Yes, you can increase the resolution but the maps weren't built to support that.
Yes, you can increase the resolution but the maps weren't built to support that.
Could this change in the future versions or rather not?
I just discovered that the hi-res mod massively drops FPS in areas with lots of animation going on. Going back to the original resolution restores the FPS to normal, even when all of the running animations are on the current screen.
Have no clue why is that happening or how to fix it but just wanted to give a heads up for people coming back saying that the mod is running slow for them.
Yes, high resolution is highly desirable (hexer, please! =). But now in what kind of permission in Fallout - here it is more convenient for someone. Personally, it is more pleasant for me when the resolution of the game is 1280 x 720, if more - everything is very small.Anyways cough.. *Jebus* cough.. *Chrust* it's 2021 does anyone seriously consider to release a gane in 640x480 resolution?!
I'd say aim for the bare *minimum* of 1920x1080, and perhaps also half of that value forpeopleweirdos who first played Fallout on a 17" CRT, and love their game to be pixel carnival.
First off. in ddraw.ini set: SingleCore=0 instead of the default SingleCore=1
next set: OverrideArtCacheSize=0 instead of OverrideArtCacheSize=1
Finally: go to fallouty.cfg and in [system] section set: art_cache_size=512 .
I do mean it when I say I'm willing to assist you with the bugs for a time, You just need to react to the bug reoprt consistently.
Do you mean the UPU? What bugs are those? Somehow this went completely past me.I fixed over 100 bugs still present in the latest Fallout 2 unofficial patch.
I don't have the manpower to convert 450 maps to high resolution format. Unless maps have their edges properly setup, they look like shit and I'm not putting my name on that.
When I enable HIRES 1920x1080 as you suggest, the game runs at 3 to 5 FPS. Completely unplayable. Where can I file a bug report for that? Nowhere, because Mash never released the source code and is MIA since 2014.
I'm already shipping the game with OverrideArtCacheSize=0 and art_cache_size=512.
SingleCore=1 will be changed in R4 to SingleCore=0 but that didn't help with the FPS drop.
R3 ships with "Large Adress Aware.exe" but I was informed by NovaRain and Mr.Stalin that it won't help at all.
You are aware that I'm working on this game every day? How can you write that I'm not consistently reacting to the bug reports when I have thousands of items on my TODO list? Who sets the priorities for the project, a person on the forum or the main developer? I fixed over 100 bugs still present in the latest Fallout 2 unofficial patch. The amount of work that needs to be done on this game is incredible. This game is 3 times the size of Fallout 2.
I need to focus on finishing adding all the content into the game and then we can test and fix the bugs until the end of the world. Early Access releases shouldn't be treated as if they're a final game.
Do you mean the UPU? What bugs are those? Somehow this went completely past me.
Whoahh.. easy there.. sorry.. didn't mean to step on your toes with my post.
Anyways I figured out what's causing me to crash on XL703 Mr.FixIt weapon upgrade. it is caused by launching XL703 upgrade page in Mr.Fixit when Mr.Fixit window finds itself beyond the borders of the map. ( does happen on some small random encounter maps +HRP with high resolution set. (I know HRP is not supported). still XL703 is lacking a proper image in Mr.FixIt Has some buggy image instead (probably the current image goes beyond Mr.FixIt boarders, and when launching on a small map in HRP and boom crash to desktop).
1. I can't seem to find the party NPC the so called Hanged Man.. Is he sepose to be in Reservation? if so where..?
2. I've managed to reach CoS by killing the BoS traitor and extracting the location from his brain, however CoS soldiers attack me on sight either claiming I'm BoS or NCR spy. is there a way to aproch them peacefully? or does one have to fight his way through to get that T-51b Armor? there a single Chemistry Journal in the game? if so where?
Nah, I'm good, I will play in the low res modus.Yes, you can increase the resolution but the maps weren't built to support that.
I used the Hi-Res patch on my own and I never got slowdowns, Fallout: Yesterday run perfectly for me (although I haven't left Tibbets).People have been telling me since last July that the game is running extremely slow with NO ONE telling me they've installed HI-RES patch on their own.
I used the Hi-Res patch on my own and I never got slowdowns, Fallout: Yesterday run perfectly for me (although I haven't left Tibbets).
I think people have slowdowns because they set the resolution too high or just mess up the other graphical setting with the patch.
I assume that I don't have any slowdowns because I run the game on a laptop. So my game's graphics Width and Height are set to 1920 and 1080 (so I can have the game fill the screen) and then I set the resolution to 960x540, so that the game keeps a similar visual to the original resolution.
This allows me to play Fallout: Yesterday filling my entire screen, but with a similar style as the original game. Other resolutions just cause some graphical problems, like text not displaying right, or everything is too small on the screen, etc. It also has the advantage of the maps not looking too weird, because we don't need to scroll the camera too far from the usable map area.
This is how it looks in game:
Graphics size 1920x1080 with a resolution of 960x540:
Here's the direct link to the image, if anyone is interested in seeing the full sized picture:
I had to put it on a code box otherwise the site change it automatically to a imgur page instead of the actual direct image.Code:
anyways I've already PMed @Mr.Stalin about the issue, I hope He'll tackle it.
I haven't seen anybody else post this but there are instances i the game where there are no floor tiles set ( mostly oil rafinery in fort abbadon and certain stripes in BoS bunker ( this is regardless of resolution i set), the effect is that any living critter and the cursor leave traces on the floor, unitl map exit.
is there currently a way to decrypt stolen pipboys? I've tried oddyseus, but it was in vain
This is not a matter of setting Mode=3 in sfall-mods.iniShould have checked with me first. I disabled mode 2 and mode 3 works only for Beastlords.
The Prisoner is the main character's general name (like Vault Dweller and the Chosen One). So I assume it's the second option.By mentioning 'Prisoner' You mean the time before breaking prison or do you refer to 'dude' in general?
in other words is there another way (already built in the game) for cracking pipboy encryption that is found beyond Tibbets?