Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Did you walk back to 0 on the resolution settings? I.e. starting from 640x480, native resolution? It mentions that in the install instructions.

I tried it in Fallout 2 CE, but no love. No surprise there though. Hit the "wmAreaInit::Error loading Cities!" issue.
yeah I did 640 resolution but Idk where to put "0" in
ok I'm a bit of a idiot

turns out I had fallout nevada running in the backround, why I didn't see it sooner? well for some reason the only way to access nevada is to double click it in task manager
Did you walk back to 0 on the resolution settings? I.e. starting from 640x480, native resolution? It mentions that in the install instructions.

We sorted out his issues on Discord. He used Fallout Nevada files together with Fallout Yesterday which is not going to work.

I tried it in Fallout 2 CE, but no love. No surprise there though. Hit the "wmAreaInit::Error loading Cities!" issue.

I hope they'll support FY soon!

I'm new to this fangame, say how finished is it on a scale from 1 to 100? after completeing fallout 1, 2 and nevada, I am getting withdrawls from the stuff!

It's about 60% complete but the percentage factor will move slower now to accommodate for all the things that need to be added before the final v1.00. So the next release will probably be v0.65.

Now that the gameplay stuff got some love, it's time to go back to content which is faster to implement.
Just to illustrate, I would sometimes spend a week or two fixing some nasty engine bug or looking for the best workaround.
I installed the game with instructions version 0.6

1. Extract the game to a new folder of your choice. Do *not* extract the game into an existing Fallout 2 installation.

2. Copy fallout2.exe, master.dat, critter.dat and patch000.dat files from Fallout 2 install folder to the Fallout Yesterday install folder (the one with patch001.dat)

and i get

fallout 2 error initializing video mode 640x480

what should i do?
Hi, The game crashes every time I leave the first area of the game, and every time I load, it crashes. Some NPC sprites aren't present in the game. (the brahmin for instance)
Fo:Y relies *heavily* on sfall, so I wouldn't count on running it via Fallout2CE, the problem is there are tons of differences i Fo:Y compared to Fo2, so it's not possible without sfall, even basic stuff s the worldmap wouldn't work in Fo:Y, because encounter table is a lot bigger ( actually it hit even the sfall cap for those as far as i remember)..

@Crueler Johnny
What seemes to be the problem? are you running on windows? Or like some folks around here You try to launch it on a bitten apple?

way to go!!
unfortuneatly my time is of essence, there's like 4 or so chilly days ahead remaining and like 2 big title s to test.. it just sn't enaugh time..
I am still struggling to get a decent laptop, bought one but it turned out seller lied to me and it turned out to be garbage, so i'm awaiting refund, and after that buying a different one, though it will take time, until then i'm a hostage of outdoor conditions.


If you have error initializing Video 640x480 then Your Fallout2.exe is improperly configured!!

You need to patch it with mash's HRP patcher. Fo:Y does not use built in HRP due to probelms with Upscaled vids and how subtitles display, so your call, either enable built in HRP in ddraw.ini and ditch the subtitles, or get mash's patcher and patch the exe to use mash' HRP..

also the orignal instructions ( from previous versions) also said something about renamng the exe to fallouty ,a s in fallout: yesterday, the fallut<something>.cfg stated executable name= fallouty in v0.5 and it wouldn't work without changing one or the other.. so heads up
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Any new content with Angela?

Or some NPC reactions to some of the new perks?

Nice to see it updated. :)
Hi, The game crashes every time I leave the first area of the game, and every time I load, it crashes. Some NPC sprites aren't present in the game. (the brahmin for instance)

Hi, it sounds to me like you didn’t install the game properly. Follow the instructions inside INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS.txt
Question: how many caravan trips do I need to do for the 3-Some Caravan Company before they will let me officially join and give me quests? I have completed 4 in a row so far. My charisma is 3 if that helps.

Hmmm it should be 3 runs or 2 runs if you have Charisma 8+. You have to talk to Enzo, not Guido, to get hired
way to go!!
unfortuneatly my time is of essence, there's like 4 or so chilly days ahead remaining and like 2 big title s to test.. it just sn't enaugh time..
I am still struggling to get a decent laptop, bought one but it turned out seller lied to me and it turned out to be garbage, so i'm awaiting refund, and after that buying a different one, though it will take time, until then i'm a hostage of outdoor conditions.

Thank you! Don’t worry about not being able to play v0.6; the longer you wait to play it, the more content there will be to enjoy in later versions :nod:
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I entered exit of tibbets its just like this and thres no hole and rope to exit

On youtube in the same place was the exit with hole and rope to exit

SO the question is how to exit Tibbets?
I didnt edit save game files, the hole will appear when i talk to somebdoy or what? And if yes tell me who and where make screenshot for me
I didnt edit save game files, the hole will appear when i talk to somebdoy or what?

Oh wait, so you never left Tibbets in the first place?
OK, the hole appears on October 31st or when you try to blow up the big yellow generator.