Blackfyre said:
Has there been some sort of international genetic change which makes people allergic to turn-based, isometric games?
How many pen and paper turn based games that sold well you know off in recent years ?
Face it this gameplay concept aint popular, it was 10 years ago when the development resources where more limited, including the tech. Games moved forward for better or worse.
Just because production ceases doesn't mean that the demand disappeared. I'd argue that such a game would do quite well in today's market given the popularity of TRPGs on consoles.
Blackfyre said:
I'm not proposing an unworkable business model, just a less profitable one.
Can you give me an example of a successful developer using that model ?
He misworded the argument, it doesn't have to be a less profitable one (especially propotionally speaking) but rather a lower investment one. The shining example of this would be Popcap Games, though they are also the most mainstream company out there. An example more to what you're looking for would be something like Atlas.
Blackfyre said:
How many pen and paper turn based games have been produced and marketed by leading developers in recent years ?
you call it over--commercialisation i call it less popular; thy produce a concept that appeals to a broader audience. There is a reason that turn based games haven't been produced and lack of innovation ain't it. Less people gonna like it.
Correlation does not imply causation.
Blackfyre said:
Larger companies, with larger margins, could easily take smaller profits
because you are assuming turn based games do sell, yet just the fact there are none to be had might point you are wrong.
To add Civ. or total war in the same line as fallout is silly, those are strategy games and have nothing to do with possible fps implementations
Indeed, a better example are TRPGs for consoles (which are all japanese I'd add). The TRPG market is thriving and so are the companies that make them (Atlas, NIS, ect) so there is no reason that a western studio couldn't tap into that audience with a Fallout-esc game. Yes, they are different but I'd be surprised if it didn't take with a good portion of the market.
Blackfyre said:
Fallout 1/2 were PC games (okay, and Mac), in the days when PCs were less ubiquitous.
yet even then thy wherent bestsellers and you had those: Age of Empires, Jedi Knight II, TA, Quake 2, Tomb Raider 2 to name a few that had larger audience
You're arguing what is most profitable, not what is profitable and sustainable. That said, I haven't looked at the production costs and sales figures for those games so I can't say that they were more profitable (though I'd guess they were). These days games have out of control production costs so one could easily make the games they want if they simply budgeted their game(s) properly.
Blackfyre said:
but I'd rather you didn't get them from a Fallout sequel...
turn based iso gameplay isn't all what Fallout was, i belive there was more to it, the core its retro post apo. universe. Now how much of this beth let in fa3 i will tell once i play the game
What you beleive is irrelevant, what Fallout was designed to be is what matters. It was designed to be a computer game that brougth the PnP experience to the PC and did so with a post-apoch setting. Yes, the setting is required for a sequel but the PnP emulation was the main goal of the project and thus is even more important than the setting.
Herr Mike said:
I think the original Fallout would have been just as good with Real-Time combat, or Tactics-style "continuous turn-based".
I don't think that anyone has a problem with RTwP as an option as long as they don't screw the balance for TB.
Blackfyre said:
And, therefore, only FPS should be made? Because you don't like tactical combat?
not because i dont like it but if the majority of gamers prefer FPS style and it would be silly from any company to neglect that market share. As i said i belive hp & p turn based combat is a thing of the past there where none or a few games in the last decade to prove me elsewise and even Fallout stands more as an exception nowdays. I might be wrong , a game just that might be miracle realised and successful but till this day there are no factors other that speculation to point elsewhere.
KotR and KotR2 are both PnP based games (d20) with RTwP combat that have been very successful. No one has said that RTwP couldn't be an option for gameplay, just that it needs to have a well designed TB system.
Ad Astra said:
mandrake776 said:
You seems to dislike a lot of posts/posters on NMA. Why are you still here?
The underlying point that it was an inflamitory and uneccesary post is valid, even if his response to it was poor.