well yeah the Kuebelwagen was a good vehicle but it lacked all-wheel-drive capabilities which the Jeep had from what I can read. The Italians in general had only a handfull of comparable vehicles and most of them had not the same quality but this also counted for most of their tanks and othe equipment except for a few (Semovente Assault gun/Tank hunter but even they did a poor job compared to either German or Allied equipment). In general the output of jeebs was a lot higher to the Kuebel and it might explain why a Kuebel was seen twice as "expensive" like the US counterpart. But thats just speculation from my side. The Germans had always to struggle with motoriszing their units as whole leaving alone the army. In WW2 the only force that could realy take the account of beeing the first completely motorized army was the US which gave their infantry a very high mobility. Not even the Soviets achieved that before the end of the war as they had as well quite a few units using horses in their army at least for 43 and been dependand on rail roads though not so much like the Germans.
The Russian "jeep" would be the GAZ-67B (Gorkowski Awtomobilny Sawod). The similar look to the American Willy was intentional.
The Russian "jeep" would be the GAZ-67B (Gorkowski Awtomobilny Sawod). The similar look to the American Willy was intentional.