>Fixed a bug introduced in 4.3.1 that broke the debug message about a missing critter art file
>Fixed an issue where an item with a unique ID in the inventory had its ID reset by a non-unique item
>Restored the position of the ammo bar when ALTERNATE_AMMO_METRE=0 in f2_res.ini
>Improved the fix for the display issue in the pipboy when the automap list is too long
>Improved the compatibility mode check for newer Windows
>Changed PipBoyAvailableAtGameStart option and set_pipboy_available script function to no longer modify the vault suit movie state
>Added a fix for the main menu music not stopping when replaying the intro
>Added a fix for display issues when highlighting a multiline dialogue option
>Added a fix for the incorrect message being displayed when attempting to repair a dead robot
>Added a fix for the double click sound when selecting a location in the Status section of the pipboy
>Added a fix for extra hidden buttons below the location list in the Status section of the pipboy
>Added a fix for map lighting from Night Vision perk not updating when loading a saved game
>Added a fix for an animation glitch when death animations and combat start simultaneously
>Added a fix to prevent the game from hanging when reloading a weapon overloaded with ammo via the interface bar
>Added a few fixes for issues related to weapons with negative ammo
>Added a tweak to replace death animations on critters with single-frame variants on map load
>Added more options for tweaking some engine perks to the perks ini file
>Reduced the green tone of the message window on the interface bar for text clarity