Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

The hexagonal cursors are labeled MSEF*.frm in data/art/interface (found in the master.dat). I'm sure making variations and scripting them is possible, but the easiest personal fix is to export the file as a .bmp in Frame Animator, change the color and make it bolder in paint, and import it back into the .frm files
So I'm trying out Et Tu for the first time and I've tried everything I can think of to get the speed tweak working but to no avail. In the ddraw.ini I have Enable=1 in the speed section, I tried a handful of different keys for SpeedToggleKey, and I manually added SpeedMultiChange because it wasn't present before and tried various different values on that. I checked the debug log and no errors appear. if I change the SpeedMultiInitial, the overall speed of the game does change, so I'm really not sure why I'm not able to just toggle it myself. Any suggestions on what I should try next would be appreciated.
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Have you tried turning off Num Lock before using numpad keys?
sfall-readme.txt said:
Holding Ctrl and hitting numpad keys 0 to 6 (with Num Lock off) will adjust the game speed.
sfall 4.4.6 and 3.8.46 are released on SourceForge, along with their respective modders packs.
Changelog said:
>Fixed a bug introduced in 4.3.1 that broke the debug message about a missing critter art file
>Fixed an issue where an item with a unique ID in the inventory had its ID reset by a non-unique item
>Restored the position of the ammo bar when ALTERNATE_AMMO_METRE=0 in f2_res.ini
>Improved the fix for the display issue in the pipboy when the automap list is too long
>Improved the compatibility mode check for newer Windows
>Changed PipBoyAvailableAtGameStart option and set_pipboy_available script function to no longer modify the vault suit movie state
>Added a fix for the main menu music not stopping when replaying the intro
>Added a fix for display issues when highlighting a multiline dialogue option
>Added a fix for the incorrect message being displayed when attempting to repair a dead robot
>Added a fix for the double click sound when selecting a location in the Status section of the pipboy
>Added a fix for extra hidden buttons below the location list in the Status section of the pipboy
>Added a fix for map lighting from Night Vision perk not updating when loading a saved game
>Added a fix for an animation glitch when death animations and combat start simultaneously
>Added a fix to prevent the game from hanging when reloading a weapon overloaded with ammo via the interface bar
>Added a few fixes for issues related to weapons with negative ammo
>Added a tweak to replace death animations on critters with single-frame variants on map load
>Added more options for tweaking some engine perks to the perks ini file
>Reduced the green tone of the message window on the interface bar for text clarity