[FO2] Merchants and money


First time out of the vault
I have alot of guns I don't need after cleaning out vault 15. but the merchant in NCR had little cash, and I don't need any of the junk he currently has. and the guys back in new reno have some ammo but not alot of money.

where are some merchants that have some real cashola? or better armor than the guy in ncr.
Try San Francisco :)
I was like a kid in a candy store XD
On another note,money will mostly come from quests, and you dont need it seeing as you can simply trade items for other items ;)
The real point is trading stuff for stuff.

You'll only start getting real money in san francisco.

But after the merchants in san fran run out of cash you can use the general store in Gecko, the merchant there usually have 700~1000 cash.
Merchant in the Redding has 2000-2500 coins every few weeks. Also trading with the chemicals is very useful.
Don’t worry about money…just go around and loot all the ammo and weapons you can, it’s not like you can buy a house or something in the game. Though I do like the idea of hiring NPC mercenaries on a weekly basis to help take up the fight, and the more that get killed the more expensive it becomes to hire them… :P
valcik said:
Merchant in the Redding has 2000-2500 coins every few weeks. Also trading with the chemicals is very useful.

Spot on. The Redding banker carries a ton of cash, probably not enough for all the guns in V15 though. But chemicals (especially stimpaks) are fantastic because they have real game value to your party and, most importantly, they are weightless (unlike the flamer you picked up in V15).
.Pixote. said:
Don’t worry about money…just go around and loot all the ammo and weapons you can, it’s not like you can buy a house or something in the game. Though I do like the idea of hiring NPC mercenaries on a weekly basis to help take up the fight, and the more that get killed the more expensive it becomes to hire them… :P

Interesting. Nice idea, pixote ...
Another one is right outside of the NCR. He's a midget guarded by 3(maybe 2 don't remember) guards and sells good guns.
The midget only has guns, no real money.

Anyway on my first playthough I just used money on situations like "Oh ok this guy owes me 254$ let me put that value on the trade..." but I never used too much money on trades until SF.

I just go to some random encounters and get a bunch of guns to trade for stuff I need.

Way better than skipping to SF and ruining the game... >.>