Games you love, but don't really...

Mr Fish

Slippy sloppy, The

Simple pimple.
What's yours and why?
Honestly, my biggest one is probably the first Shenmue.

It has some cool aspects like the story, the funny voice acting, the music, the combat is pretty detailed for the time and some of the side stuff like the games and forklift races are fun as well.

However, there's a lot of waiting around and going from point A to point B. Shenmue 2 improves upon this game in everyway (before Shenmue 3 regressed behind even Shenmue 1).

I like it still, but there's a lot of bullshit to it. The saving grace is that the map is small enough so it isn't a hassle to get across it.
The Forest.
I just cant put up with the bullshit crafting again. It's just tiresome.
The fear factor of the game also drastically goes down on a 2nd playthrough.

Jet Set Radio
What's that?

Honestly, my biggest one is probably the first Shenmue.

It has some cool aspects like the story, the funny voice acting, the music, the combat is pretty detailed for the time and some of the side stuff like the games and forklift races are fun as well.

However, there's a lot of waiting around and going from point A to point B. Shenmue 2 improves upon this game in everyway (before Shenmue 3 regressed behind even Shenmue 1).

I like it still, but there's a lot of bullshit to it. The saving grace is that the map is small enough so it isn't a hassle to get across it.
Yeah I don't like time wasty bullshit that's practically just there to inflate game time.
Sonic Adventure 1. Massive nostalgia goggles for this game given that i played it back around it release, but i'm not gonna deny that the game has massive issues.

And everytime i think of replaying it, i gotta remember that i'm gonna have to play a fishing minigame to reach the end of the game.
I thought fishing minigames were the tits?
Not in a game all about high speed platforming. And i think i'm actually labeling it wrong because it's not a minigame, it's actually one of the core gameplay styles in the game, and Sega decided to put it in a Sonic game.
Not in a game all about high speed platforming. And i think i'm actually labeling it wrong because it's not a minigame, it's actually one of the core gameplay styles in the game, and Sega decided to put it in a Sonic game.
I'm playing Yakuza 5 right now, played every game prior to it. Now it has had moments where it goes "lets switch things up a little bit" but it usually is just for like 10 minutes, however in Yak5 the game is split up among 5 protagonists and in Part 3 you control a girl named Haruka. Before I tell you about her gameplay I guess I should stress that the games storylines and gameplay have been revolving around crime, intrigue, musclemen being macho and beating the shit out of one another. But this is a teenage girl. So what is her story? Oh she's an idol in the making and you get to do rythm game dance-offs with other characters.

I cannot stress how much I loathed this part of the game. I understand after beating it how important it is to set up the story for when she gets into a team up with a loanshark to play detectives and the crime intrigue begins again, but that does not change the fact that this story and gameplay comes like a whiplash to someone who just does not give a shit about any of it. Oh she's being bullied by talents from another agency? Oh.... I don't care. Skip cinematic.

So yeah I know how bad this can be now and I gotta say that I think that if there's any Yakuza game I will steer clear from replaying it is probably Yakuza 5.