General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I tried to play POS the other day, but gave up because it's worse than Fallout 4.
I lost the test of will to play Dark Souls 1 and/or 3 on unstable 1280x720 Low 20-30 FPS. I just can't. Especially 2 being so buttery smooth and pretty

Got stuck after a hallway full of acid and before Ridley on Super Metroid

So now i'm just playing Risk Of Rain with my own music on, chillin'

I may try PoE after Tyranny making the first contact for me
Right now i'm playing Shadow Warrior 2.

Always nice to see old games get remakes/reboots that don't totally suck ass.
So Persona 5 got delayed until April but now it has dual audio..... Is this game ever gonna get an english release? I might be able to learn Japanese before the game gets released at this rate....
I finished up my Witcher 1 playthrough late last night, aligned with the Scoia'tel. Completed pretty much every quest in the game, and by the end was laughably overpowered. The story and dialog were great, and the visuals, considering it was a 2007 release, were really not that bad. I may play it again sometime in the future with an Order-aligned Geralt on hard difficulty.

At any rate, I started a Witcher 2 playthrough today - I had played just a very little bit before, but this time I'm going to see it all the way through. Got through the prologue part of it already.
I had a momentary lapse of sanity and reinstalled Fallout 4. I had just been playing through Far Cry 3 and 4 and was on a bit of an fps exploration high, and thought that "hey, maybe if I don't at all try to play it as an rpg I might find some sort of enjoyment in it". Nope. Only a few hours later I'm already sick, frustrated and annoyed. I think it's quite telling that both Fary Cry 3 and 4 managed to have better written characters and more interesting plots, even in their obviously over-the-top satirical ways, than a game that is supposed to be an rpg. And it's really a shame that there aren't more good games in that genre. I will not hide the fact that I really enjoy the exploration portions of the new Fallouts, and it reminds me that there really aren't many games like that at all. The STALKER series is the only thing that comes close. The Metro games are much too railroaded. Then there's New Vegas, which is close to perfect since it has the exploration and the writing. But I can only play that so many times.

I jumped over to Dishonored instead. Haven't played it since it was first released and never played the DLC, so I thought I'd do that before giving Dishonored 2 a go. Seems like it might need a few patched on PC first, as well.
I decided to finish off my current playthrough of New Vegas after giving it a break for a few months. Just completed Honest Hearts (will level up a bit and meet he BoS until I start Dead Money however).

So I still have a while to go until I complete again. Role-Playing an NCR gunslinger who begins to question them and his own tactics.
Still playing battlefield one, It pretty decent shooter. I also like the gameplay pretty simple stuff but good. But of history are god an dnot too forced. Also period accurate weapons are pretty accurate. Although quite alot of the time bolt action don't kill in one shoot :(
Still playing battlefield one, It pretty decent shooter. I also like the gameplay pretty simple stuff but good. But of history are god an dnot too forced. Also period accurate weapons are pretty accurate. Although quite alot of the time bolt action don't kill in one shoot :(

So like real life? ;)
So like real life? ;)

Yeahhh ... Just least weak I took a lee enfeild to the knee and yeah i'm fine.

I mean it kill with head shoots and sometimes to he body but will quite aot not kill anyone even at closish range. Even though everyone knows that enfeilds can kill from atleast 1000m. But you know there you go.

However there is accuary over how manny bullets per mag how the gun is reloaded in blocks of five or single ammuation witch to be honest is pretty impressty compeared to how some games handel reloading and animation (Cough fallout 4). So yeah its not bad at all.

I personally would have mad more focuses on trenches and bolt actions but the game does really penlised you for having bolt action in games i can still get like 40 kills for 30 odd deaths or something. Only notcied recently some people are getting campey with sub machines guns in conners. However if people action played as squad the balance would be perfect.

With one medic (Rifle ) Two scouts (Sniper or bolt action ) One susport (Machine gun ) One assult (Shotgun ). But sometimes in a squad you can get like 3 sub machine guns and its like really ?

But yeah overally its still a really fun game and 28x better than that cod bs
Never thought I'd see the day when someone used the correct term :) Pretty much given up trying to educate people on the difference between a clip and a magazine.

The amount of confusion/Lack of knowledge keeps me in a constant state of what !? But yeah it is confusing when I watch videos and people use all the wrong terms for guns etc. Like they don't understand bipods , different types of scopes and shit they like that.
Confusing times indeed
Never thought I'd see the day when someone used the correct term :) Pretty much given up trying to educate people on the difference between a clip and a magazine.

Also guns in battlefield one are for the right hand. Not like fallout 4 XD.
Yeah, not sure how they managed to put the bolt on the left side of the hunting rifle in that game.

Its not just hunting rifles though, Some of the other guns also fire left handed some right though like mele weapons are held in the right hand. However I feel like some other weapons are left handed. Like the pipe gun i believe most of them are actually left handed witch again is quite odd. Also the anyyouing the way when drawing a revolver spining for no reasson. Also putting in more bulets than it takes to reload. e.g you shoot one bullet but putting a whole mag
Eh, I'm not bothered by the reloading thing, that's merely a convenience thing for the player. In a hardcore game like Underrail, fine, having to keep track of every weapon's current ammo and only reloading as much as necessary to fill the magazine works well. Fallout 4 is a casual experience, unfortunately, so Bethesda's goal is to avoid anything that means the player has to think heh.

That's something I enjoyed about Metro actually. The revolving shotgun, for example, reloads each shell individually and if you press fire before it completes, you can interrupt and shoot a shell (utterly necessary when being swarmed by Nosalises, a quick shot to blast them back followed by reloading remaining shells is a good tactic).
Quit playing Grim Dawn shortly before i was done with the hardest difficulty. I just didn't have much motivation for some unknown reason. Good game but i wish it would have had a better "secure" multiplayer like Diablo 2 had.

Currently playing bully and i like it. Not a perfect game but still quite fun! Thankfully i tried it now with win7 instead of fixing my new comp with win10 wich is really doesn't like.
perhaps the best pirate simulator i've seen so far. still mad through at storm that seems to spawn out of nowhere, with a waterspout. Oh what lovely day...
Me and my cousin were talking about that just a couple days ago when we went to rent a game. They keep making these shitty assassins creed games when their most successful assassins creed in recent memory is Black Flag, and it's only due to the pirate theme. They should make a spin-off series based entirely on piracy and creating your own pirates fleet based out of a pirates cove on some island.
Eh, I'm not bothered by the reloading thing, that's merely a convenience thing for the player. In a hardcore game like Underrail, fine, having to keep track of every weapon's current ammo and only reloading as much as necessary to fill the magazine works well. Fallout 4 is a casual experience, unfortunately, so Bethesda's goal is to avoid anything that means the player has to think heh.

That's something I enjoyed about Metro actually. The revolving shotgun, for example, reloads each shell individually and if you press fire before it completes, you can interrupt and shoot a shell (utterly necessary when being swarmed by Nosalises, a quick shot to blast them back followed by reloading remaining shells is a good tactic).
The worst part imo of Fallouts reloading is that you can make it go forever if you switch from first person to third person. Every time you do it, it resets the animation. I don't even know how that got past QnA
Just been playing the Pokeymans. It's pretty good, and for a Pokemon game, the main story encounters are challenging (specially compared to the hand holdy kindergarten that were the main story campaigns of XY and ORAS). Also I think I have grown old, because they introduced a system where you can automatize some of the grinding needed for competitive play based on timers and I think it's a godsend because I can just drop things in there when I am at work.